MYO-2996: Kineya

Owned by articution


art by asuraSleeping



AGE: 39
BIRTHDAY: December 10
ORIENTATION: Doesn't know what this means (only interested in men)
HEIGHT: 6'9'' (without shoes) / 7'4'' (with shoes)


(nothing yet)

2024 Breeding Partner: MYO-2016articution has permission to breed this succubun.




Kineya is a new face around Burrowgatory thanks to having spent most of his life in isolation in the countryside. He's had a hard time adjusting to city life, and pretty clearly sticks out with his boisterious personality, eccentric manner of speaking, and equally flamboyant appearance.

Measuring at around 7'4'' with his platforms, Kineya tends to command attention wherever he goes. He uses this to his advantage, performing for other buns as often as he can - he is most known for his one-man theater, where he dances and acts out stories he claims have been passed down through the ages. Nobody actually knows where he gets his material from, but his performances are always masterfully played and highly entertaining! Though they do tend to go on for quite a while...

As an envy bun living alone for so many years, Kineya has always desired the attention and validation of others. His passion for his art stems directly from this, and he continues to train himself rigorously in order to continue perfecting his craft. He may seem simple at first glance, but he's actually quite dedicated and something of a workaholic...days off aren't very common for him. To him, seeing other buns invested in his performances is the greatest reward he could ask for, and is more than content with his new life in the spotlight.

...It is, perhaps, because of his adoration for his fans that he tends to struggle financially. He never asks for payment for his performances, and the concept of money as a whole is something he still has yet to understand. What he makes from tips tends to be spent almost immediately on overpriced trinkets - as a bun with almost no concept of modern living he's overwhelmingly easy to scam.

He travels from his self-made home in the countryside to the cities of Burrowgatory daily, and has become well-liked enough by various buns who are more than happy to supply him with leftover food. He also tends to spend the night with Kai and Seidon addition to any other man that might show interest after seeing him perform.

Also, he loves taiyaki. He makes them himself and carries a number around every day to share with others, once again asking for nothing in return. Simply sharing a moment with another bun is more than enough payment for him!

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