[Gift] A Busy Night in the Rabbit Hole!

In Prompts ・ By Jagga-Chan
10 Favorites ・ 1 Comment
[Gift] A Busy Night in the Rabbit Hole!
10 ・ 1
In Prompts ・ By Jagga-Chan

Sable had been so kindly asked by the bartender to help out! From the pure kindness of their heart (and maybe some promises to extra food and drinks) Sable has decided to work a few hours in the bar!

Though.... They aren't really that well trained in working in such a place so perhaps a few accidents were destined to happen.

Submitted By Jagga-Chan for Booze and BootyView Favorites
Submitted: 10 months and 1 day agoLast Updated: 10 months and 1 day ago

Peony: Gift For
JudasHymn: Gift For
LokiWolf: Gift For
eroge: Gift For
346pro: Gift For
ourmaskoflies: Gift For
Kaztronaut: Gift For
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I love how adorable and meek Samsara is in this!! You added such a wonderful vibe to the whole piece, and even with him being a back view his personality shines through so gooood!!!
I love the energy of all the other buns too!!
Thank you for drawing him!!

2023-09-02 01:11:07

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