MYO-3017: Kuchinashi クチナシ

Owned by Buccusus
2024 Breeding Partner: MYO-2361
Revvin_in_Red has permission to breed this succubun.

This Bun is the Primary System Member's Sona

!!Profile Image by Arashi-Penguin!!

"“The only real reason I moved to the east side
I love a good place to hide in plain sight”
- Phoebe Bridgers"

Full Theme Playlist with Content Warnings!

CWs: Depression, Gender Dysphoria / Small Town America Trans Experience, Drugs / Drug Use, Could be read as Stalking (Punisher), Vague References to SexWork, spousal abuse (Lights Out II), extreme violence/homicide (Lights Out II), Vague references to the eventuality of death.
Full Theme Playlist


TEDDY BEAR || 5’8”/1.73M || 280LBS


If their horns weren’t so prominent it would be hard to see this gentle bun as the Pride-Bun that they are. Wise beyond their years, they learned as much as they could from Gremorie, gathering knowledge and influence through their formative years. Their recent days have been filled with carefully deconstructing some of the lessons she taught them, which they realized were no longer contributing to their life, and were instead slowly draining who they were out of their self-image. Now, their pride is quieter; sometimes this comes in the form of the love springing from helping others, and sometimes, more rarely, from self-love. Sometimes their pride manifests itself as an internal battle with their mental illness they’re always willing to wage for the benefit of others over themselves. Their heart overflows with love, and as they learn more and more to love themself without condition as they do for others, they’re finding they don’t have to live in TSILLAS’ shadow. They can, instead, live beside him as an equal.

It was the realization of how their own rearing forever affected their life that led them down their new career path. After leaving the life of sex work when TSILLAS closed his establishment, they reached back out to their littermates as a peer who could truly understand how they felt. Helping establish The Envy & Others Peer Support Group wasn’t easy, even with funding from The Church of Sulfur. But with TSILLAS and SHUICHI by their side, generously supporting their new venture financially and organizationally, nothing could stop them. It’s become their life’s mission, even when it’s not regarding their littermates. If they find anybun in need, they’ll sometimes pour their soul into that other bun: truly and genuinely, and usually without a need for recognition.

It was no different when AZRAEL came into their life. Kuchi immediately knew he wasn’t taking care of himself. His sunken eye, his sluggishness, and the lack of body mass were bad signs all around. Immediately they scooped him up - though not literally - and began giving him the tools to actually take care of himself. Their heart, so full of space for others, slowly lost a part to him; and even as he began to take care of himself without their prompting, the two never truly grew apart. Kuchi still drags him into eating with them and snuggles him down for the naps he so desperately needs.

But Kuchi’s connections aren’t all sunshine and roses, especially with most of their loves being intertwined not just with them but with others as well.

Their love for AZ has caused new strain between them and HADRON, someone they’d been building a real friendship with after their breakup many years ago. Neither of the buns are used to sharing a partner like this - but they’re learning. And the Sloth-Bun isn’t the only one dragging “drama” into Kuchi’s life. A chance meeting and the ensuing romance with VILHELM brought their old co-worker AKAITO back into their life. While they didn’t break off their close-knit work relationship with AKAITO on horrible terms, it’s been tense between them ever since their initial parting; and it looks like a much longer road ahead to make peace on this front than with the scientist.

Overall though, there’s finally hope - real hope - in Kuchi’s life - and sometimes, they don’t know what to do with that.. But someone special to them once said: “feelings aren’t fair.” There’s something precious about that, they think. No, they aren’t; but the path ahead is paved with them, and Kuchi wouldn’t trade a heartfelt moment with those they love for any amount of fairness.

Biography Written by Revvin_in_Red


Bun art: Ye!
Doll art: Yep!
NSFW: Probably Not, Ask Me - Exception: Revvin_in_Red
Interactions/group art: Yes to Both!
Writing: Ask First Please.

  Nature Scenes
  Comfy Cozy Scenes
  Partner Interactions
  FOOD!! It's Pretty & Delicious!

  Flirtation w/ FemmeBuns 
  Violence - No Fighting




Azrael and Kuchi met through a mutual friend, Hadron. Kuchi immediately knew things weren't quite right with this quiet, introverted bun. Between the lines of his quiet refusals on all offers of doughnuts and coffee and his difficulty accepting even simple compliments, Kuchi read the dark story of Az's past, page by heavy page. Ever the caretaker, Kuchi was overwhelmed with a need to reach out and connect with Az - perhaps see what they or their loved ones could do to help. However, the helping hand offered grasped much more than someone to lift up. Azrael reawakned feelings in Kuchi they had long believed were gone forever - longing, mysticism, and a sense of reverence for the small rituals in everyday life. These days, they are working on themselves and each other, growing a garden to nourish their new life together.




Kuchi had been peripherally aware of Viscili's existence for some time before they even met. Kuchi's roommate and coworker, Shuichi, had grown product for the infamous racketeer for several years, and Hadron had made mention of a few dealings with him for computer parts or other small gadgets. They finally met one day by chance; Viscili had taken reprieve in a small side room of Kuchi's home to have a moment alone and set up his laptop. The music and sound effects of Kuchi's favorite game caught their attention while they were tending the garden, and they followed the familiar sounds to discover Viscili - who, despite immediately closing the laptop, did not deny his secret guilty pleasure when Kuchi asked the title of the game. Not long thereafter, Viscili began attending Envy and Others meetings with Azrael and Touka. Some of the off-handed comments and dark jokes revealed a bit more than he intended at meetings - especially to Kuchi. When, eventually, Kuchi could not help but place a hand on Viscili's pain in an attempt to ease it, they found that what they had always perceived to be a thick outer wall of protection crumbled like a sandcastle. In that wreckage, a tender and lonely man lay alone and in need. Their relationship now is one of deep companionship, mutual respect and understanding, abiding devotion and - coupled alongside a black-dark sense of humor - a place of safety to be themselves.




After meeting through Viscili, Varrik and Kuchi were immediately drawn to each other. Kuchi has a tendency to take care of everybody but themselves, and to ignore their own needs; Varrik doesn't tend to tolerate this. Varrik is oh-so-happy to drag Kuchi away from their work, whether it's for a meal, or for a passionated and hurried encounter in some secluded place at lunchtime. Though their relationship began in a very physical way - chance encounters and sometimes group play with others from the Syndicate - it evolved, gradually, over time. Varrik isn't a man of many words, and so getting to know him and grow comfortable with him took Kuchi longer than it would usually. Varrik acts very protectively towards Kuchi - and at times, admittedly, can come off as a bit posessive. Kuchi loves to feed Varrik, cooking massive meals and allowing him to eat his fill, and feels truly desired by him in a way that feeds their soul. Though they have to remind him to mind his jealousy at times, Kuchi doesn't mind - he brings a sense of security and safety to them that they wouldn't trade for the world.




When Kuchi can get away, they try to attend live music shows whenever they can. This led them to falling in love with a small local independent band, Strings of Fate. After one particularly small show, Kuchi managed to meet their piano player, Vilhelm - who was quickly joined by his current partner, and Kuchi's former coworker, Akaito, who raced to his side to give Kuchi a hard look up and down. After a rocky reacquaintance with Akaito (though Vilhelm seemed, strangely, to have no feelings on that particular interaction at the time), Vilhelm and Kuchi exchanged contact info and agreed to meet again. Their mutual love of all kinds of music led to the two spending more time together, and over time, they became close friends. Initially, their interactions were casual; friendly meetings in coffee shops and casual visits at Kuchi's work, mostly. But then, at some point that Kuchi can't quite pin down, Vilhelm began just..popping up, here and there. First at the Envy and Others Peer Support group, then at work, then at their favorite resturants. And the way that he looked at them had changed, somehow. There was some kind of hunger there they weren't sure they knew the reason for. But the attention felt good, so Kuchi leaned in. Now, the pair shares a mutual infatuation - but they've both yet to actually put this into words, loathe to define the feeling and lessen it somehow.




Wadsworth is the house's live-in butler and part of the growing operation run by Shuichi. Kuchi has had an on-again-off-again friendship with Wadsworth, spanning many years, back to the beginning of his employment at the house. While their friendship primarily consists of playing video games or watching cartoons together, Kuchi has always been frustratingly attracted to Wadsworth. The two have had one or two one-night-stands a year - like clockwork - for the past few years. However, Wadsworth doesn't seem interested at all in taking things deeper or discussing the matter. While Kuchi feels a bit heartbroken over this sometimes, they have plenty else on their mind, and they don't want to lose the friendship they already have.




Kuchi has known Tsillas for as long as they can remember. Tsillas was one of Kuchi's littermates. Their first burrow was together. They rose to fame and fortune alongside Tsill, helping him create and run his extremely successful brothel, and they were one of Tsill's highest earning workers. A long history, though, comes with both good and bad. The two have shared and survived horrible experiences together, but they've also grown to resent each other in certain ways - the secretive and high-strung Tsillas resents Kuchi's easygoing nature, bluntness, and expert ability to sniff out a lie; and the socially anxious and introverted Kuchi resents Tsillas' ability to charm anybody, his ability to control a room, and his lack of direct communication. The two often bicker, but inevitably end up talking it out. Tensions between them have shifted focus to their mutual attraction to Vasili, and how they will negotiate sharing the time of one who often has little time to spend on leisure.




Akaito and Kuchi spent many years working together at Le Sois Fier, doing special double acts for high-profile clients. When there was a workplace incident involving Akaito which unraveled the very fabric of the tight-knit group that kept the place running, Kuchi fell out of contact with everyone who had worked there except for Tsillas. When the two became reacquainted at a Strings of Fate show through Vilhelm, they both realized that it would be better to sit down and try to heal any lingering wounds if they were going to be in each others' social circles. Post-discussion, not all was resolved, and things remained tense, but a promise was made that contact would never fall out that badly again. Kuchi isn't great at being humbled, and making the promise made them uneasy, but they ultimately knew they were in the wrong, and they knew they had to change to make this right. The two have an agreed upon weekly lunch meeting - to catch up and stay in each others' lives.




Hadron and Kuchi used to date, way back when. It started as hanging around, then went into fooling around, which turned into...always being around. But Hadron had serious issues with Kuchi's desire for emotional intimacy, and Kuchi had serious issues with Hadron's habitual binge-drinking, gambling, and cheating. Kuchi eventually made the decision to leave, despite their strong feelings for Hadron's sweeter side. Hadron moved out of the garden complex Shuichi had hired Tsillas and Kuchi to help run (at which Hadron had simply 'spent the night' at one day, and never left). He acquired his own burrow on the outskirts of Burrowgatory, and Kuchi didn't see him for many years. When they eventually met again, it was for work - apparently, Shuichi had begun to work with Hadron, and had even helped him move out. The two, despite years of grief between them, couldn't help but laugh and embrace in greeting - they had always just been better friends, roommates, and confidants than lovers. Currently, the two share an easy and close friendship, and spend time together as often as they can.




Shuichi and Kuchi were coworkers at Le Sois Fier for many years before the business closed its doors. Shuichi had made and saved a great deal of money over the years, and, to the surprise of his friends, acquired a property on which all of them could make their home together, allowing them to stay just as close as they were before. Shuichi knew of Kuchi's somewhat-hardcore-hobbyist dabblings in gardening, and had housed a private collection of rare plants in his care for years. He offered Kuchi a job raising up a large garden and greenhouse with attache underground growhouses, which could supply the household with two steady income streams. One, the above-board business of garden tours, commitment ceremony location rentals, photography rentals, and herbological catalogue contributions to the scientists of burrowgatory. The other, a secret business growing hazeblooms, sold to one of Burrowgatory's many underground crime rings, the Shadow Syndicate. On paper, Kuchi is Shuichi's main groundskeeper and gardener, tending all of to Shuichi's plants with loving devotion. But behind the scenes, Shuichi and Kuchi work together and tend to all the work it takes to ensure the continued success and safety of their small tight-knit group. Kuchi is incredibly grateful to Shuichi for the sacrifices he's made for the ones they love.




Kuchi met Touka at the weekly Envy and Others Peer Support group meeting. Touka was quiet, shy, reserved, and a bit flat in affect, which drew Kuchi to them immediately. When Kuchi discovered that Touka was close friends with Azrael, the three of them began to meet regularly to play Buns and Burrows, a tabletop roleplaying game. Over time, Touka opened up and began to trust Kuchi enough to talk and work through some of the things bothering them - things they knew Kuchi had also experienced. It was then that Kuchi asked Touka if they could be friends, instead of just peers. These days, Touka and Kuchi often enjoy sleepovers with s'mores, cuddling, and scary movies - and, of course, Azrael, without whom Touka could never feel safe doing something like that. Touka repays the occasional lack of privacy for the couple in his own ways, though, pushing Azrael to put his work down and spend quality time with Kuchi.




Vadim, who works as Vasili's bodyguard alongside Kuchi's partner Varrik, is still something of a mystery to Kuchi. He knows that Vadim has just as dark of a sense of humor as he does, and the two often banter as Vadim escorts Kuchi and Vasili one place or another for a date. Vadim and Varrik seem quite close, so Kuchi's made an effort to get to know him and develop rapport, but Vadim is still somewhat closed off.




Chester attended Kuchi's Envy and Others Peer Support Group, and also plays bass in Strings of Fate, Kuchi's favorite band. When they began showing up at the group, they did their best to protect their identity due to confidentiality concerns, not acknowledging him until he acknowledged them. After only two sessions, he walked up and told them that he'd seen them after shows with Vilhelm before, and it was nice to meet them, finally. Since they could no longer maintain confidentiality, they offered to train Chester as a Peer Support, and pay him to help run the group so they could get time off occasionally. The two are casual friends, and see each other around often, either at work or at shows.




Kuchi first met Adam at a Strings of Fate band practice. Before meeting him, Kuchi was excited to meet him - he was an amazing musician and had an impressive voice. Upon meeting, that changed immediately. Kuchi did not. Like. Adam. Adam gives Kuchi capital-B Bad feelings. Bad vibes. The willies. They now avoid him whenever they can, and when they can't, they'll smile uncomfortably and laugh at his horrible jokes and complain about it to Tsillas later.




Kuchi doesn't know Eve very well at all. He's seen her around a lot at Strings of Fate band practices and shows, and even chatted with her a few times. Kuchi is a huge fan of her voice, and often listens to her music to relax, but something about Adam is so off vibe-wise that Kuchi can't stand to be around him - which means he doesn't get to hang out with Eve. Adam hangs on Eve like a collar, always around, always making some tone-deaf comment about her that makes Kuchi's skin crawl. He'd like to get to know Eve, but... well, hopefully she breaks up with that creep soon.

These are not official Succubun prompts and should not be confused as such!

You are allowed to complete these prompts without asking me for permission to draw Kuchinashi!


Work Hard & Play Harder

Meet the Peer Support Specialist Kuchinashi

Show details...



Kuchi spends most of the day taking care of Shuuichi's garden, the main source of income for their entire burrow of four. When they aren't working, they usually play video games in their spare time. Very rarely, they can make it out to a party to let loose - and it's a wild sight to see. For this prompt, your succubun joins Kuchi on a typical day. What will you get yourselves up to?

Option 1: Tending the Garden
When you're in the business of living things, work is never really over. With as big of a garden as Kuchi is responsible for, it's often a round-the-clock job. For this option, depict your bun and Kuchi taking care of the garden - whether that's watering plants, repotting, planting new seeds, trimming the hedges, harvesting, or some other task!

Rewards: Kuchinashi's Watering Can


Option 2: Recharge Time
When you work hard, you gotta play hard too! In Kuchi's case, that's games. Depict your bun and Kuchi playing video games, board games, dice games, roleplaying games, or party games (beer pong, truth or dare, spin the bottle, etc.)

Rewards: Kuchinashi's Half-Eaten Bag o Cheez Poufz


Art Requirements: 2 full body buns or 2 half body dolls
Writing Requirements: Minimum 600 words

This is not a real prompt, and should be submitted to the general gallery if you wish to 'complete' it - it should be marked as a gift as well.


Reward Amount
Kuchinashi's Watering Can 1
Kuchinashi's Half-Eaten Bag o Cheez Poufz 1



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For this prompt, display your succubun (from Whiskey & Winnings) and NAME + PROMPT DESCRIPTION.

Rewards: NAME'S ITEM


Art Requirements: TBA
Writing Requirements: TBA

This is not a real prompt, and should be submitted to the general gallery if you wish to 'complete' it - it should be marked as a gift as well.


Reward Amount



Show details...





For this prompt, display your succubun (from Whiskey & Winnings) and NAME + PROMPT DESCRIPTION.

Rewards: NAME'S ITEM


Art Requirements: TBA
Writing Requirements: TBA

This is not a real prompt, and should be submitted to the general gallery if you wish to 'complete' it - it should be marked as a gift as well.


Reward Amount

Kuchi's BurrowgaTube


Personal Items

Some of these are real game items, Some are personally made. They're meant to show a character accurate inventory.

Bun trinkets

These are not real items, and more like stickers exhanged from 'completing' another user's OC prompt.

NPC Trinkets

These are real items obtained from doing the Succubuns Prompts.

Code by zinnia  


  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed