[YOTB] Mochi Borrowing - Hops

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     The time of Mochi Moon was soon drawing close and Dan gets closer to making the best mochi he can as tribute to Allocer. Shibani gets word that adding other ingredients could help to make variety in Dan’s conquest and wasted no time asking for the help of Boss again since they worked so well before. He explains to the big man that they need to go around Burrowgatory to get high quality ingredients for Dan since he felt red bean paste wasn’t enough. Boss, of course, agreed to help— especially since he just got done with a ‘job’ and needs an alibi.

     They headed to the Rabbit Hole, it was quiet during the daytime so it was the perfect time to grab Hops’ attention! Entering the bar there seemed to be a panic in the air as clinking and glass tapping could be heard right at the counter. Hops looked like she was conducting a science experiment with all the bottles placed about and coming close to going over the edge. She looked frustrated in thought, brows furrowed in complete concentration. It was then Shibani and Boss stepped up to confront her, “What’s all this Hops?” The bunny suit born lass jolted slightly, kicked out her bubble of problem solving. She looked at both the men and sighed wearily.

     “Oh hey guys… Just trying to come up with new drinks for the special menu.” Hops goes on to explain that Angora, last minute, wanted her to come up with an entire new menu of drinks for the Moon Mochi party being held at the Wonderland Casino— and by extension, the Rabbit Hole. After winding herself from the amount of talking she’s done, she looks up at Boss and the way he just felt… Solid. Like maybe he had a hard tolerance for alcohol. Hops soon felt a little relieved seeing them and straightened herself up a bit. “Enough about me, were you guys here to get a drink? Maybe??”

     Shibani was lost in thought for a moment but then quickly remembered what they were there for, he tells her that Dan was in need of fresh strawberries and knew that Angora only gets the finest ingredients from secret sources. Something clicked in her head and she smiled. “That works splendidly because we’re not in terrible need for them for the drinks on the menu so far. But maybe you two can help me out with tasting before I give you them… If you wouldn’t mind heheh…” Boss as usual, was down for anything but kind of had a suspicion that Hops may be wanting help with the drink menu. Both of them did enjoy a nice drink here or there so this didn’t sound like a bad deal to them. This was their first mistake.

     Hops jumped in joy, she had been looking a little under the weather from having to taste test by herself. She ushers Shibani and Boss to bar seats while holding a tray with two of the same drinks. Placing the glasses down on the table, both men observe that the drink was dark blue in colour and swirled like some gold edible shimmer dust was added to it. The glasses themselves were martini glasses and it was adorned with a powdery rim and small mochi held in place by a long tooth pick. “Wow Hops! This one looks amazing!!” Shibani’s eyes sparkled looking at the pretty drink, not hesitating to take a big gulp. Meanwhile Boss went after the mochi first, plucking the tooth pick and popping it into his mouth. It wasn’t bad at all, standard red bean mochi. After that pleasant snack, he takes a sip of the drink as well. Both of their reactions were definitely— different.

     Shibani smacked his lips a bit, as if trying to find the right words to say about this unique drink. It wasn’t bad but it felt like something could be added. Boss on the other hand, is sliding the drink away with his face scrunched in a grimace. “Well? How is it?” Hops held the tray up to her chest, hoping that she didn’t just give them something gross. Shibani speaks up first, “I feel like it could use some mint maybe? What do you think Boss?” Boss shudders a bit as he reminisces about the taste and grunts out— “Too… Sweet. Proof is okay but… Just a bit too sweet.” Hops takes mental note of this and take the glasses away, “Sorry if you guys didn’t like it but I’ll give it another shot. I’ll get you guys a different one to try next!”

     The reactions the two had with that statement varied, Shibani was eager to try another but Boss was looking like he wanted to tap out. The types of liquors he tended to drink were whiskeys or beers— but he wasn’t one who fancied cocktails, so he was feeling like he made the wrong decision to help today. Hope finally comes back with two more glasses, setting them down in front of the guys. To Boss’ dismay, it was another cocktail but he shook off the hesitation and took a sip. Shibani does the same and he looks like he’s about to melt, holding his cheek and sighing happily. Assessing both their reactions (albeit lack of expression from Boss), she felt more confident this time, “Better?” The rope bunny nodded his head, even going for seconds. Boss just sighs a bit and apologises, “I don’t think my pallet is the best for this, I’m not really a fruit drink type of guy… If Shibani likes it though, I’m betting it’s good for the menu.” 

     “I’ll take it, I'm glad you’re honest though! I wouldn’t wanted you to be tortured by these drinks but you brought up a fair point! Last one will be good for you both, I’ll make sure of that!” Hops proclaimed as she turns to make more drinks. While the both of them were alone, Boss leans in just a bit to mutter something, “This is the last favour I’m doing for you this week.” Shibani looked shocked (well not really) and whispered back incredulously, “Oh come on, they’re not that bad are they? I promise I’ll return the favour tenfold!! Pleaseeee?” Boss grumbled but didn’t give Shibani an answer, especially since Hops was now coming back. She proudly sets both glasses down and before they can take it in, she brings out a torch and clicks it once to set ablaze the rim of the drink! Shibani and Boss both react, the Snow White bun being amazed and the bigger man being impressed. The drinks were in standard glasses, and the smell of bourbon was complimented by hints of cinnamon. The fire started on the rim had began to melt a spherical ball of ice that released shimmer dusted dark roast coffe that began to fill the entirety of the glass. Hops blew the fire away and added straws to the glasses, doing a ‘tada!’ gesture at them.

     Boss was very bemused by Hops making a drink more palatable for him and he didn’t waste a moment more as he picked up the glass and took a generous swig of it. He sighed in approval and nodded, making Hops do a squeal of happiness— because if he liked it, she knew a lot of patrons with similar taste would too! Shibani gave it a try and while it was a little too strong and bitter for him, the punch of it certainly woke up him up more than how he was before. Hops continued the rest of the drinks in the same fashion, giving Shibani the more decorative drinks and Boss the less sweet ones. It was a stopping point when Shibani would start slurring a bit to which at that point, Hops got all the feedback she needed for what fixes she needed to do and what drinks worked for the menu.

     “Thank you again you guys! You’ve cut so much figuring out time for me to get these all sorted! Oh and here’s the strawberries!” Shibani shakily made a move to take the container but Boss was quicker and was definitely more stable in motor skills at the moment. “Y-yes! No problem at all, Hops. Definitely wanna do that again at some p-point!” He hiccuped just slightly, promising he was just tipsy. Boss made no effort to include himself in the next taste testing Shibani seemingly put himself out for. And with that, Boss helped Shibani out, then both headed to Dan’s Kitchen to give him the goods. 

[YOTB] Mochi Borrowing - Hops
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In Prompts ・ By gatorGOONgrease

Boss is definitely leaving Shibani on read next time 😂

Submitted By gatorGOONgrease for Mochi BorrowingView Favorites
Submitted: 1 year and 5 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 5 months ago

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