MYO-3587: Lorekeeper

Owned by zinnia

Voile, the grand library!


art by quetzy

In the largest mansion in the Dirge district of the outskirts, one can find a grand library - the nature of which almost rivals the brand library of the Church of Sulfur. Being in a location relatively isolated from the Burrowgatory's city center, who knows what b-sides and oddities can be found within...
The librarian won't mind, right?

As is her job as an expert archivist, Lorekeeper the librarian holds my personal worldbuilding and lore within the Succubuns universe. While this is intended to be kept 'canon-compliant', keep in mind it's not official canon! It's simply my own expansion of the existing setting, as I am a writer.

Use the tabs to the left to browse the library!


The Dirge District

Location: Far Burrowgatory outskirts

Named for the way in which the twisted branches of the odd trees that grow there cause the wind to 'sing' an odd, haunting melody, the Dirge District is a rather far-out and sparsely populated sect of Burrowgatory.

It's alledgedly one of the closer locations to Hell itself, hence its strange plant life. Because of this, it tends to attract many interested in demons and demonic studies... though they tend to be sorely dissappointed to find that demons who bother visiting Burrowgatory have their eyes more on the inner city than 'some roads in the middle of nowhere'.

But, all things considered, as spread out and few in numbers as the community is, it's rather tight-knit, and many are willing to lend their fellow bun a hand.


The Backstreets

Location: Burrowgatory's inner city

Deep in Burrowgatory's active nightlife district, if one is willing to hop a few fences, they can find a seemingly endless and winding network of mysterious alleyways.

Popular amongst urban explorationists, shemeing buns up to no good, or simply someone who's way too drunk and lost... the network of backstreets seems to be confusing on purpose. It's unknown if they're just a result of hasty city planning or something else entirely, but they're a perfect dark and out of the way destination for anyone who needs to look shady.



The garden demon

Location: Dirge district

Vesta is a rather unusual for a demon in burrowgatory - as opposed to the taller, unnaturally skintoned type, Vesta appears to be a shorter humanoid figure with sheep-like wool and ears... but that's simply on the surface.
Her outwards appearence is simply a 'shell', with her truly nightmarish real form occupying it inside.

Which, begs the question - if Vesta is such a terrifying and powerful demon, why does she bother spending her time in a place like Burrowgatory? Nobody really knows for sure, especially considering her cold and intimidating nature towards everyone... everyone but Velvet.

Having been the demon to raise Velvet, she's the subject of Vesta's adoration like how one would view a puppy. Even as Velvet has grown up, Vesta remains a safe and comfortable figure.

She's referred to as 'the garden demon' by locals due to her home being surrounded by an elaborate, very well taken care of garden.



The party demon

Location: ...Somewhere?

Shuten-doji is a demon only known by her psuedonym. She's elusive and mysterious, but surprisingly influential for being a demon in Burrowgatory - as she runs a popular nightclub by the name of The Oni's Den.

Her cited reason for running it tends to usually sum to up the fact that she believes watching the chaos of the night from her personal quarters to be incredibly entertaining - a bit like leaving the sims running with free will on maximum.

She seems to have a penchant for odd aesthetics, enjoying dim, warm lights and signing any of her notes with pink glitter pen.



The lesser demon

Location: Sele's apartment

Not quite the 'standard' variety of demon that visits Burrowgatory, Remi was instead sent to live there as humiliating punishment by a bigger, scarier demon. She's much smaller than what'd be expected of a demon - to the point of being shorter than Sele.

Despite her circumstances, she's quite down-to-earth and chill, all things about her circumstances considered. She seems very immature for a demon, so it's likely she views buns more like equals than other demons, who treat her with a similar controlling demeanor to buns.

She practically never leaves the apartment, though; as she doesn't like attracting stares on the street level. She mostly does online jobs, where she can pretend to be a bun herself - since her attempts to find work with an honest identity weren't too fruitful.


Lorekeeper doesn't appear to be aware of your presence.

You alert her, to which she responds with an exaggerated meep and jump up in shock - before she goes to minding her own studies.



Some call her dutiful, others call her embarrassing. Whatever she is, Lorekeeper is a studious woman obsessed with learning more about the world and its deeper meanings.

She lives in the Crimson sister's mansion full-time, and is collared by Yulan as her 'pet' - a dynamic that Lorekeeper can't get enough of.


Bun art: OK!
Doll art: OK! Alt outfits that you'd think would fit her are also OK!
NSFW: Solo OK! Couple art with Yulan only -- no need to ask for either!
Interactions/group art: I'd vastly prefer you'd keep it to only with Yulan or Ash, and avoid 'mass' group art :'D
Writing: Ask me about it!

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing