To-do list
Weekly Spotlight [7/12]
[Week 8: Not Started!]
Event prompts: Matentines
February Prompt: blanket fever
not started
23 · they/them/theirs · genderqueer/transmasc
Welcome to my profile! I'm Roe/Phil and I'm newer to CS & Succubuns~
I'm most often active on TH, but if you need to get in contact with me ASAP re: purchases please reach out via Discord!
I'm most often active on TH, but if you need to get in contact with me ASAP re: purchases please reach out via Discord!
Bun Designs 

420 Bun
OBTAINED! MYO Basket (open on 4/20)
OBTAINED! Rum & Smoke (Cloudy)
OBTAINED! Commemorative Glass (Glassy)
OBTAINED! Iris Coffee (Evil Eye)
OBTAINED! Angora Au Lait (Angora Fur)
IMPS: Fairy Bonezo, Lunar Impup (obtained!)
TITLES: Sleepyhead Title, Pillow Princess Title, Hedonist Title (seasonal), Sweets Lover Title

TBN Vampire Bun
25 Positive Test (2025 Breeding Season MYO)

- Traits (Post-Transformation) -
150 Dracquri (Fangs)

150 Smooch Hooch (Devil's Tongue)

??? Sewju (seasonal) (Stitched)

??? Glowjito (seasonal) (Glowing)

IMPS: tbd!
TITLES: tbd!


- Diligentia | Pursuit of Diligence: 0/6
- Benevolia | Affection Tokens: 0/12
- Patientia | Daily: 0/1
- Humilitia | Succubun Spotlight: 7/12
- Charitia | Donation: 35/400
- Temperantia | Dango/Drinks Collection: 0/12 Dango | 0/12 Drinks
- Puritia | Permanent Plot: Locked
150 Angora Au Lait (Angora Fur)

? Obtain

? Obtain

TITLES: tbd!
Design To-Do 
Redesign Aster's tattoo - Bourbon needed!

Design 420 Bun - started
Re-base Aster? - tbd
TITLES FOR ASTER: Hedonist Title (seasonal), Sinner Title (seasonal), Coffee Addict Title
Prompts - Aster
- My First Imp - [Complete!]
- Mixology 101 - [not started]
- Dango 101 - [not started] (Use 420 Bun?)
- Mochi Master - [not started]
- NPC Prompts - 1/20
- Couture and Brochures - Complete!
- General Prompts - 0/11
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