In Prompts ・ By Historyy
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As Ariette returned to the greenhouse gardens of the Heavenly Embassy to check in on the ambrosia flowers that she had planted with Dove the week prior, she thought about how Primrose had sent her on an excursion across the town to deliver a box of embassy-grown tea leaves to Dove earlier that day. She remembered that Primrose had been rather hesitant to request assistance from her. In her mind, this was no doubt because of Primrose’s poorly disguised disdain for Succubuns. But, regardless of that, she’d done as he’d asked. She’d delivered the box of tea leaves to Dove at their home, and was now returning to the greenhouse gardens to do as she had initially planned, which was to check on the ambrosia flowers. 

Turning all of these thoughts over in her mind, she stepped off the solid cloud bed and into the greenhouse gardens, where she was greeted with a sudden realization. She would once again be faced with the haughty and cantankerous Cherubun, Primrose, who was undoubtedly still weeding and watering his ambrosia flowers. Ariette groaned at the thought.

And, as she had predicted mere seconds earlier, indeed there he was, kneeling over a plot of ambrosia flowers, fully engrossed in his work. 

Not wishing to disturb him (or have to deal with his pretentious attitude), Ariette attempted to sidestep the Cherubun and make her way to the back of the greenhouse to see the plot of flowers that she had planted with Dove, but the blonde Cherubun whirled around at the sound of her footsteps. And before any sort of welcoming remark could escape his lips, his face contorted into a profound grimace as he caught sight of her.

“You’re back again?” he said incredulously, contempt evident in his voice. “I thought I asked you to deliver a box of tea leaves to Dove? Why are you back here again?” His usual tactless facade to try and appear tolerant of “her kind” was unraveling before her very eyes as Primrose continued his tirade. “Ugh, slothful Succubuns really are the laziest of the bunch, aren’t they?” This time his words were so full of malice that Ariette was genuinely taken aback. She knew that Primrose was never particularly fond of Succubuns or Burrowgatory, and the only reason he was even here in the first place was so that he could care for the other Cherubuns who had come here of their own free will. But, she never knew that he held such a deep-seated resentment towards Succubuns.

“I already delivered them.” Ariette replied flatly, not attempting to be cordial with the Cherubun who very obviously despised her.

At this, Primrose's eyes narrowed, his brow furrowing and his gaze becoming lethal. 

“There’s absolutely no way you made it to the center of Burrowgatory and back in that time. I simply do not believe it.”

And then, turning away, he attempted to put on an air of indifference and moral superiority. “This is why I don’t ask you Succubuns for anything. The whole lot of you are lazy and dishonest, riddled with wickedness and corruption. You must have dumped the box somewhere when you realized that the distance was too much for you to travel, especially as you are a sloth bun.” he said, narrowing his eyes at her. “And now you have the absolute gall to return to my greenhouse and to concoct this gormless lie, as if I would believe such impetus vomit!” he spat out, his words dripping with venom. 

“I beg your finest pardon, Primrose!” Dove’s voice boomed as they threw open the front door to the greenhouse. “Ariette had dropped her purse on the steps leading up to my house, and when I discovered it, I ran after her because she had said she would be coming back here. So, to see you accusing her of lying about delivering the tea leaves to me without any proof to support it is completely disgraceful, Primrose, and I will not stand for it! You will apologize to her immediately!!” 

At this, Primrose’s face flushed scarlet with realization, and he stared in complete disbelief at Dove, and then over at Ariette. 

“Well?” Dove demanded.

“I…I’m…sorry, Ariette. I….misjudged you.” Primrose muttered quietly. He then lowered his head in shame and refused to speak another word. 

“I encourage you to think about what you say next time before you carelessly throw around insults at the Succubuns here in Burrowgatory, Primrose.” Dove finished with a note of caution. After an assenting nod from Primrose, Dove walked over to Ariette and handed her purse back to her. 

Then, brushing past him, Dove led Ariette back to the plot of ambrosia that they had planted together the week before. “Now that that’s out of the way.” Dove began with a tinge of annoyance in their tone, “Let’s give these flowers a little drink, hm?” After a quick nod from Ariette, Dove continued, “So, you may remember last time how I told you that these ambrosia seeds need holy water or else they won’t be able to grow. However, I didn’t tell you about where that water comes from. Come, let me show you, and then let’s water the ambrosia flowers.”

They led Ariette out of the greenhouse and onto the ground outside. “As you may know, this is a solid cloud bed that the entire Heavenly Embassy sits upon. Moisture gathers inside this cloud bed and drips into our collection system of rain barrels. This was Melangel’s final gift to us.” they said with a sudden melancholy. “Without it, and without us Cherubuns to harvest it, it would be impossible for these heavenly flowers to survive.”


After they had collected enough holy water to fill a watering can nearly to the brim, the pair returned inside and knelt before the plot of ambrosia flowers that they had planted the week before. The ambrosia had just begun to bloom, and was shimmering faintly as Ariette watched them for a moment. Dove handed her the watering can, and Ariette tilted the can to let the cold water spill out and soak the growing blossoms. They soaked up the water, and even seemed to shine brighter as the dew dripped off of their tiny petals. Ariette smiled back at Dove. 

“How long do you think it will take before they’re ready to harvest?” she asked.

“Hm, at least another month.” Dove replied. “And we’ll know when they’re ready to be harvested. The flowers will shine like freshly cut gemstones. That’s when we’ll know.”

“They’ll really shine that brightly?”

“Oh yes. Do you see all of the ambrosia glinting as it catches the light now? Just wait until it’s time to harvest.” They hummed. “This greenhouse will light up like a treasure trove full of gold and precious minerals.” 

“That sounds magical.” Ariette smiled fondly, imagining it.

“It is. I’ll give you a call when it’s time to harvest. I’d love for you to see it for the first time. It’s something I think all buns in Burrowgatory should see at least once.”

“I wouldn’t dream of missing it.” And the two of them just smiled at each other.

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In Prompts ・ By Historyy
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Submitted By Historyy for Pursuit of Diligence: Chapter 3
Submitted: 3 months and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 3 months and 3 weeks ago

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[[ARIETTE] PURSUIT OF DILIGENCE: CHAPTER 3 by Historyy (Literature)](https://succubuns.com/gallery/view/32618)
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