Wines and The Rain

In Prompts ・ By Limi
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"It's raining outside" Casque's ears perked and he glanced up from where he was currently bent over the counter working on some papers. The Envy's purple eyes shifted toward the gardens outside the floor to ceiling windows and....
Yeah his employee was right. It is raining outside and it looks to be pouring heavily.

He clicked his tongue in thought and rolled his eyes when he heard light laughter among his employees. They all knew of his love for rainy weather and his tendency to stand outside getting soaked to the bone for hours on end. Casque could not rebuke their comments because, well.
It was true. He found it oddly relaxing. Casque pulled away from the counter with a soft sigh
"We need to focus on making more wines and grappa soon. We're running low especially on grappa, they've been ridiculously popular" Casque commented "And we need to restock on the wine jelly too...."

"We ran out of bourbon jelly too" One of his employees spoke up and he groaned "Okay, we're running low on spirits as well. This weekend will be busy with producing more. Not to mention Jackal's request for the mushrooms harvest from the property around here. They've been overtaking some of the gardens" he scowled at the thought of his beloved herbal gardens getting overtaken by mushrooms. He would have to set aside some time to clear up the mushrooms but today would not be it.

"You guys can go home. I don't think we'll get any more customers today due to the weather. I'm going to go to the kitchen to get something to eat and check what need to be restocked..." With that dismissal, Casque headed toward the kitchen to check in on the kitchen staff and to release few to go home due to weather. His beloved Eroses were around, hovering over the staff who were working on some creamy red wine pasta with bell peppers and caramelized onions. Casque chuckled as he moved over to his albino and red imps; plucking them out of air and getting them settled on his antlers. They always did love to settle into his antlers after all.

"Those looks delicious. Mind if I get a plate made?" Casque chuckled as his kitchen staff startled at his voice. He took his plate and moved out of kitchen and toward his indoors tasting room with fantastic view of the vineyard to enjoy his meal; his two Eroses cooing softly. The Envy wasn't surprised to find his Gargowl perched on one of the chairs when he entered the room and got settled into a seat.

"Come over here, Statue" He called and the imp flew with grand swoop of its wings across the tasting room and perched on the chair across from him; already starting to preen its feathers.
Casque dug into his pasta while watching rain splatter against the glass windows enclosing the room. A small smile tugged at his face as he observed how oddly peaceful everything seemed to be in muted colors.
It was not what Gremory had intended but Casque had discovered his appreciation for beauty in more neutral, muted and dark tones. Bright saturated colors were headache inducing for him at times.
Call it trauma association, he suppose but it is what it is.

Once his pasta had been fully consumed, Casque slowly rose to his feet as his Albino Erose moved away from his antler so Statue could fly forward to perch on it.
"You good, Grigio?" When the Albino Erose nuzzled against Casque's cheek in affirmation; he had to smile as he headed for the doors leading to the outside so he can begin to enjoy the rain.

As rain soaked his antlers, hair, clothes and his imps; Casque walked along the wall for a while before leaning against it, his head gently knocking backwards against the stone wall as he lifted his head to the sky while closing his eyes. He could breathe easily as he let himself get lost in the quiet atmosphere of being on his own with his Eroses dancing with each other few inches away and his Gargowl taking the opportunity to bathe in the rain. If the rain splashed off the imp's feathers and all over him, Casque didn't mind.

"CASQUE!!! YOU'RE SOAKED! Dear goodness!" Dove's frantic voice called out, abruptly yanking Casque out of his thoughts and he blinked back in awareness to an umbrella being held above him, the cherubun's blue eyes looking up at him full of worry and Casque blinked as he turned his head to the side toward Jackal who was scowling while holding up her own umbrella. His Eroses were now resting in his antlers, and Statue....It was hovering above Jackal looking rather irate.

"Oh...Hey Dove...It's okay, I really like the rain. It's comforting" Casque glanced back to Dove who pouted at his words.

"Screw that. You'll catch a cold if you're not careful. C'mon let's get you back inside and warmed up" Jackal sighed and Casque had to concede the point. He could never say no to Dove especially since they were so good natured.
"Okay then" Casque pushed off the wall and matched Dove's pace as they returned inside.
"Rain is better enjoyed from behind a window..." Dove commented and Jackal snorted as Casque sighed softly
"I know but I like the feeling of it"

"You're weird" "Fucking weirdo"
"JACKAL!" Dove gasped at Jackal's swearing and Casque had to muffle his soft laughter as Statue came to perch on his shoulder.
He was glad for the pair.

Wines and The Rain
1 ・ 0
In Prompts ・ By Limi

Camo of dove and jackal at end

Submitted By Limi for Rain CheckView Favorites
Submitted: 2 months and 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 2 months and 2 weeks ago

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[Wines and The Rain by Limi (Literature)](
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