For the Sake of Nature

In Prompts ・ By devilkitty1
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    “...Dove, explain to me again why I’m fucking doing this?” Dove giggles at their taller friend’s exasperation. 

    “Because you got into an argument with Primrose and he said you didn’t have an ounce of diligence in yourself, or any virtue for that matter, and you took that as a challenge.” 

    “...So my pride screwed me over again is what I’m hearing…” Yukio let out a heavy sigh as Dove gave him a light pat on the shoulder. “...What are these seeds for anyway?” As his eyes glance down to the bag of seeds he was carrying. His smaller friend’s eyes light up at the question. 

    “The seeds grow into the flowers that we use to brew ambrosia!” Yukio will tilt his head at that, causing some of the snow floating around his head to swirl around in a bit of a chaotic pattern. “Ambrosia is our equivalent to your alcohol and drinks, as we can’t consume that kind of stuff. It’s also occasionally used as a medicine.” The taller one will make an ‘o’ shape with his mouth then nod his head, understanding after that explanation. 

    “That makes sense.” He’ll look at the bag of seeds he's been carrying their entire walk through the embassy. “...Should I be anywhere near the greenhouse, now that I think about it?” 

    “Why shouldn’t you be?” 

    “Well, um…” He’ll lightly touch one of the snowflakes around his head as he looks down at Dove. “I don’t know how okay the plants would be even within a smidge of the cold.” They’ll let a small smile appear on their face at Yukio’s worry. 

    “Oh don’t worry about that. The greenhouse keeps the plants plenty warm all year round, so even a small interaction with your snowflakes won’t cause them any harm.” He’ll let out a sigh of relief at that. 

    “That’s very good to know…” He’ll look off to the side as the two of them continue walking through the halls of the Heavenly Embassy. “...By the way…” Dove will look back up at him. “...Thanks for agreeing to come with me to this place and to help me with this whole thing… You didn’t have to…” The small cherubun will smile up at their friend. 

    “Of course! Besides, if I let you come to the Embassy on your own, you would’ve been left with Primrose again and I can already imagine the yelling contests between you two. You wouldn’t get any of the planting done.” Yukio gives his friend a sheepish smile in return. 

    “I guess despite the cold exterior, I really am hotheaded, huh?” That got some laughter out of Dove. 

    “Yeah, just a little bit of one~” The pride horned bun chuckled a bit before returning his gaze forward. At least this won’t be as bad as he originally anticipated it would be…


    “Wooaahhhh!” The pair of friends had been walking for about ten or so minutes before finally reaching the greenhouse they had to be at. “You guys need this big of one for your plants??” Dove giggled at their friend’s surprised but wondrous expression. 

    “We do need to make sure we’ve got plenty of flowers for everything we need. It’s not like we can go back to the meadow for whatever, so we have to make ends meet somehow.” They’ll let a small smile appear on their face as they continue talking. “We also need to make sure we have our drinks just like you and the rest of the succubuns need your alcohol. Though…” They’ll tilt their head as something crosses their mind. “Now that I think about it… I don’t think I’ve ever really seen you drink. Do you drink alcohol?” Yukio will turn his gaze away from the large greenhouse to look at the small cherubun. 

    “I…” He’ll lightly roll his shoulder, thinking about how to answer the question. “...I used to drink a lot. However, after enough bad times in my old neighborhood with… buns that I used to call friends… I kind of stopped drinking as much. Only benefits it gave me is that my tolerance is pretty high and I know where my limits are. But yeah, I tend to not drink often anymore.” Dove nodded their head at his answer and began to open their mouth to respond but was cut off by another voice. 

    “Well, well, well. I didn’t actually think you’d show up.” One of Yukio’s eyes began to twitch as the owner of the new voice got closer to the duo. He turned his gaze to look at another cherubun, clothed in more yellows compared to Dove. “Unless you’re gonna make Dove do most of the work in the long run, in which case, shame on you.” The wintery bun grinded his teeth together as he glared at Primrose. 

    “Listen here, unlike you, Dove is at least kind and doesn’t make me want to deck them straight to the face.” That makes Primrose narrow his gaze at the taller bun. “And like hell would I make them do most of the work, you sissy moth--” 

    “Okay! Enough!” Dove quickly moves in front of Yukio and places their hands over his mouth. “Deep breaths. Take a couple of deep breaths before you do something you regret.” Said bun tore his glare from the blonde and looked down at the light bluenette, who had a pleading expression on their face. He winces a bit, realizing he’s likely upset his friend, and closes his eyes, proceeding to take a few deep breaths. The smaller cherubun slowly removes their hands from his mouth, turning to look at Primrose. “Don’t worry, the seeds will be planted and cared for properly. I’ll make sure of it.” 

    “Hm. Very well. But if he makes you do most of, if not all, the work, you let me know immediately, alright?” Dove will nod their head at that, causing Primrose to give them a small smile but glare at Yukio, before turning around and heading back into the halls of the Embassy. 

    “...I hate the fact I could feel his glare…” The light bluenette looked up at their tall friend, seeing his eyes still closed. “I really don’t know how you, or anyone for that matter, can deal with him. I really truly don’t know.” 

    “He means well, I do promise that.” Yukio will open one eye and look down at Dove with a look that very clearly reads ‘I don’t believe you.’ “I promise, Yukio. Now, come on. We’ve got some seeds to plant!” As soon as those words left the small cherubun’s mouth, they grabbed Yukio’s arm and started pulling them into the greenhouse. 

    “AH! Careful with the tugging, Dove! My wrists are still connected to the straps, I don’t wanna be dropping the bag!” Said cherubun just giggled, continuing to pull their friend along. Yukio playfully rolled his eyes, though in the process, realized they were now in the building and he was amazed by all the beauty he was seeing. So many unique and beautiful flowers that he’d never seen before, either with his caretaker or anywhere within Burrowgatory. “Woooaahhh…” Dove looked over their shoulder at their friend and smiled, pulling them to an empty plot amongst one of the gardens. “These are the moments where I realize how different the meadows and Burrowgatory truly are…” 

    “That is true… But where there are differences, there are also similarities. That’s a conversation for another time though!” The wintery bun turned his gaze down to them, immediately realizing they’re at an empty plot. 

    “Oh! Uh, right… Planting.” Dove will giggle again at their friend as he removes the straps connecting his wrists to his harness. “Um… Do we need tools of some sort or do we just barehand it?” They’ll blink, staring at their friend. 

    “Have you… never done gardening before?” Yukio will look sheepishly off to the side as he places the bag of seeds down near the edge of the plot. “I suppose that answers the question. I’ll go get some of the gardening tools! I’ll be back soon~” Dove immediately heads off to a nearby shed where the tools would be, leaving Yukio to his devices for a bit. As he waits, he’ll carefully remove his jacket as he starts to properly feel the humidity of the greenhouse. 

    “I know enough to know plants need certain climates and temperatures to survive… But this just feels disgusting to be in constantly.” He’ll lightly crack his neck as he looks around for a moment then turns his gaze to the bag of seeds. He’ll quietly open the bag and take a small handful of seeds out to look at them. “...Such small things, yet they can grow into fully beautiful flowers…” 

    “Kind of like how we are.” Dove’s voice made Yukio jump a bit, startled from his thoughts. “Oops! Sorry about that!” They’ll wander over and gently place a small shovel, gloves are more next to the empty plot. “Here you go! You’ve got an idea of what to do from here?” Yukio will look down at the tools and slowly nod his head. “Good! I’ll be here if you need any help!” 

    “I might actually end up in a fist fight with Primrose if I let you help in any way…” He’ll quietly grumble as he places the handful of seeds back into the bag then grab the gloves and carefully put them on. Once he’s sure they’re on, he’ll take a hold of the small shovel and start digging smallish holes in the dirt, making sure to keep them a good enough distance from one another. They’re both quiet as Yukio continues to work away in the small garden. “Hey…” Dove will let out a hum, acknowledging their friend. “What did you mean earlier? When you said ‘kind of like how we are’?” 

    “Ah, I meant that we all start out as small bunnies, being raised by each of our caretakers, until we eventually grow up and become beautiful and unique individuals, with our own personalities and everything.” He’ll let out a small huff, akin to a short laugh, as he reaches over to the bag of seeds once more to begin placing them in the dirt holes. “We’re basically like any kind of plant!” 

    “You’ve always got a vivid way of looking at the world, you know that, Dove?” 

    “Is that a compliment?” 

    “Yes. I have no reason to insult you. Besides, Jackal would have my head if I did.” Dove lets out a small giggle at the mention of the envy bun and continues to watch Yukio place the seeds into the dirt and cover them back up with the dirt. “By the way, how can you handle being in this humidity?” 

    “Not all of us are covered from head to toe in warm clothing, Yukio~” 

    “Ah, shush you…”

For the Sake of Nature
0 ・ 0
In Prompts ・ By devilkitty1

Yukio's pride got the better of him again and now he has to plant some seeds in one of the Embassy's gardens... But, at least he's not alone!

Written in doll form, word count: 1807

Submitted By devilkitty1 for Pursuit of Diligence: Chapter 1
Submitted: 1 month and 9 hours agoLast Updated: 1 month and 9 hours ago

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