Fallen Down

Posted 1 year and 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 year and 1 month ago by Luca

A mystery unfolds on a snowy winter's night...

Fallen Down

On a cold winter evening, Jackal sees a mysterious flash of light in the distance, and decides to go investigate... Just what will her investigation unearth?

Fallen Down is a plot event, meaning that you can play through the event story to earn rewards and learn more about the world of Burrowgatory. New chapters of the story will release each week, with the final installment releasing on December 21st.

More event prompts will be released with new chapters of the event, so make sure to check back all month!

Start Fallen Down Chapter 1


Check out the Fallen Down event page for more information, and to learn how to collect feathers.

Seasonal Drinks

The Rabbit Hole is now serving winter seasonal drinks once more, and has added the Snowslide to its seasonal menu.


Drinking this strange but tasty concoction will allow a succubun to obtain our new seasonal trait: Winterswept.



Event Mochi

Even though it's freezing outside, Dan has decided to sell some bone-chillingly delicious mochi this month. While imps don't care about the cold, eating this mochi seems to leave them looking a little frostbitten...


Ice Cream Mochi is available for purchase with feathers in the Fallen Down event shop. It can also be purchased with carats at Dan's Dango, only in the month of December.


Event Imps

For the first time in history, feathered imps have been appearing in Burrowgatory... Avia can be purchased in the Fallen Down event shop. In addition to its standard form, avia can be obtained in albino and frostbitten variants.

Additionally, freigns have been spotted on the snowy outskirts for the first time since last year, and can now be found in a frostbitten variant... Can you tame one in the new event prompt?


Sweater Weather Raffle

Congratulations to Rynnu on winning November's Piemaker Raffle!

This month's raffle bun looks incredibly cozy...


Tickets can be purchased with feathers in the Fallen Down event shop. Make sure to open the tickets in your inventory after purchasing, or you won't actually be entered in the raffle!


Pedigree Imp

When avias first began appearing in Burrowgatory, Quince was quick to experiment with how they could be transformed into even more fantastic feathery species...

Succubuns' patrons have voted, and cygnette can now be purchased at Pedigree Pets! Stroodle has been cycled out—so long, stroodle.

Patrons at the $10 tier and above can suggest ideas and vote for the next pedigree imp, and will each receive one Wagashi a month to purchase any pedigree imp of their choosing. Join the Succubuns Patreon today to help choose January's pedigree imp!


Monthly Prompt

The December Monthly Prompt is now available.

Design a cute succubun snowglobe for 30 bonus carats!


Great Burrowgatory Bake Off

We hope you all enjoyed the amazing foods you cooked up for the bake off!

The Great Burrowgatory Bake Off event shop will remain open until December 7th, at which point all remaining whisks will disappear.


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