BUN-842: Gam

Owned by Kewkie
The Frail Collector

He/Him, Introvert
Doll Height: 175 cm
Job: N/A



Gam is a man of few words and has a mysterious aura about him. He does not usually speak and moves a bit slow for his age. He amassed his wealth by trading and selling valuables in his younger days, it quickly put him in the elites of Burrowgatory. Gam no longer trades or sells as he no longer needs to. As a wealthy Succubun, he has many servants working in his massive home. Gam does not know a lot of basic knowledge because he leaves almost everything for his servants to take care of, so he is somewhat ignorant. He enjoys throwing lavish dinner parties at his estate for his friends and acquaintances such as Klara.

Most would assume a man with his wealth would have everything they would want, but Gam manages to always find something shiny or gold that he wants to add to his collection, which seems to be his purpose in life. He often hangs around Paradise Cafe because Ruth works there, and she has the most beautiful iridescent scales he'd ever laid eyes on. Unfortunately, Gam's behaviour bothers cafe guests since all he does is stare at others (for their shiny things), so he is usually unwelcomed.

Befriending him may not lead to insightful conversations, but Gam tends to surprise others with how kind and loyal he is to those he considers a friend. He does not have any romantic interest.

Note: His name means 'gold' in Cantonese. The Chinese character on his doll's chest is 'wisdom'.

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