
<a href="" class="display-item">Stroodle</a>


Stroodles are a a proud species of imp that have been bred to have fluffy fur that resembles whipped cream. They're intelligent and friendly, but need to be well trained by a firm hand to discourage bad behavior such as stealing food or constant barking.

<a href="" class="display-item">Stellaram</a>


Stellarams are incredibly quiet and docile. They go about life as if in a perpetual daydream, gently gliding through the air on their wings before rolling to a stop on the ground, cushioned by their immense amount of fluffy wool. Many stellaram owners enjoy hugging them while falling asleep.

<a href="" class="display-item">Cribbit</a>


Cribbits have an oddly regal bearing for imps that enjoy sitting in puddles. They're quite sedentary creatures, and don't enjoy being handled much, but are often kept as pets for their glittering crown of crystals and melodic croaking. It is not recommended to kiss a cribbit.

<a href="" class="display-item">Lepidaisy</a>


Lepidaisies are a sweet, timid type of imp. Unlike most other imps, lepidaisies prefer to nibble on plants, rather than cooked foods and sweets. They're rather slow and clumsy when walking, but can flutter through the air for short periods of time with their leaf-like wings.

<a href="" class="display-item">Phantomile</a>


This shy species of imp appear to spawn from broken or abandoned teacups, making them into a part of their body like a shell. They often look like they're weeping, but no one is sure if they actually feel sad.

<a href="" class="display-item">Fellantern</a>


These mysterious imps steal pumpkins to hide their faces. No one is quite sure what they look like underneath their pumpkins, as people who've seen one without its signature covering can't seem to remember what they saw.

<a href="" class="display-item">Aureluna</a>


Unlike other aquatic imps, aurelunas are able to float in both the water and the air. They drift along quite slowly, and don't seem to have much control over where they go. Their gentle glow makes aureluna tanks work well as nightlights.

<a href="" class="display-item">Cygnette</a>


Though these imps are prized for their beauty and ornate patterning, they have foul tempers. Be careful not to disturb one while it's preening.

<a href="" class="display-item">Gargowl</a>


This ominous imp has a habit of sitting in one place and staring for incredibly long periods of time, without ever moving or blinking.

<a href="" class="display-item">Sweetinea</a>


These otherwise docile imps go crazy for chalky candy—the cheaper, the better.  They'll eat straight through paper packaging to get at the sugary contents inside.

<a href="" class="display-item">Floracoon</a>


These curious imps have a penchant for stealing flowers. Some floracoons snack on them, but others hide them away to make colorful little hoards—until they start to rot, that is.

<a href="" class="display-item">Tomodigi</a>


Instead of sweets, this imp seems to prefer eating... Batteries? Strangely toy-like, tomodigis are a popular pet for buns who can't afford to have imps that run around causing trouble.

<a href="" class="display-item">Mimikeeper</a>


This reclusive imp has a penchant for stealing shiny things away to hoard in the chest it hides in. Most things a mimikeeper steals are never seen again... Maybe it's actually eating them?

<a href="" class="display-item">Carousea</a>


These whimsical imps grow fins and body plating that resemble fanciful bows and saddles. When a group of them gather, they enjoy spinning around in circles together.

<a href="" class="display-item">Chimelody</a>


These delicate imps create a soothing, chiming sound. On days with nice weather, they like to sit outside and sing simple chains of notes.

<a href="" class="display-item">Budrock</a>


A rock with googly eyes glued on? What are you talking about? This is clearly a budrock, the hot new pedigree imp that everyone wants as a pet! Sure, they don't move, or make sounds, or eat... But they clearly love you anyways!

<a href="" class="display-item">Marroth</a>


These eerie-looking imps wraps their wings around themselves like a cloak when they're not fluttering about. They can release a surprisingly loud chirping sound when irritated.

<a href="" class="display-item">Baaaphie</a>


These imps can make a sound that's unsettlingly similar to a succubun's scream, and tend to hang around areas with reports of demonic activity.

<a href="" class="display-item">Lilgrim</a>


These ominously hovering imps are drawn to funeral homes and graveyards. Though their existence is new, they've already become the focus of urban legends claiming them as a sign of death and misfortune.

<a href="" class="display-item">Arctoasty</a>


These fluffy imps love nothing more than curling up somewhere warm and cozy. Though they have a perpetually burnt appearance, the fire flickering on their tail is harmless.

22 results found.