[Diligence 3] Blossoming Friendship

In Prompts ・ By jennyf1sh
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Travelling to the Heavenly Embassy for the second time was not one bit as daunting as Venetia’s first visit had felt. Meeting Dove had put some things in perspective for her. She found that meeting a cherebun closer to home, more in touch with Venetia’s understanding of the world, was a revelation in her relationship with the unfamiliar buns. Dove’s laidback existence managed to really humanise Primrose for her; he was less this formidable symbol of sanctity and righteousness, but in fact, just another person moulded by their environment. Venetia was still shocked at just how different the two cherebuns seemed.

Her journey that day was prompted by a call; a personal invite from Primrose himself. He promised another lesson in “virtue and diligence”, but Venetia was happy to look past the condescending tone and was just excited to get back into the gardens and learn more about this new culture.

Venetia made her way carefully through the labyrinth of gardens, back to that little greenhouse tucked away in the corner where she first met Primrose. As she edged closer she could hear the sounds of tinkering coming from inside. This time she would be the one to sneak up on him. Peering her head through the door, her eyes landed on Primrose’s back, his shoulders hunched and his head down as he delicately pruned another plant she did not recognise. Venetia thought that she really must scold him for his posture when he’s working. But, before the complaints could leave her lips, she caught sight of the dainty little buds lined up in rows that were not there on her last visit.

“Are those really what I planted?” she asked, truly taken aback that she had made something so beautiful. A pair of shears clattered against the worktop as Primrose practically flew into the air with fright. His death glare at her chuckles only managed to elicit more laughter. Venetia delighted in seeing any vulnerability in her uptight new friend.

“Yes, well, at least you can follow instructions to a sufficient degree,” he straightened his back and returned his tools to their rightful place, noticeably taking longer than necessary and ignoring Venetia in the process. She chewed her lip as she anxiously waited for him to give her his full attention, choosing not to interrupt and agitate him any further.
When he turned back, with a slight smile that reached the eyes, she felt comfortable enough to speak again.

“So, they’re almost ready then?” she asked, with all the naive optimism she could muster. Primrose raised an eyebrow in response.

“Patience is not a virtue you possess, clearly.” He handed a slightly deflated Venetia a small watering can, “We’re not even close.” The watering can was far from rustic and simple. It looked more like one of those fancy kettles, with the long, thin, hose-like spout, that a barista would use to pour over the ridiculously overpriced coffee in a hipster cafe.

Venetia turned the can slightly, feeling the weight in her hands. She crept over to the newly blossoming plants and raised the jug to hover above them. She paused instinctively, turning to Primrose as though she had expected him to admonish her. Instead, he sat, relaxed, legs crossed on a stool by his workbench, watching her movements.

“Go ahead, I believe I can trust you to do this right.” His words were a little snarky, but his tone was much softer. The two buns worked in silence for quite a while; Venetia tenderly watering her crops, and Primrose clipping away at the shrub he had been neatly shaping. It had felt like such a long time, even Venetia was surprised when her own voice broke the silence,

“Do you ever see much of Burrowgatory?” She glance over her shoulder but Primrose offered no shift in his demeanour, “Or do you spend all of your time with your head in the clouds?”

“I don’t see much need. Dove usually makes the trip up to collect their tea. And I have a good friend here who runs a cafe-“ Primrose’s smile was small but just visible from the side Venetia was looking at him, “She’s always saying I should explore more, but she always was the more adventurous type.”

“But isn’t that why you came here?” Venetia had finished watering by this point, but she held onto the watering can, holding it to her chest like a child with a teddy bear. “If you came to a new world just to stay in some recreation of home… doesn’t it feel like you’re just floating somewhere in between? Dove said-”
“Why would I want to be down there?” His interruption was curt, it reminded Venetia of the first time they met. “I came here solely to help others adjust to this… place.”

“So here you are, looking down on us, from your castle up in the clouds,” Venetia had tapered down to a whisper, her accusation almost falling flat. She was disappointed by this man’s response, his indifference. She turned away and placed the watering can down a little heavier than she had intended. Her eyes were drawn back to the small flowers. She reached a hand to gently caress one of them, her eyes glistening.

“I don’t look down on you,” Primrose stated matter of factly. He finally turned to Venetia. Their eyes met and something clicked between the two of them, like an understanding. An impasse about to be overcome. “I still believe that you’re a gang of hedonistic, reckless beings…” he muttered noncommittally, almost like he was saying it for the show at this point. “But, if we’re being frank,” he took a deep breath, “I suppose I envy you.”

The greenhouse fell back into a gentle silence. Nothing like the silence that split their confrontations, heavy with tension. The two felt the peace they had only managed to find in working together on the garden.
Venetia brought her hand to her mouth in mock surprise. “I do believe envy to be a vice,” she said almost gleefully, excited to see the prim and proper cherebun slightly unravel.

“Oh, do shut up,” but he couldn’t quite conceal the smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth.


This time Primrose walked Venetia through the gardens on her way out, pointing out small details only he would ever notice. Venetia couldn’t care less that she had already stayed far longer than she had intended. The plans she was going to be more than fashionably late for never even crossed her mind as she strolled through the embassy. She was delighted to be in the presence of someone who was surrounded by their greatest passion, and she felt lucky that he would share it with her.

Just as the pair was saying goodbye, a smaller greenhouse tucked away down a hidden path caught her attention. Primrose couldn’t control his rolling eyes as she pointed it out to him.

“Oh it’s nothing. That friend I mentioned, well, she practically strong-armed me into growing some coffee beans for her. Something about the soil. The visitors from below love it apparently.” He waved his hand to dismiss the whole thing, but then he wavered. Venetia recognised the look as a thought crossed Primrose’s eyes. She knew what it meant. She was surely about to embark on another little ‘favour’ for her new friend.

[Diligence 3] Blossoming Friendship
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In Prompts ・ By jennyf1sh

Venetia returns to the gardens to continue tending to her crops. She is keen to learn more about Prinrose and his new life in Burrowgatory.

Submitted By jennyf1sh for Pursuit of Diligence: Chapter 3
Submitted: 2 weeks and 3 days agoLast Updated: 2 weeks and 3 days ago

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[[Diligence 3] Blossoming Friendship by jennyf1sh (Literature)](https://succubuns.com/gallery/view/36200)
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