Design Guide - Cherubuns

Cherubuns are the descendants of succubuns who were raised in the heavenly meadows. The majority of their anatomy is the same, but they have halos instead of horns, and their ears and tails are different.


Cherubun halos are rings or discs of intangible light that hang in the air behind their heads, tilted forwards at an angle. Every halo is a full circle, and they are not attached to the body.

There are six different types that standard halos can fall under.

Grand Halos

With the Grand Halo trait, a cherubun’s halo can be bigger, have multiple concentric rings, have a different pattern than the ones shown above, or can have a selection of traits such as Gilded applied to it.

When creating a unique halo shape, it must still possess radial symmetry. When applying traits, the entire halo must be made out of the trait(s); it cannot have parts that are made of light in addition to material parts.


For the most part, cherubuns follow succubun ear anatomy. However, the edges of their ears are scalloped in a way that’s reminiscent of wings. These scallops are not feathers, and may not be made to look feathered. Each ear must have exactly three scallops, with the longest one on the outside of the ear, and the shortest on the inside.

When affected by the Perky Ears trait, the ears rotate so that the longest scallop is on the inside, and the shortest is on the outside. When affected by the Long Ears trait, only the ends are scalloped.


Instead of long spaded tails, cherubuns have a round, fluffy cottontail, no more than a few inches wide. Due to how small they are, they don’t have to be shown if the pose or clothing don’t allow for it.