MYO-2289: Velvet

Owned by zinnia

velvet // she/her // unlabled orientation w a heavy pref for women

lives with the demon who raised her, far out in the outskirts in a location referred to as the 'dirge', due to the haunting way the strange curled trees make the wind whistle. kind of an oddball and not the most socially adept, but very kind-hearted, surprisingly. she loves plushies, and has a heavy attachment to one given to her by her demon caretaker when she was a baby to this day (even if said plushie is kind of ratty nowadays)

the demon who raised her is kind of scary and incomprehensible but loves her like one would a puppy, even as velvet has grown up. velvet does not mind this - if anything, being provided a cushy lifestyle free of any responsiblity is exactly to her liking.

tries to hide it from those she knows, but 'after dark' she has a big free use kink. unfortunately she kind of lives in fuckoff nowhere so it's a bit hard to indulge in that, so she's stuck in a bit of an odd position where she both loves her home in the outskirts and how unique it is, but also wants to go to the city so she can get railed. just girly things or whatever

bun art = ok!

doll art = ok! alt outfits also ok

nsfw = solo ok! faceless/floating parts also ok

interaction/group art = no thank you! unless you're a good friend

gift writing = i'd prefer not unless we talk about it extensively!

  • Gift art is allowed