Creating Ambrosia and Fighting Memories

In Prompts ・ By devilkitty1
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    “Whhhyyyy did I agree to actually go through with this?” Yukio let out an extremely heavy sigh as he walked through the halls of the Embassy. Today was the final step involving the flowers he’d been growing with the help of Dove. They’ve been separated into the different parts of the flower, so now they were all set up to start making medicines and drinks! However… “Now, I’ve got to deal with the damn prissy little… For several hours even…” Primrose was often the one handling the creation of ambrosia with the flower parts, so that meant that Yukio, begrudgingly, had to work with the cherubun for a few hours regarding said work. “I know I already promised Dove I’d try to be friendly with him, but I sure as hell ain’t gonna have a fun time about it…” The wintery bun took a deep breath, trying to steel his nerves. “Alright. It’ll be fine. It’s just a few hours, not the entire day. AND! I don’t even have to talk to him if I don’t want to! Perfect! Just don’t say a word to him and there won’t be any issues!” With a bright smile, he'll nod to himself, seeming content. After some more time of walking though, his confidence in that mindset had vanished. “Oh, who the fuck am I kidding, I know I won't be able to keep myself from barking back at him. This is going to be an absolute shitshow.” 

    “Ever thought about cleaning out that mouth?” Yukio paused upon hearing the new voice, but it was a voice he knew too well by now, so it made him grimace as well. He glanced ahead of himself to see the very same blonde cherubun that he was dreading to see and be forced to be near for several hours today. The succubun took a deep breath, staring at the blonde and trying to keep his own irritation in check. 

    “Caregiver never had an issue. Most buns don’t, so I haven't had the need to.” Primrose will frown at the response but will turn around and start walking. 

    “Come on, we don’t have all day. The quicker we get things done, the better.” Yukio will quietly grumble under his breath but chose to follow the shorter cherubun anyway. He could’ve backed out of it, but this was the last thing needed and he’d be done with this nonsense. He let out a silent sigh, not wanting to alert the blonde in front of him. No, the whole thing with the flowers wasn’t nonsense, in fact, he enjoyed the whole process. He learned so much about gardening, but also about cherubuns and how they make drinks and the like. It was just dealing with Primrose that he considered to be nonsense. The wintery bun raised his gaze from the ground to the blonde’s back. Yukio never mentioned this to Dove, but Primrose actually heavily reminded him of one of the buns who had burned him in the past. Hearing him talk and even seeing him… It brought back several bad memories and it made him want nothing to do with the cherubun. He knows keeping quiet about it is wrong and that he’s gonna bubble over and snap at some point. But, he had to get through this. Hopefully without any bites and only barks. Eventually the two reach a room that has a bunch of different tools, that Yukio doesn’t have a clue what they are or for, and a couple of jars of some sort of liquidy substance, that he was also clueless on. He slightly tilted his head as he looked around the room, incredibly confused by everything. “The equipment is everything I use to make ambrosia. And in the jars is the nectar from the flowers.” 

    “Okaaayyyy… Why do I need to be here then?” Primrose turned to face the taller bun and once again frowned at him. 

    “You’re going to assist me in making some ambrosia.” The wintery bun could only stare the cherubun blankly when he said that. “Yes, I’m aware you don’t know how to, that’s why you’re only assisting me and not actually making it on your own. Now, come here and we’ll get started.” As he says that, he walks to the table with the jars and picks one up, going over to the table with the equipment, gesturing for Yukio to wander over. The succubun took a deep breath and silently walked over, watching the other’s hands as they moved to set everything up. 

    “What are you even going to do?” Primrose glanced at him for a brief moment before returning his gaze to the tools in front of him. 

    “Diluting the nectar. I have a very specific way I do so, that allows me to create ambrosias that are… similar to your alcohol.” Yukio will hum lightly, watching the cherubun work. “Could you go into the cupboard over there and get me the container with the wording ‘diluting solution’ on it?” The succubun will blankly stare at him, shocked by the fact that he was asked kindly to do so. He stood there for a moment, not saying anything, though once the blonde turned his gaze to him, he wordlessly walked to the cupboard and opened it. After a few minutes of looking, he finally found the container in question and carefully took it out, returning to Primrose and handing it to him. “Thank you.” As the cherubun takes it from him, the wintery bun once again blankly stares at him, bewildered by this change of attitude towards him. Nevertheless, he shook his head before returning to watch the blonde work. 

    “So… Do these actually do the same as our alcohol? A small shift of appearance and entirely new parts to them…” 

    “That they do. Since we… Could you take some of the leftover nectar in the jar and separate it into separate bottles?” Yukio will quietly nod, still feeling weird about the change and start doing as was asked. “Since alcohol is poisonous to us, we need our own ways to do those same things. Hence, we have ambrosia. Some of Beanny’s coffee can do similar things, but it works for everyone.”

    “I see… Why the sudden shift in attitude today?” Primrose paused at the question and after a minute, took a deep breath and continued his work. 

    “Dove and Beanny.” The bluenette huffed, figuring that was a good possibility. “...I also partially noticed that you hold more emotion in our spats.” The succubun tensed up at his observation. “I don’t expect you to confirm or deny that, but I’ve had enough spats with others that I can tell the difference between pure annoyance and emotional turmoil. Them two would scold and lecture me anytime it was a situation of emotion.” 

    “Fitting given how often you do that…” Primrose huffed, but didn’t deny it. 

    “Just focus on making sure you’re dividing the nectar up correctly. I don’t need you messing up the ambrosia.” 

    “Proving my point.” The blonde gently nudged Yukio’s side with his elbow, making the wintery bun smile ever-so-slightly. This doesn’t make him comfortable or fix how he feels about Primrose, but… Maybe, just maybe, after a very long time… They can work to a point where the cherubun doesn’t remind him of his past…

Creating Ambrosia and Fighting Memories
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In Prompts ・ By devilkitty1

The final step is near... But can the past stay away long enough for it to happen. 

Written as dolls, word count: 1,222 words

Submitted By devilkitty1 for Pursuit of Diligence: Chapter 6
Submitted: 1 month and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 1 month and 3 weeks ago

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