B&B Happy Hour | Cheer-Up Special

In Prompts ・ By golden-boy
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The bar had been quiet. Something was happening in the casino that made drinks the last thing on everyone's mind- something about a huge jackpot that only came around once a season, or something like that. One thing was for sure, the chatter by the machines was a lot louder than the quiet bar, with the only real noise being music being played softly from a cracked phone. After a while, there was a clink of glass as the Mint Tulep was emptied and the shot glass knocked over onto the counter. Cazper groaned at the noise, hearing footsteps as Hops made her way over to him, placing another drink by his face, which was currently pressed against the countertop. Hops sighed lightly. "You know, if you keep acting like a sad sack, I'm gonna have to get you something stronger!" She noted, a smile on her face, turning the Drabsinthe glass slightly in order to hopefully get Cazper's attention. 
Caz picked his head up slightly, meeting the other's gaze. "What? I'm not being a sad sack..." That made Hops giggle. "Oh, is that so? Then why, pray tell, are you alone at a bar, drinking like it's the end of the world, and playing sad music? Sounds like sad sack behavior to me, or at the very least, someone who gets sad with too much alcohol in his sytem." In return, the envy succubun sighed. Hops nodded, tapping a hand on the counter. "Come on, Cazper. Let me get a better look at the big sappy guy stuck at the bar." The brunette looked... confused, almost immediately his face went from a casual frown to a more dramatic and clueless one. "Uh, Hops? Ain't that a bit...unsanitary? Aren't you gonna get in trouble for lettin' someone sit their ass on the counter where you serve drinks?" She shook her head. "Nope! My manager is with everyone else gambling away, and Angora's going to be too busy handling all those bets and carats to come over here and see you up here. Also, if you're worried about customers, I think some of them would like it if they knew you sat up here. Now, come on, up you get!" She once again pat the counter, more intently this time as she moved the discarded glass to the side. She wanted to make sure she was giving the male enough room to maneuver himself up in front of her. Cazper groaned slightly at the movement, lifting himself up and climbing onto the counter, sliding down to be in a sitting position. He was careful to place his legs so that he wasn't going to accidentally kick Hops, finding it kind of embarrassing to sit there and expose his face, full of blush from the amount of alcohol in his system.
"There you are! Now-" She moved to put a hand to her face, the other lightly tapping the other's leg. "I know you're new here, so I want you to know that burrowgatory is meant to be a very fun place. I'm helping you cheer up because I care about you, yes- but also because I can't have a bun running around being all frowny! I think there's a rule about that actually in some places..." Caz perked an eyebrow. "A rule? Like... mandatory fun?" Hops nodded. "Yeah, something like that! Like the title of that album by Weird Lop Yankovich- I think that's his name at least." Cazper's head tilted. "Uh... weird what now?" Her hand went to her mouth in that moment, letting out another humored noise. "Oh! Right, sorry. You probably don't know anything outside of the emo and punk stuff, my bad." She then moved her hand to lightly tap the table, bringing her mind back to where it originally was. "But! The point is that I'm gonna help cheer you up in the way I know best! We're gonna make you a custom drink with any flavors and trinkets you want, and it'll be on the house! After all, it's not like I'm getting out of debt anytime soon anyways, what's a few hundred more carats?"
Caz hissed openly at that last bit, almost feeling the pain of debt by proxy. "You don't gotta do that, Hops. I wouldn't want to make your situation any worse if I can manage it." However, Hops shook her head with a small pout. "Nope! You're taking this kindness and I'm not letting you say no just because you're worried about me! Plus, if you don't let me do this for you, I'll make it my goal to embarass you in front of Jackal next time she's here!" The other bun let out a shocked noise, reeling back a bit and almost falling off the counter, only helped back into place by Hops grabbing his jacket. "You- You wouldn't!" Hops nodded, her pout turning into a devious sort of grin. "Oh, I would, and I will unless you start telling me your favorite flavors in drinks!" 
"Fine! You win, you win. Uhhh, I mean I like mint a lot, considering how many Mint Tuelps I've had tonight, you could probably imagine that one." Hops moved quickly, already starting on the drink as soon as he mentioned mint, and pausing after adding the some leaves in. "Mhm? And what else, don't go easy on me, Cazper, If I know how to do anything it's make a drink!" He sighed, knowing that this was going to be an ordeal of some sort- he had a lot of flavors he liked after all, not all of them going together too well. "Well, I also like cinnamon- I like the kick it gives things, I guess strawberries too? I don't really focus on the actual alcohol part of it at the end of the day, Just not vodka- I tried the Clawdka earlier because one of my roommates like it, but god that shit tasted like an arts and crafts room and I hated it." Hops couldn't help but laugh, remembering the face that the other had given upon trying the drink. Thankfully, she was there to down the rest of the drink that Cazper couldn't handle- it definitely wasn't for everyone though. 
The rest of the flavors were put together, Cinnamon, Mint, and Strawberry was definitely an interesting mixture- and Hops imagined what Cazper might look like if the... odd effects of some of her drinks with the same flavors kicked in- and then she really hoped that it wouldn't. Fangs would be fine, Caz would probably look good in them, but the Fire... it didn't sound like it would go well with his plants, it sounded so not-good in fact that she made sure to keep the cinnamon light in the final drink, pouring it into a large bowl filled with mint leaves and decorated with white strawberries. When she placed the drink on Cazper's lap, she watched as his eye went wide. "Hops, this drink is fucking massive!" She laughed. "Yeup! A big cheer-up drink for a big sad boy! Come on, try it and I'm sure that you'll want to drink all of it!" 
Caz looked unsure, but didn't want to disappoint his friend. He grabbed the large bowl of alcohol with both hands, carefully bringing it up to his mouth and shaking a bit as he tried hard to pour it into his jaw without spilling. While it proved to be a challenge due to the size of the bowl, he got a decent amount of the drink in his mouth and gulped it down. The Mint was the most intense flavor, making the usual heat of the cinnamon and the sweet strawberry flavor get drenched in an unending cold beyond what ice could manage. The cinnamon was barely there, but it was there enough to get some of the kick from that too, it was... well, Cazper thought it was perfect. His mind became focused on drinking the entire thing, quickly forgetting the fact that he was drinking out of a damn fishbowl sized glass.
"See, I told you!" Hops cheered, watching the male continue to chug the drink until the bowl was almost emptied. He placed the bowl down and huffed out. "Shit, that's really fucking good." He let out, moving his hand into the bowl to pick out the mint leaves still in there, before lifting it to his mouth again and letting the rest of the drink slip down his throat. He then collapsed on his back, not falling off of the counter but being very close to doing so, letting out a whooping noise followed by a laugh. "Shit- Caz!" Hops yelped, grabbing his jacket again and pulling him upwards, the male burping lightly and giggling. "Woooo that was really fuckin good, Hops! You really know what you're doing cheering me up with this! I feel like a million carats- no, THREE million carats!" 
Hops did her best to let the man down off of the counter, allowing him to wobble a bit and use her to keep himself stable. "I'm glad it helped, Cazper! But uh, maybe you should lay down a bit. The VIP lounge should be empty tonight because of the event in the casino..." Cazper smiled wide, another laugh falling out of his mouth. "Ohhhh, Am I special now? A Very important bunny?" Hops pet his head, helping walk him over to the room in question. "Yeah, bud! You're a very important guy, and you need some rest after that drink!"
Hops was sweating bullets by the time she actually got the male to lay down on the couch. Maybe she did give him a bit too much alcohol, especially for him to down it like that... "You stay here, Cazper. I'm gonna clean up and get you some water, okay?" The drunk bunny nodded, letting his head rest on the couch pillows as Hops ran out of the room, immediately putting the bowl in the sink to clean out. As she quickly moved around, desperately trying not to break any glasses in her rush, she kept repeating the same thing in her head- knowing she'd have to remember it for the future;
If they ever sold fishbowl drinks, they would need to get much smaller fishbowls.
B&B Happy Hour | Cheer-Up Special
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In Prompts ・ By golden-boy

Cazper is fine he's having a fun time in drunk land

Submitted By golden-boy for Booze and BootyView Favorites
Submitted: 1 year and 2 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 2 months ago

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