[Closed] [Auction] Down the Rabbit Hole

Posted 1 year and 7 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 7 months ago by Yves
Auction: BUN-324[Closed]
Design: tsukichubun ・ Art: tsukichubun
Starting Bid: $50
Minimum Increment: $5

Red Queen

Auction: BUN-325[Closed]
Design: tsukichubun ・ Art: tsukichubun
Starting Bid: $50
Minimum Increment: $5


Auction: BUN-326[Closed]
Design: tsukichubun ・ Art: tsukichubun
Starting Bid: $50
Minimum Increment: $5

White Rabbit

Auction: BUN-327[Closed]
Design: Corn ・ Art: Corn
Starting Bid: $50
Minimum Increment: $5

The Caterpillar

Auction: BUN-328[Closed]
Design: Corn ・ Art: Corn
Starting Bid: $50
Minimum Increment: $5

Cheshire Cat

Auction: BUN-329[Closed]
Design: Corn ・ Art: Corn
Starting Bid: $50
Minimum Increment: $5

White Queen

We've travelled down the rabbit hole, into a strange world of strange buns...
Please enjoy these 6 buns inspired by the classic tale Alice in WonderLand by Corn and tsukichubun


$50 SB
At $200, these buns will come with semi-custom chibi dolls!

Please bid in the comment thread below. The auction will end in 48 hours, aka 4/5/23 at 8:00pm site time.
There is a 1 hour snipe guard in place.


Once the invoice is sent, you have 24 hours to pay. The Succubuns TOS applies to all design sales.



Yves Avatar
Yves Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Bid for bun-324 (Red Queen) Here!

2023-04-03 20:00:31

Sombraling Avatar

SB ;w;

2023-04-03 20:05:06

Meep Avatar


2023-04-03 20:08:25

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