[Closed] Love Letter Telegrams
Posted 2 years and 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 2 years and 2 weeks ago by OneiirThese telegram designs are bun-only semi-customs—the palette and theme will match the love letter selected, but you can choose the horn type and general personality you'd like the design to have. The catch? You can't buy one for yourself—these love letters must be gifted to another recipient when purchasing!
Price: $80 USD
Users may only claim a telegram for another user, not themself, and may only claim one telegram. Each user may only have one other user attempt to claim a telegram for them—no using large friend groups or making deals with multiple users to increase your chances of getting one.
If multiple people attempt to claim for you, all claims will be ignored barring a genuine accident.
To claim a telegram, please fill out the form below in a comment.
Love Letter: (i.e. "Ribbon Frill")
Recipient: (Succubuns username of the user you are gifting this telegram to)
Horn Type: (Lust, Sloth, Pride, Greed, or Gluttony)
Personality: (No more than a sentence or two. This will be used to determine their expression, pose. etc.)
PayPal Address: (You may delete this from your comment AFTER you have paid the invoice if you wish.)
Love Letter: Boozy Bourbon
Recipient: gatorGOONgrease
Horn Type: Greed
Personality: Thinks of Ratigan from the great mouse detective. Pompous, Greedy, and Deceitful— he looks a little drunk too.
PayPal Address: xxgloomyursusxx@live.com
2023-02-01 21:01:34
Feature Comment