MYO-1457: Lazarus

Owned by CandyLashes

NAME: Confidential, goes by "Lazarus" 

HEIGHT: 5'11" 

AGE: 34

JOB: Scientist 

LIKES: Learning, Books, Graveyards, Cooking, Donny , Fellow Scientists, Debating, Lightening, Questions

DISLIKES: Sunshine, Church of Sulfur, TV, Loud Noises, Flip Flops, His Glasses Getting Smudged 


Lazarus is a silly nervous little guy that lives on the outskirts of the city in a humble burrow. He often hardly ventures out to explore outside of his laboratory apart from the local graveyards. Unfortunately, this has caused rumors that he might is a real scary guy who likes to revive bun that have long passed, but in reality he likes to talk to the graves and keep them company. Sometimes, he'll even bring flowers to them. 

He's a nervous scientist but usually friendly and polite when meeting new people. 

With  Lazarus' vice being greed, he wouldn't lie if he wanted to accomplish amazing research to be able to gain lots of recognition and attention. Praise goes a long way for him. 

Lazarus' TH profile can be found here:


If you have any questions or would like to rp or hc, feel free to message or dm me anytime! 

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