Submission (#174) Approved

11 November 2022, 11:56:30 EST (1 year and 7 months ago)
11 November 2022, 15:43:23 EST (1 year and 7 months ago) by Yves


Here she tis!!! :dancedog: AAAA!!

Writing down the breakdown here foryas,, <3

Full body bun x 2 = 10c
Half body doll x 2 = 10c
Full body doll x 2 = 20c
Complex background x 1 = 15c
NPC bonus x 6 = 12c
Shading bonus x 1 = 2c

Which should come to a total of uHH : 69 carats! aYYYY


Reward Amount
Carats 169


Skill Amount

Stat & Level Rewards

User Rewards
No user rewards.
Character Rewards
No character rewards.

Bonus Rewards

User Rewards
No bonus user EXP
No bonus user points
Character Rewards
No bonus character EXP
No bonus character points



These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

booskywarian's Bank

Currency Quantity