you encounter a mysterious being...
Darla is a soft succubun who loves to spend her days laying in her lounge surrounded by blankets, pillows, and all things soft. Though soft and always ready for a cuddle puddle, she is no nonsense when she senses her friends are in distress, often pulling others into her pillowy imbrace as she gives advice and a place to let out your emotions.
Though her bed is rarely empty, her heart longs for another special bun to join her. She daydreams about the day some bun will whisk her off her feet and carry her into her pile, tucked among plushies and her special some bun's arm.
While her body is adorned in ribbons she also loves ropes that snuggle against her as tightly as her lovers. Hang her in the air without a care and caress this bun to hear her sigh in delight. A song many have heard at the cabaree she sings at during the night. Her soft voice often soothes the souls of those who wander in.
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