Booze and booty, happy hour

In Prompts ・ By Raine
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Nixie woke up midday to a screaming headache. They had drank a little too much last night at the Rabbit Hole. Hops had a new drink out, the Glowjito. It had quickly become a favorite drink of theirs. It was fairly bright out today, and Nixie had to shield their eyes as they walked to the bathroom. There was only one true way to cure the hangover. Go drink more. You can’t have a hangover if you are still drunk. 


Nixie threw on some shades and slowly started making their way to the bar. On the way they passed Dan’s Dango, and decided to drop in for a small treat to help their head. They walked int he door to hear Dan in the back, pounding the mochi as hard as they could. It was rhythmic and made Nixie’s head pound with every “Thwack” of the mallet. They turned around to walk away, the sound was too much pain for them. That sucked, because some mochi sounded very good. 


Oh well. Nixie continued on the way to the rabbit hole. They finally reached the bar, hoping that Hops was working again. Nixie had a crush on Hops and tried to be subtle about it. They walked in the door to be greeted by Hops, standing behind the bar. Looking around, the place was almost empty.  “Have a seat anywhere, we aren’t too busy tonight.” Hops said to them with her usual smile. 


Nixie smiled back and went to find a seat. He picked up the menu and looked it over real quick. Hops walked slowly over to their table. Nixie watched as she stepped each step in her black high heels with the pink bow on the back of them. “See something you like?” Hops asked, noticing the way they watched her walked over. Nixie blushed and recovered quickly. 


“Yeah, can I have another glowjito? They were delicious just the way you made them yesterday.” Nixie said to Hops. They cleared their throat and ordered an appetizer with it. They dldn’t know if Hops was doing it on purpose or not, but she seemed to be moving her hips more than usual. Nixie could feel their cheeks starting to flush again. Hops was back very shortly with both items. 


“Enjoy, and just call me over if you need a refill or anything else.” Hops said, with her normal, charismatic voice. Nixie nodded and went to town on the food and drink. The glowjito was a seasonal drink only, and they had planned to have many of them while they were in stock. It was an experimental drink when it first came in, and Nixie was one of the first people to try it. Imagine their surprise when they woke up glowing. Parts of their markings, the end of their, their cheeks, and eyes were all glowing.  


He soon order another one, and another one. Before he knew it, the headache had been replaced with a foggy head. When Nixie got like this, they released some of their inhibitions and got very flirty. “Hops, this way.” They yelled, waving for Hops to come over. Hops turned and saw them, and grabbed another glowjito, and headed toward him. They watched Hops walk over, making no attempt to hide their gaze this time, as they watched her hips. 


“Here you go, need anything else?” Hops asked kindly. Nixie snickered and smiled. 


“Yeah, I’d like you to sit with me and bring yourself a drink. I wanna talk some.” They said. 


“I can’t do that, I’ll get in trouble.” Hops responded. Nixie took a look around and noticed there were even less patrons than previously. 


“Come on, I’m paying for the drink. You can take a break with me.” Nixie insisted.  Hops sighed and went to grab a drink. She walked back to the table and started drinking. “See, that’s good isn’t it?” Hops smiled as she drank and the two started talking. Nixie moved their chair closer to Hops’ chair. Within arm reach. they looked down and noticed that they were out again. “Can you bring me another?” They asked.


Hops got up and went to get another drink. While she was up there, they pulled her chair closer to their chair. Hops had returned with the drink and sat down, making note of the fact that her chair was closer. As they drank and talked, Nixie put his hand on Hops’ thigh. She didn’t move away at all. They leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear. “I’ll double your tip if you sit on my lap and feed me a drink.” They smiled as they talked. Hops laughed, and hopped right over to their lap. She fed him the drink, and they laughed it over. He held the small of her back while drinking. 


He knew this would only get him in trouble come tomorrow because his hang over would be even worse. That didn’t matter as he was having fun tonight and didn’t plan on changing that. Their pride was bolstered as Hops sat on his lap, even after giving him the full drink. The two laughed and talked the night away, until Hops had to go help another table. Nixie got up, paid his tab, and started walking back home. The walk back in the brisk air always woke them up and helped to sober them out. 

Booze and booty, happy hour
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In Prompts ・ By Raine
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Submitted By Raine for Booze and Booty
Submitted: 1 year and 2 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 2 months ago

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