Bored Games
Syl sighed as a loud thump echoed through the room. Shibani was finally done for the count. The poor bun could no longer continue on, far too exhausted to throw another card on the table.
Dan slammed his cards down in indignation. How the hell did he keep getting so many cards?!
Hops laughed and stood up on her stool, waving her last card. "I got it, look! Last card!!"
The chaos just seemed to erupt all of a sudden. Even Syl's imps were crowding him in this moment. Flicker was trying to offer some light, even though there was plenty and...well, what light? Chord happily sat upon one of his horns as a perch to watch the game like a tiny, sophisticated audience member. Menace was desperately trying to get away from Doki, who just wouldn't leave him alone no matter what he did. It was a rambunctious living space now, with Dan trying to wake Shibani up, Shibani snoring away, and Hops overly excited about her sudden win. She's certainly be telling Angora about this later.
Regardless of the noise in the normally quiet house, Syl simply held his cards and watched the scene unfold before him. He didn't mind this, honestly. It was better than sitting around on his own, and his home finally sounded a bit lively.
Perhaps he'd try Monopoly next time...
There is so much wrong with t his image, but I was running out of time and tired. It doesn't look the best, but still - it challenged me to do a more complicated background. Maybe I'll do more in the future.
I really need to practice rooms more and plan out what Syl's rooms might actually look like. The Furdin pair picture in the back is totally canon though, he definitely has a picture like that.
(Syl really loves imps)
Submitted By Nyxus
for Bored Games
Submitted: 9 months and 1 day ago ・
Last Updated: 9 months and 1 day ago