Casque's Fifth Diligence (HE'S RELAXED?)

In Prompts ・ By Limi
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"I have never seen Cherubuns before.... What are they like?"

Casque paused, silver fork midway to his mouth before he slowly set it down on the ebony dining table and his amethyst eyes shifted to meet crimson eyes belonging to Wolfsbane. He glanced back down at the eggplant parmesan that happened to be their dinner.

".....It is a little hard to say at the moment. I have only really interacted mainly with Dove, Primrose and Beanny as is through I did meet a lovely Cherubun last time I went up there....They are so different yet so similar to us if that makes sense?" Casque mused softly as Wolfsbane nodded.

"However I have been enjoying myself in the Garden of Virtues. I should take you up there to meet Primrose sometime when things are less busy. You would like him more than I do." Casque chuckled "He has no tolerance for crass language and ill manners." That got a small smile from Wolfsbane.
"We will have to make arrangements then, darling. When do you have to go back?"

"Tomorrow morning. Unfortunately that means I cannot stay long past dinner. My apologies, my sweet Greed." Casque frowned at the way Wolfsbane's Hellfire seemed to dim a little at his answer.
"I understand. You are coming to my ball I plan to host soon?" "Of course"

They conversed over their dinner and shared a glass or two of red wine before Casque departed for his home to prepare for his visit to Heavenly Embassy the following morning.

At crack of light shining through the window into his bedroom had Casque out of bed and getting ready with a quick simple breakfast before he was hurrying away with a notification to his staff at his business that he would be heading up to The Heavenly Embassy for the day. He would be back at a late hour as he had planned to spend the day helping in Garden of Virtues. Then off he went.

"Ah there you are, Casque. Just in time. We are getting ready to start harvesting and we are quite low on helping hands." Primrose called out the moment Casque stepped into the Garden of Virtues and he gave a nod while picking up his pace. "Certainly. Harvesting is actually my favorite part of gardening. I presume I have to be mindful of the roots when digging up?" He raised an eyebrow and Primrose blinked before slowly nodded in astonishment.

"......Dove really was not kidding about your extensive knowledge regarding gardening..."
"As if my previous visits here with helping the planting and watering as well as our interactions regarding tea leaves and coffee beans meant fuck all?" Then the Envy paused "...Pardon that slip. Habit" He corrected himself as Primrose opened his mouth to chastise only to snap them shut.

".....My apologies. I am still...getting accustomed to the fact that there....may be more similarities between Cherubuns and Succubuns than I thought...." Primrose swallowed as Casque's lips quirked in amused smile while recalling his conversation with Wolfsbane the previous evening. So he wasn't the only one coming to terms regarding the two species.

"....Come along so we can get you gardening gloves and a garden shovel....Hmm what am I missing? Oh yes. A basket to store the harvest in." Primrose nodded at Casque as they walked toward the storage table where few other Succubuns and Cherubuns were at. Few of the Succubuns sideyed him as Casque retrieved a pair of gardening gloves, a basket and garden shovel before following Primrose's instructions to the row of plot he would be working on. According to the caretaker of Garden of Virtues, there were multiple plots ready for harvesting and it would be taking them several hours so they would be taking a break for snacks, hydration and lunch.

If there's one thing that would be a certainty, it would be that a shower was going to have to be in Casque's plans once he returned home. He clicked his tongue with a small head shake as he knelt down by one of the ends of the row of plot he had been assigned to. The basket has been set down a good reachable distance away and he donned his gardening gloves to keep his hands clean as he reached for the garden shovel.

Casque got into the rhythm of gently stabbing the soil around the plant to create a circle surrounding it then slowly digging the roots up before reaching for the base of plant to pull up with the shovel supporting the roots. It was then disposed into the basket and he moved onto the next plant.

Stab a circle. Dig roots up. Grab base and support roots. Dispose. Repeat. It was actually really easy for Casque to lose himself to the mundane task of gardening simply because it happened to be something he found delight in. By time he had reached the other end of the row, and his basket was full; he sat back on his knees and wiped his forehead with a soft sigh before yelping in surprise when a cold bottle of water had been offered to him. Glancing up, he relaxed quickly with a small smile once he recognized the blue and white Cherubun offering the bottle.

"Thank you Dove. I got lost in harvesting that I forgot to hydrate. I'll bring this basket back to Primrose soon then get a new row to work on." Casque commented as he removed his gloves then reached for the bottle to open and drank deeply from while Dove laughed melodically.

"He's impressed with your hard work, you know? He was just over here earlier, watching you work on those plants. Said it was one of best quality he had ever seen. Don't tell him I said that." Dove giggled at the surprised look that crossed Casque's face before he slowly nodded at their words.

"....Thank you." Casque murmured as he drained the bottle of water before slowly getting to his feet with a deep groan at his protesting limbs. "Shit I forgot to stretch. Oh. Pardon my language" He groaned at the squeak of surprise from Dove who waved him off as the Envy stretched his body with a quiet pop from his back. Dove followed as the black-and-red haired doll took the full basket back to Primrose to exchange for empty one and directions to another row.

"Good work. You planning to be here all day?" Primrose quirked an eyebrow and Casque smirked "If you'll allow me to be" which pulled out a soft laugh from Dove and a headshake from Primrose as Casque walked over to the new row of plot he had been assigned to.

Gardening is hard work but Casque happened to find it really relaxing. It also helped that there were no annoying Succubuns around to get on his nerves because Primrose ran a strict rule over Garden of Virtues. Who would want to upset the prissy Cherubun anyways?

Chuckling quietly to himself, Casque quickly settled into a rhythm of stabbing circle around the plant, digging the root up, grabbing the base and supporting the roots as it was being pulled out then disposed into the basket. Simple repeatable steps that kept him focused as he worked his way down the row. That would be repeated for several more rows before Primrose was kicking him out with a chuckled "The light's going down and you did lot of harvesting for us. Thank you. Go home, shower and get some rest! Come back up when you're next available and we can discuss the process for making ambrosia. If I remember right, you have some knowledge due to producing your alcohol yes?" Casque nodded in confirmation "Good. Come back when you're free!"

"Thank you for allowing me to work several rows. I will be back within next few days." Casque headed off toward home to shower and to decompress.

Casque's Fifth Diligence (HE'S RELAXED?)
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In Prompts ・ By Limi
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Submitted By Limi for Pursuit of Diligence: Chapter 5
Submitted: 2 months and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 2 months and 3 weeks ago

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[Casque's Fifth Diligence (HE'S RELAXED?) by Limi (Literature)](
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