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The lights of Burrowgatory flickered with extra vibrancy that night as it wasn’t just another ordinary evening. It marked the second anniversary of Burrowgatory's existence!

To celebrate, the whole realm was filled with diverse activities, like it was a big festival and the most eager of it all were Hops and Satin, ready to dive headfirst into the festivities.

Hops was practically bouncing with energy as she led the way through the crowded streets, her tail swaying in sync with her excitement. She'd taken the night off from her usual post behind the bar, to fully immerse herself in the party, leaving someone else to deal with the customers and drink orders. Tonight, she was just another partygoer...well, mostly. She still had a small flask of her favorite concoction hidden in her coat, just in case the mood struck.

Satin, always more composed but no less enthusiastic, followed closely behind. Her usual thoughts about love and longing were pushed aside for the night as she let herself soak in the atmosphere. This was Burrowgatory’s night to shine, and even she couldn’t resist getting caught up in the joy of it.

"First stop, the carousel!" Satin declared, pointing to the brightly lit, surreal-looking ride spinning in the center of the square.

The creatures on the carousel weren't your typical imps. They were beings plucked from nightmares and dreams alike, moving in a hypnotic rhythm to the hauntingly beautiful music that played overhead.

Hops raised an eyebrow. "A carousel? Really?"

"Trust me!" Satin said, grabbing her hand and pulling her forward. "It’s not your average carousel."

Before Hops could protest more, they were on it, seated on top of two of the more peculiar creatures. Satin on a skeletal uniqor with glowing eyes, and Hops on what looked like a ryudra with flowers  growing from some scales.

As the carousel began to turn, it picked up speed gently, allowing them to enjoy the sights and sounds around them. The air was cool, the lights twinkled overhead and the music, though simple, carried a sense of nostalgia. They weren’t flying or whisked away to another world, but the sensation of being part of something so carefully created, filled with the spirit of Burrowgatory, made it feel extraordinary.

Hops felt the wind in her hair and looked out at the festival below, a grin spreading across her face. "Okay, this is actually pretty fun."

Satin smiled, clearly pleased that Hops was enjoying herself. "Told you."

When the carousel eventually slowed and they stepped off, their laughter lingered. There was no magic in the ride itself, but it didn’t need it. It was the atmosphere, the craftsmanship and the joy of the moment that made it special.

Satin beamed with pride. "Told ya! But that’s just the start. We’ve got plenty more to do!"

Next, they found themselves at a street performance put on by a group of residents. Buns danced through flames and performed acrobatics that defied gravity. One of the performers, Qinghua, spotted Hops and Satin in the crowd and beckoned them forward.

“How about a little friendly competition?” she grinned. “A three-legged race through the fire maze. Think you can handle it?”

Hops immediately perked up at the challenge, always one to dive headfirst into any kind of game. “We’re in!”

Satin wasn’t as convinced, but she couldn’t deny the excitement that surged through her. It had been a long time since she’d done something so spontaneous. “Alright, let’s do it.”

Qinghua tied their legs together with a thin, glowing ribbon that shimmered with magical energy. “On your mark… get set… go!”

The two took off awkwardly at first, but quickly finding a rhythm as they managed through the maze of fire and obstacles. Hops, being both clumsy and a little too eager, nearly tripped several times, but each stumble was met with laughter rather than frustration. Satin, who was usually more controlled, found herself caught up in the thrill, her laughter blending with Hops’ as they raced through the smoke and flames.

They didn’t win the race but they finished it with wide grins and a sense of

Covered in sweat but determined, Hops leaned on Satin, still catching her breath. "Not bad, huh? We almost had ‘em."

Satin chuckled, wiping ash from her face. "Almost."

As the night deepened, the celebrations grew more chaotic. Burrowgatory’s streets were alive with every imaginable kind of entertainment. There were bizarre carnival games where you could win peculiar prizes, and vendors selling all kinds of oddities everything from enchanted trinkets to snacks that had seasonable flavors only found during the festivities.

Hops dragged Satin to one booth, where they both took turns throwing enchanted darts at moving targets. Every time they hit a bullseye, fireworks exploded in the sky above, lighting up the night in vibrant hues. Satin quickly mastered the game, hitting more bullseyes than Hops, who, true to form, got a little too distracted by the free drinks the vendor offered between turns.

By the time they made their way back to the Rabbit Hole for the final part of their celebration, they were both in high spirits—literally and figuratively.

Inside the bar, the party was in full course. The drinks were being served fast, the music was loud, and the crowd was more lively than ever. Hops, despite her best efforts to stay away from work, couldn’t resist jumping behind the bar for a quick round of cocktail mixing. Satin, watching her friend whip up colorful drinks with flair, couldn’t help but smile. Even if Hops was technically working off her debt, she still found a way to have fun with it.

As the night turn to day and the anniversary celebration of Burrowgatory came to a close, Hops and Satin found themselves sitting at a corner table, surrounded by empty glasses and the remnants of the night’s chaos. They were both exhausted but happy.

“You know,” Satin said quietly, glancing over at Hops, “this place isn’t so bad when you have someone to share it with.”

Hops raised her glass, a sleepy smile on her face. “To two years of Burrowgatory. And to whatever the next year brings.”

Satin clinked her glass against Hops’. "Here’s to that."

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In Prompts ・ By ThymeTraveler

1047 words, edited as requested, removing animals that arent imps and the magic of the carousel. Edited again to remove thew word horse (sorry for it)

Submitted By ThymeTraveler for Let's Celebrate!
Submitted: 5 days and 4 hours agoLast Updated: 3 days and 18 hours ago

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