1 September 2023 (1 year and 4 months ago)

LainY | 33 | Bi AF

She / They

Hello!! My name is Candylashes, but you can call me Lainy!

I'm just at this point a grow adult who has accepted she loves to rp and talk about oc ideas indefinitally. I'm always happy to meet people and make friends. If you're ever interested in talking about ocs feel free to message me on Discord or dm me on my TH!

Basic Info if you wanna talk/connect:


Food, Weed, OCs, Junji Ito, Bleach, Memes, Dogs. Husband, Baking, Music, Decorating, Halloween, Horror

From the US

Most Active on Discord, TH, and Twitter

1 Carats
11 Favor
0 Feathers
8 Sparklers
Peach Hellini
Hell in a Handbasket
Commemorative Glass
Sin Fizz


baroque Avatar

AHH your lil guy lazarus really deserves the spotlight! hes too cute, i hope everyone cherishes him! also love your art <3<3

2023-12-04 03:49:15

CandyLashes Avatar

Thank you so so much!!! I’m really humbled by this chance for him aaaa I’m so happy to know just how much people like my silly scientist guy aaaa <33

2023-12-04 11:43:12

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