Casque's Sixth Diligence (He LOVES it)

In Prompts ・ By Limi
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"I'll be out all day. Do call if any trouble crop up. Do not fucking call if it's Aletheia. Thank you." Casque's staff burst into loud laughter at mention of Aletheia as Casque hurried away toward Heavenly Embassy before he could be intercepted and his precious time wasted. It was the day the Cherubuns and Primose would turn their harvest into ambrosia and Casque wanted to be there for the entire process.

He was fine with not being able to have a taste due to it being poisonous for Cherubuns; he just wanted to see how it was made, whether or not it would be similar to his wine making process. It had been something he and Primrose had occasionally touched up on and Primrose was more at ease knowing that the Envy would not do anything incredibly stupid as he already had knowledge from repeated conversations with Dove.

As per usual it was easy for him to navigate his way to the elevator that would take him up toward Heavenly Embassy and he checked his phone for any missed messages while waiting for ascension to finish. He then put his phone into Do Not Disturb mode with a soft sigh before shooting off a text to Montresor that he would ask Primrose about sharing some of process details.

Once they had arrived at the Heavenly Embassy, Casque pocketed his phone and went to find the prissy Cherubun; barely fazed when he spotted Dove at Primrose's side, having expected them to be around for the breakdown of plants and the ambrosia process.

"Good morning, Dove and Primrose" he greeted as he approached the pair who glanced over; Primrose giving a quick stiff nod in greeting as Dove went over for a hug in greeting.

"Good you're here. We can start soon. Any questions?" Primrose raised an eyebrow when he noticed the way Casque hesitated.

".......An acquaintance of mine who also owns his own winery & vineyard would like to know about the process. Would I be permitted to discuss it with him afterwards?" Primrose opened his mouth to point out the pause before closing them at Dove's head shake. He sighed then

"Very well then. Is it for curiosity sake?"
Casque nodded "He's also aware that ambrosia are poisonous to us. Like me he's merely curious about the process. I would've invited him out here today but he has other obligations today."

".....Very well then, you may." Primrose sighed softly as he led the trio to the table near the back where the storage were.
"We have to separate the plants into parts first before actually starting to harvest the forms we need. I assume you know how to separate the plants?" Primrose glanced to Casque who was looking at the plants that had been separated by each type in their own baskets, cutting board, a small paring knife and several bowls before he glanced to Primrose.

"Certainly but I'd prefer you explain the parts you require so I can be sure they're done to your specifications." Casque settled down onto the stool as Primrose explained that he wanted roots cut off at base, leaves gently separated from stem and the flower plant itself cut off at base. They would of course be separated in their own bowls. Every flower got their own set of bowls because not all of them shared same properties which Casque understood from personal experience.

Casque shook his head at being offered gardening gloves, claiming he preferred to separate plants into parts by hand. Something about be able to take more care with bare hands. Casque began by gently plucking the leaves off the stem and setting them in their bowl before deftly snipping off the roots and flower with two quick strokes of the paring knife. He tuned out the conversations around him as the Envy worked his way through the current basket of the flowers before moving onto the next set of basket and bowls.

Casque barely acknowledged the bottle of water that had been set down at his station as he continued to separate the leaves from stems and cut both roots and flower off the stem. He blinked back into the present when he noticed his hand landing on the desk instead of another basket. It would seem that he had gone through all basket sets around him and separated everything already.

"Everything looks perfect. You did impeccable job." Primrose commented as he looked over the bowls as result of the Envy's handiwork. "Thank you. We're going to start boiling the sap out of stems. Come and I'll show you the process" Primrose led Casque over to where Dove was stirring a large pot

"Oh hey Casque! You finished the separating of the plants? That's wonderful!" Dove greeted with a bright smile as they paused in the stirring "Please put more stems in" they requested while gesturing to the bowl by Casque who obliged in pouring steams into the pot.
"Do you combine everything together once you've gotten what you wanted from each part?" Casque inquired and Dove nodded. "We have to dry the leaves before we can pulverize them into powder and brew them similar to matcha. The petals from flowers are always mashed into a pulp and we often like to turn roots into paste through steaming. Let me show you the equipment we use!" Dove led Primrose and Casque over to the dehydrator where leaves were being placed in to dry and there was a plate full of dry leaves ready to be ground into powder in mortar and pestle.

"Do you know how to use mortar and pestle?" Primrose's question was genuine and Casque nodded
"Use it frequently in my cooking with my spices and dry herbs. It's useful. I'm assuming you have a wheel mortar and pestle for the flowers to pulverize?" Dove nodded, gesturing to a nearby table set up where flowers were being pulverized into pulp. Casque could see a nearby pot of steamer where roots were likely to be in.

"We're working on combining ambrosia right now but I think we should finish up the current batch of plants first...." Dove glanced to Primrose who nodded "Which station, Casque?"

"Oh, give me the leaves. I don't mind grinding them down." Casque spoke as he went to work on grinding down the leaves into powder, easily going through the stack that had already been removed from dehydrator as he was very used to grinding spices and dried herbs at his home. Casque moved onto helping with turning flowers into pulp.

Then he heard a cry of triumph and glanced over to several Cherubuns crowding around Dove and Primrose. It took him a second to realize that they must've finally produced ambrosia by combining everything and he moved over with curiosity.

Primrose was indeed holding up a small vial that shimmered and swirled with mysterious contents.

"All of our hard work has paid off! We have produced ambrosia!" Casque could hear the pride in the prissy Cherubun's voice and had to smile slightly. He observed as the Cherubuns crowded and cheered before he returned to continue his work on the turning flowers into pulp with a small smile on his face.

Hard work always pays off indeed.

Casque's Sixth Diligence (He LOVES it)
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In Prompts ・ By Limi
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Submitted By Limi for Pursuit of Diligence: Chapter 6
Submitted: 2 months and 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 2 months and 2 weeks ago

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[Casque's Sixth Diligence (He LOVES it) by Limi (Literature)](
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