Stirrin’ And Learnin’ [ Mixology 101 ]

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A fun day of learning was ahead, Eren wanted to do more learning from his last session with Dan and his dango and mochi recipes. He wanted to try and do this without his legion of imps following him but, anyone who knew Eren knew his imps came with him everywhere. Though, he would try to be considerate and not bring all twenty-five of them. Of course, the classic companion Bulby would need to go, along with Peppers, Shroomies, Sniffy, and Stumpy. A classic group of imps indeed, and some of the smarter ones, albeit it also one who tends to misbehave. Picking up his phone, Eren called Hops, wait patiently as the phone rang. The loud music of the bar was ringing in the background, poor Hops yelling in to the receiver.

“ Oh, Eren! Yeah, I’m here already, it’s not too busy now but feel free to come over as soon as you can! I’m excited to teach another bun my magical ways ! “ Hops said, glass clinking in the background as it sounded like the poor lady tripped on something, a loud shattering noise as one of the fancy glasses shattered.
“ Noooo! Angora is gonna be so mad, I’m sorry Eren, I need to go , but I’ll be here! “ she said, hanging up quickly as Eren stifled a laugh.

“ I guess we get to head down there now! “ Eren said, the imps running in circles with excitement as Bulby got his little dango and took his usual spot on Eren’s shoulder, the best place for an imp to learn!

Getting his wagon so he didn’t need to try and chase all of his imps around town, Eren began to walk, choosing to stay in his bun form today since it would be less likely he would drop the glasses … hopefully. His doll form was exceedingly clumsy.

The loud music was thankfully turned down a bit, at least it sounded quieter than what it had been on the phone earlier. Eren released his imps, walking over to the counter, excited to learn.

“ Eren !” Hops said, waving over the dark colors bun. Eren happily shuffled his hooves, his imps mostly behind him, though Shroomies was already about to start getting in to trouble. Eren made sure to wash his lil hooves, washing all the way up his arm just to be on the safe side! Even if the bun world was basically clean as a whistle, something innate in him just wanted to always be as clean as possible,

“ Good first step Eren! You wash your hooves better than I do! “ Hope chuckled, handing a … unique outfit for Eren to wear. Eren didn’t mind dressing up in more lady-like clothes from time to time, but he couldn’t help but feel silly in such little clothing. Throwing on his new uniform, since he planned to come out a few times like he had Dan in the past, he was happy to keep it. Even Bulby got his own little outfit, a fancy bow for a fancy boy!

“ Thanks for getting Bulby his own bow, I appreciate it, “ Eren said, nodding politely to Hops. She laughed and waved him off, “ Of course! It’s not everyday I get to teach an imp too! I can’t believe how smart he is, “ she said, pulling out the equipment they would need. Eren was also wanting to learn mixing for his friend Felix, hoping if he got wasted he would lessen his advances. Eren liked him, but the man had an insane drive that rivaled the lust bun himself! He hated making his own drinks, so learning was half the battle.

“ Okay, first we will make something simple; Sin and Tonic ! It’s just a mix of gin, soda water and limes! Super simple, “ she instructed, giving Eren the free rein to see if he could learn quickly from words. Eren took the recipe book, making sure to get ratios right as he began to pour, growing in some awesomely textured crushed ice, and the slapping some limes on the side. Hops seemed proud, some buns even struggled with the more simple recipes.

“ You did great, a bit strong but hey! If you like it strong, that’s how you like it ! Do you wanna pick one to try next? “ Hops said, flipping through the book to explain more of the recipes to him. Bulby jumped off his shoulder, using his little tiny leg to point at a drink he knew Eren liked ; Angora Sour.

“ Oh is that your favorite? It’s a bit more intermediate, but I think you can do it! Here, first you’ll want this glass, “ Hops dug around, dropping a random glass and groaning in pain at the thought of Angora getting on her ass again,
“ Not again! “ she whined, handing a short, stumpy glass to Eren.

“ Okay, you’ll need some liquer and my secret ingredient ! I’ll even give you some to make a glass, okay? “ she said happily, Eren nodded and took the ingredients and began to mix and stir. He was a bit more nervous doing a harder recipe, but he was confident. All until his chaotic umps started doing what they do best, chaos.

“ Sniffy, Stumpy! Get off the table! “ Eren scolded, the two imps harassing some random bun who was passed out drunk, snoozing away. It seemed the two were trying to see if he was okay, but not getting the attention they wanted lead to them acting like stinky, mean imps. Where were Peppers and Shroomies though? One look up helped answer that question, the imps were swinging off a chandelier!

“ Eren if they break something you’re going to owe Angora, you NEVER want to owe Angora! “ Hope said in a playful panic, it would be nice to not be alone in her debt … but she and Eren needed to stop them. Sniffy and Stump listened usually, but Peppers and Shroomies needed coaxing.

“ If you get down, we can go to Dan’s Dango and get you something to eat later! “ Eren said, handing over his mixed drink to Hops, who drunk it all down in one gulp. Tasty! The perfect angora sour!

Quickly, at the temptation of food for being bad, Peppers and Shroomies jumped from the high end chandelier, probably a good 10-12 feet off the ground and went barreling towards the ground. Running to catch them, Eren jumped and let the little imps land on top of him, groaning as he hit the floor, Hops soon coming to help him up.
“ Your sour was great Eren! I think I can trust you with my recipes … just don’t make enough to put me out of a job, okay? Or I’ll tell Angora about your imps mischief ! “ Hops clapped, tossing the glass in to the sink idly, it breaking which lead to another pained groaned. Poor Hops.

“ Really? Thank you! I’m excited, thank you again for teaching me Hops. I promise to not make any outside my home to sell, “ he chuckled, the two shaking hands happily as all of Eren’s imps swarmed around Hops, begging for their own attention before leaving. Poor Eren would need to spend all of his pocket carats on those dango, since he left most at home. It’s okay, he would figure it out … probably.

Stirrin’ And Learnin’ [ Mixology 101 ]
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In Prompts ・ By KrissySempaiArt

Eren learns some drink mixin!

Submitted By KrissySempaiArt for Mixology 101
Submitted: 3 months and 6 hours agoLast Updated: 3 months and 6 hours ago

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