Approvals Reopened, MYO Changes, and Maintenance

Posted 1 year and 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 year and 1 month ago by Luca

Hello, Burrowgatory!

Thank you for your patience while we got our wi-fi issues sorted out. MYO submissions, design approvals, and design check tickets are now re-opened.

If you have multiple MYOs or design approvals to submit, please do so one at a time, waiting until your current submission has been approved before submitting another.


In addition, we have some important news for you about the state of succubun MYO slots going into 2024.

Bunnery Changes

As new features continue to make carats increasingly easier to obtain, the percentage of players who purchase a new Hell in a Handbasket from the Bunnery every single month has grown significantly. The MYO masterlist numbers have ballooned dramatically since our crafting and gambling revamp in October; after taking one year to reach 2000 MYOs on the masterlist, we have since surpassed 3000 MYOs in only two additional months. 

This is far beyond the increase in the rate of MYO succubun submissions expected from our increase in player count, and is unfortunately unsustainable for us. Succubuns was designed with the intent that the average player would be able to create a new succubun about once every two or three months, with only the most dedicated players submitting a new succubun every single month. However, we’ve begun to regularly witness players submitting upwards of 3 new succubuns in a single month, often for months in a row. This pace of new character creation has both become incredibly taxing on our MYO review team, and threatens to weaken the experience of Succubuns gameplay with fatigue and burnout created by an overabundance of low-investment characters.

Starting in 2024, we will be changing the availability of the Hell in a Handbasket item in the Bunnery from monthly to bimonthly, meaning that players will be able to purchase one basket every two months. Additionally, players will be limited to submitting two new MYO succubuns per month.

The Newbie Hell in a Handbasket, Hell in a Handbasket (Favor), and Hell in a Handbasket (USD) will not be affected by the bimonthly change, and will continue to have the same availability at this time. Hopefully, if this change is effective, we will still be able to offer free offspring MYO slots during Breeding Season as we did in 2023.

We understand that this will be a disappointing or unpopular change, but it is a necessary one. We hope that the solution we’ve finally decided on will feel less punishing to casual players than raising the carat price of Handbaskets, and will have less of a negative impact on the trading economy than ceasing USD Handbasket sales or making carat Handbaskets account-bound.

In the next year, we plan to focus less on content that motivates players to constantly create new characters, and focus more on creating new gameplay features that will encourage you to develop and invest in the characters you already have. Please look forward to everything we have in store for your beloved buns!


Envious Handbaskets

As an addendum, regarding Envious Handbaskets: we’re aware of the high demand for envy MYOs, and the common sentiment that they’re too difficult to obtain. We want to assure you that we hear you, and we have plans in the pipeline to address this.

Throughout this year, the percentage of envy succubuns being created has fallen in line with what we intended. We believe that it’s important for games with a collector element to have goals that are more difficult to obtain, to create a greater sense of motivation and accomplishment in the players who strive for them. 

However, we recognize that we weren't able to create an ideal distribution method for Envious Handbaskets with the mechanics available to us at the time, and we've planned since their release for envy succubuns to eventually become easier to obtain than they currently are. Now that cherubuns have been introduced, they’ll fill the role of a goal to strive for better than envy succubuns do, especially as the way to obtain them lacks the competition that breeds most of the discontent over Envious Handbaskets. 


For those who haven’t had any luck getting their hands on an Envious Handbasket, please sit tight until the anniversary of the envy succubun release in April!

(And for those who’ve already purchased an Envious Handbasket, or are nervous about doing so before April, don’t worry—they’ll retain their current price, so your purchase won’t be devalued.)


Scheduled Maintenance

Succubuns will be down for scheduled maintenance tomorrow at 4pm site time while we implement and test a new feature. We hope you're all excited for even more daily gameplay!



Valentine Avatar

as someone who started lurking and thinking about playing last March and actually began my account in July, it's been INSANE witnessing the rapid inflation of MYOs. I've literally had my first design as a WIP the last year because the character means a lot to me and I'm really busy irl, and in that time I think the MYO list has doubled in size! it must be really hard on the mod team, or namely Luca and Yves since you two are the only ones who approve MYOs, right? i think it'll be good to force people to chill out with making new characters, low key ... because I feel like I've witnessed a ton of people just make MYOs they don't care about, then immediately head to the trading channels on the discord to try to barter them away for carats or items or buns they DO care about. and I guess it makes sense that right now the main currency of worth on this site is the CHARACTERS, not the carats or the pets or the cosmetic items or anything, so I hope it doesn't ruin some people's experience of playing too much, but I personally didn't really like seeing that habit/play style, and seeing it made me feel like I was playing wrong when I didn't want to draw multiple characters I didn't care that much about constantly and sell them to be able to more easily afford site content. maybe that's a me thing! i also have never been in a closed species adoptable group before, so maybe this sort of thing is more common than I realize. anyway, I'm glad that the changes will mean the mods + creators will have more time to focus on game improvements and cool new features :) the imp petting update is very cute btw.

2023-12-31 16:02:34

psychocheonsa Avatar

i just recently started playing (though i'm not really active on most socials) and the system so far seems quite fair! looking forward to the future of the game ^^

2023-12-30 03:02:03

uzkost Avatar

im fairly new, but i really enjoy this route for the reg bun slots + envy slots ! i completely agree with having larger goals in place for users who either have already accomplished the smaller goals, are getting bored, or simply like to strive for larger things overall. i personally was a bit worried i'd ever get an envy slot, despite having a lot of good design/backstory ideas already - so im extremely hyped i can hopefully get one easier than selling my soul haha

also, i have to agree with another user, i've already realized it'd be hard for me to be able to get enough currency for 1 slot a month. and i feel a bit defeated even trying, other than trading. i already started to feel like i was 'wasting my time' by not going as fast as possible to get each slot i could. so im really glad the process is slowed down, and it feels like i can not only reach the goal, but i am encouraged to take my time :3
not that the original structure was inherently bad in any way, just a psychology thing basically!

2023-12-30 03:01:54

TornPages Avatar

I typically lurk more than anything, but i just wanted to chip in and say i like the route you’re going with the standard MYO slots. Slowing the purchase limit will both be easier on you guys overall, but it also gives more time to people who can’t draw 50 bunnies in a piece or hardcore grind because of real life time. I know some peeps are likely like “i HAVE to get a slot before rollover”, so this decision will overall be better for everyone to not get burnt out.

I’m excited to see all the other changes upcoming, especially making envy slots more publicly available. It has been discouraging when envy slots are so rare to be updated, only to be going against several hundreds of other users. Back in February of last year when i joined would’ve been balanced when the community was smaller, but with the large user count nowadays, it’s a bit daunting to enter a raffle that even the site struggles to say your chances for the decimal being so low.

The idea of more hands on prompts is extremely exciting to someone like me though 👀 i love getting involved with world lore and building my characters. I’ve mostly been focusing all of that on npc prompts, and didn’t expect to turn one of my main babies into a kleptomaniac, but that’s the fun thing about character development; you surprise even yourself with things you come up with over time!

Between all the mod work, species development, and site development, y’all are doing great, and I’m excited to continue to watch things only get better over time 🧡

2023-12-29 18:12:09

FineThingsInLife Avatar

Even though I'm new the group I love this route! I've seen other species groups do something similar and it definitely helps take a load off of the mods!

2023-12-29 17:36:12

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