MYO-2930: Ione

Owned by Limi

The atmosphere at Daily Grind is rather cozy and welcoming; perfect for casual dates, studying, relaxing and grabbing a quick meal.

"Welcome. Enjoy your coffee" Ione greets rather grumpily but it is evident they take pride in their cafe.



Ione is an owner and chef for The Daily Grind cafe and come up with the menu that the cafe serves. They take great pride if the assortment of sweet and mainly sauvory options served. The coffee come in varying flavours that Ione personally developed and went through rigorious testing with.

Ione is normally somewhat grumpy, quiet and little bit stand offish but they are rather friendly and sweet on those they deem worthy of their friendships.
Their hobbies involves being in kitchen, doing interior decor and making stuffed toys & plushies.
Their vice, Gluttony largely presents in their love for creating food and drinks especially sauvory dishes and coffee.

They stand tall at 6'3" and present as androgynous. Their identity is non-binary and demiromantic/sexual.
Their ears reach halfway to elbows when let down from its usual tied up style. Their hair is incredibly wavy borderlining on curly with a jellyfish hairstyle. Favors comfortable sweaters and clothes that don't show their figure too much. Has some fat on their bones, work out to some extent with all their hard work in kitchen.
They have very little to no interest in sexual activites despite their wide knowledge on the matter with no thanks to their long-time friend Limon.








Bun art: OK!
Doll art: YES!
NSFW: NOPE!!! Ione has very little to no interest in sexual nature. If you're wanting to do something that's not explicitly sexual, shoot a DM. (Revvin_in_Red's Varrik is the exception to this)
Interactions/group art: OK! Provided it's kept true to their personality. I can be DMed to answer questions!
Writing: OK! I can be DMed to answer questions if the information in this profile isn't sufficient!

 Group Pieces
  Outfit changes!
  Random interactions

  Drugs usage
  Romance/flirting/things like that - ASK
  NO lingerie or overly revealing clothing.



Varrik Rurikovich


Varrik is frequent visitor to Daily Grind, usually accompanying Viscili on his visits. The rough yet direct and flirtatious demeanour somehow attracted Ione to him much to surprise of some who knew them well. Varrik pulled away after getting shovel talks by two other buns (A direct one from Viscili and a rather creative one from Limon) Ione confronted him one evening after hours and they've been together ever since. They can be seen spending time together with Ione working on something in a notebook or one of their plushies while in Varrik's lap; or in a kitchen whipping up something delicious. There are betting pools and rumours regarding how serious they are and their nightly activities which neither will confirm nor deny. Varrik will straight up deny to answer while Ione's known for swiftly defecting with redirection or threats of cafe ban. Ione is very well aware of Varrik's jealousy/protective streak and had him agree to behave while at Daily Grind and Citrusy Cream Parlor as Ione and Limon were usually capable of dealing with flirty customers. Neither of the pair enjoy any scuffles or big problems at their businesses. Outside the two venues, Ione would wash their hands off the matter and allow Varrik his protective guard dog energy. Secretly find it a little endearing but will not admit it.




Friends with Ione since they both first entered Burrowgatory, probably were even littermates. Both started their businesses together and often conduct collaborations with their products often. Limon is probably one of very few buns who can speak of sexual matters around Ione without having the gluttony reacting badly. Ione puts up with Limon's cheerful and ditzy demeanour just as much as Limon put up with Ione's quiet and grumpy demeanour. When Ione's not at Daily Grind, or at home; they're usually at Citrusy Cream Parlor either enjoying a treat or helping Limon out. Ione barely give any shit that Limon's having sex with Ione's partner on regular. Limon often find delight in flirting with Ione platonically and Ione usually brush it off as they're quite used to her antics.




Ione first met Kuchi through Viscili. Kuchi had needed to look into new supplier of coffee for their The Envy & Others Peer Support Group and Ione had been very happy to be of help. The orders were always large and thus Ione took full responsibility for that particular one. They established a quick rapport from there. When Ione got together with Varrik, he had made sure they knew about all of his partners. Ione recognized Kuchi's name straight away and had shrugged; said that as long as they knew about it and he is happy, they did not care what goes on. That had made Kuchi and Ione metamours. They remains to be good friends, getting on well and the occasional chats about Varrik that Kuchi often initated. Kuchi often prodded Ione with their curiosity and prodding questions; occasionally trying to poke through their walls which Ione had swiftly shut down. There had been the occasional invitation to The Envy & Others Peer Support Group but they were gently turned down with the excuse being "I'm fine and do not need therapy nor peer support, thank you" but that is secretly a lie. Kuchi is one of very few that's related to the Syndicate that Ione will be comfortable spending time around when not with Varrik.


Viscili Avraamovich


Viscili is a regular at Daily Grind. His grumpy yet respectful demeanour is a welcome sight to Ione as he often simply order something hot and some dish if convinced to and mind his business. Not to mention Viscili from time to time intervene when the staff are struggling with troublesome patrons. Ione finds his company refreshing and he is one of very few Ione will allow to stay past closing. Ione is well aware of the Syndicate and has no issues provided they behave. They have a drink together from time to time. Viscili is one of very few at Syndicate that Ione will be comfortable spending time around when not with Varrik. Not to mention Ione secretly find amusement in seeing others panic slightly when they're spotted together sharing few drinks at the bar.




Damien is a regular at Daily Grind and Ione often supply him with plenty of their coffee blends. Sometimes they have him taste test the blends and give criticism which is highly appreciated. Damien once attempted to proposition Ione which swiftly got shot down. Thankfully he's been respectful of their distaste for romance and sex. His silky manipulative tongue has been known to deal with troublesome patrons skillfully when Ione is having difficulty. It is however evident that Ione don't care for Damien's taste for collecting gossip.

These are not official Succubun prompts and should not be confused as such!


Coffee & Plushies

Meet Succubun Ione, the cafe owner

Show details...



Ione can be rather particular with how they spend their time and especially with whom it is. Your bun has gotten lucky with an opportunity to spend time with this grumpy cafe owner.

Complete either of the two prompts outlined below to receive a trinket to decorate your bun's profile with!

Option 1: Brewing Hour
Your bun's been allowed into the kitchen to whip up something delicious. Depict them with Ione either making a cup of coffee or something sauvory

Rewards: Ione's Coffee Pot


Option 2: Stuff It Up
Somehow your bun finds out about Ione's hobby in making plushies and stuffed toys. Depicts them learning how to make them or working on one alongside Ione.

Rewards: Ione's Harpup Plush


Art Requirements: Minimum 2 full body buns OR 2 half body dolls (your bun and Ione) & simple background
Writing Requirements: Minimum 600 words

Trinkets Art by Buccusus
This is not a real prompt, and should be submitted to the general gallery if you wish to 'complete' it - it should be marked as a gift as well.


Reward Amount
Carats 0
Ione's Coffee Pot 1
Ione's Harpup Plush 1

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User bun trinkets

These are not real items, and more like stickers exhanged from 'completing' another user's OC prompt.

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Code by zinnia  
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed
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