KiwiKR8's Item Logs
White Wine (×1)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for errands from Liquor Store.)
3 days and 19 hours ago
Yuzu (×1)
Collected from Donation Shop (Received rewards for errands from Grocery Store.)
3 days and 19 hours ago
Red Wine (×1)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for errands from Liquor Store.)
6 days and 15 hours ago
Matcha Powder (×1)
Collected from Donation Shop (Purchased from Noire's Trinkets and Goods by Nuku-Niku for 10 Carats.)
6 days and 15 hours ago
Red Wine (×1)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for errands from Liquor Store.)
1 week and 1 day ago
Noodles (×1)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for errands from Grocery Store.)
1 week and 3 days ago
Black Sesame Seeds (×1)
Collected from Donation Shop (Received rewards for errands from Grocery Store.)
1 week and 3 days ago
Absinthe (×1)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for errands from Liquor Store.)
1 week and 3 days ago