Hazebloom Investigation

In Prompts ・ By Raine
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Snuggler Supreme woke up to the light in her eyes, peering through the wide window into her bedroom. She removed her fluffy pink comforter and matching pink sheets in order to try and get up for the day. They yawned, closed their eyes and rolled back over, the light now facing their back. She had hoped to sleep the day away, but just then, there was a knocking at her door. She lacadaisically rolled over and out of bed. As she shuffled across the floor, fluffy hair bouncing everywhere, she headed toward the door. At the pearl white door that rose a couple feet above her head, she opened the door to find Hops standing there.


“Hurry Snugs, We need to get more clues as to what is destroying our hazeblooms!” Hops said in a frenzied voice. Snugs yawned and wiped their eyes, still processing waking up. Hops grabbed their hand and pulled them along the road to Dan’s Place. As they got to the door, Hops let go and walked off, murmuring something about hazeblooms. Snugs opened the door to hear the bell at the top ring, announcing her arrival. No one was behind the counter. She stepped into the back to find Dan there, making some of his signature Mochi.


“Hey, what did you need now?” Dan asked, slightly grumpily. “I already told you everything I know concerning the hazeblooms and my garden.” 


“Have you seen Shibani? I wanted to ask them if they saw anything.” Snugs asked while glancing around the back for Shibani. Dan looked exasperated. 


“Arent they up front, watching the counter?” Snugs turned and looked around the corner to find Shibani laying there, sleeping on a pile of pillows.


 “Oh, I see them now.” Snugs replied to Dan with a shrug of her shoulders. She left the back room and walked behind the counter. “Shibani, get up, I need to talk to you.” Snugs lightly pushed against Shibani’s arm. Shibani stirred and woke up. 


“Hey Snugs. Here for some more cuddles?” Shibani asked through a slight grin. Snugs shook her head no, and started to relay the story of the hazeblooms and gardens that have been eaten and trampled on. 


“Hmm… I can’t say I know too much about it.” Shibani said, yawning as they barely opened their eyes. “Wait, on second thought, I might know a little something. I did hear some sounds coming from Dan’s garden a couple nights back. It sounded like a skittering, or maybe a clopping. I was kinda asleep when I heard.”


Snugs wrote down Shibani’s words on a notepad that Hops had given her. As she wrote, she would occasionally nod, the pomp of hair on the top of her head bouncing a little up and down. It would seem as though the pomp caught Shibani’s attention, as they started nodding their head up and down, matching Snug’s hair. Snugs caught sight and giggled a little. She snuggled up against Shibani as they continued on with their story. Both Succubuns snuggled up in the pile of pillows. Snugs felt her eyes getting heavy, as she struggled to try and write down what Shibani was saying. Something, something, skittering. Something, something, garden. 


Snugs had to get up out of the pillow pile and try to wake up so she and Hops could figure this out. She let out a huge yawn that was reciprocated by Shibani, and refocused on the task at hand. “Why don’t we head out to the garden and see what has happened to it?” Snugs inquired. Shibani reluctantly agreed, as both of them walked out the front door, to head to the garden around the back. On the way, Snugs noticed a few things that would be useful in the garden. A hose near a watering can, a pair of garden shears, and a small trowel, all neatly packed against the side of the building. Dan must like to keep his stuff organized. 


Around the back of the store, they came upon the garden. A nice, neat garden, with labelled rows of the foods that Dan likes to use to make his mochi. Snugs did indeed see that several of the plants were trampled upon or eaten. Wading through the garden, trying not to mess anything up with their sleepy stumbles, Shibani and Snugs worked their ways to the areas affected by the mysterious creature. Sure enough, they noticed the same things that have already been said to Snugs via her prior investigations. Black fur, and hoofed marks that seemed to gallop or trot throughout the garden. 


Snugs made note of everything they saw, from the eaten foods, to the marks left behind. Unfortunately, this investigation yielded little information that wasn’t already known to Snugs and Hops. Snugs and Shibani both walked back to the front of the store. Snugs knew she had to get the reports of the investigation back to Hops, but Shibani’s pillow pile looked so comfortable. 


“Shall we nap?” Shibani said, with their sleepiest smile put on. Snugs could not refuse. She put the notebook down on the counter, snuggled up to Shibani, and they both fell asleep. 

Hazebloom Investigation
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In Prompts ・ By Raine
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Submitted By Raine for Hazebloom InvestigationView Favorites
Submitted: 1 year and 2 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 2 months ago

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