[Comm] Diligence part 4

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“Good morning Primrose!” Ephemer greeted the Cherubun cheerfully. It was the third (or fourth?) day after he had come here with Velvet to learn about watering ambrosia, and as he’d promised, Ephemer was determined to come help Primrose out as much as he could without burning himself out. 


Primrose seemed focused on his task, giving Ephemer a distracted “Good morning” without looking up. 


Ephemer just shrugged it off, knowing the Cherubun enough to know he wasn’t trying to be rude. He went to the back of the greenhouse and picked up one of the watering cans, filling it with dew from the cloud bed just like Primrose had shown him a few days ago. Starting at the opposite side of the greenhouse from the side he had started at yesterday, Ephemer went through the now familiar motions of testing the soil for dampness and watering - or not - the precious blooms growing within, and moving on. 


He hadn’t been working for too long before Primrose came up to him, holding a small paper bag. “If you remember planting seeds with Beanny, you may have noticed her slipping in some of her own seeds amongst the ambrosia.” Primrose held up the bag, shaking it slightly so the contents rattled. “I’ve taken the liberty of weeding - I mean, harvesting them out of the ambrosia beds. That bun knows that I’ve set aside beds for their coffee beans, but still they went out of their way to plant them when she was helping you…” Primrose shook his head, exasperated but with a hint of reluctant fondness for the other Cherubun. “I would appreciate if you could take these to her.”


Ephemer took the offered paper bag, immediately hit with a sense of deja vu; it had only been a week or two ago that he’d taken tea leaves to Dove, after all. At least the cafe that Beanny owned was actually in the Heavenly Embassy, so it wouldn’t be that long of a trip. “Of course, Primrose. She should be at the cafe they own, right?”


“She should be.” Primrose confirmed, taking the watering can that Ephemer held. “If she’s not serving in the cafe itself, she’s usually in the back. Everyone knows her, so you should be able to find her quickly regardless.” Primrose turned to continue where Ephemer had left off, but hesitated. “Will you be coming back afterwards?” 


Ephemer smiled at the Cherubun, nodding. “I can, yes! I’d planned to be in the Embassy for a few more hours today anyways.” 


Primrose nodded back and didn’t respond, but Ephemer saw a pleased almost-blush on the other bun’s face as he turned away. 




It was a beautiful day, so Ephemer wasn’t particularly surprised to see that the Paradise cafe was bustling. He stepped inside, looking up at the small bell above the door as it jingled to announce his arrival. Ephemer was surprised at how many smells floated around the cafe without clashing with each other; fruit, chocolate, floral, and of course the coffee itself. 


A quick glance around the cafe later and he spotted Beanny themselves behind the counter, huge grin on their face as they energetically served customers. Ephemer made his way over, waving as Beanny spotted him. 


“Hey, Ephemer! Long time no see! What can I get for ya’?” 


“Hi Beanny!” Ephemer returned her smile. “I was just at one of the greenhouses with Primrose, and he asked me to deliver this to you.” He held up the paper bag of coffee beans.


Somehow Beanny’s grin got even bigger, their fluffy Cherubun tail bouncing happily as she took the bag from Ephemer. “I was just thinking that these babies would be almost ready.” She looked back up at him as she opened the bag. “Let me make you a cup, yeah? It wouldn’t be like me to send you off without making you have a taste, especially since you hand delivered them!” 


“Oh, thank you so much!” Ephemer watched Beanny start to prepare the coffee, then added thoughtfully, “Does Primrose ever come here to get coffee?”


“Mm, sometimes,” Beanny confirmed. “Mostly has other buns come to pick up his orders though, so he can keep working.” Her eyes flicked away from her task for just a moment to meet Ephemer’s gaze. “Why?” 


“I’m going back to the greenhouse when I’m done here, so I want to bring him back something. Do you think he’d prefer getting one of his regular orders, or would he want to try out those new beans?” Ephemer dug around in his pockets for a moment before pulling out his carat purse. “I’ll pay for it, of course, I just thought - what’s with that look?” 


“Oh, nothin’, sorry.” Beanny chuckled, grabbing another cup and repeating the process she’d just finished for Ephemer’s drink. “It’s just that nobody really treats him, ya know? It’s not like he’s any good at making friends.” 


Ephemer hummed noncommittally, not wanting to say anything bad about the other Cherubun. Within minutes Beanny had finished making both coffees and pushed them over to Ephemer's side of the counter. He opened his mouth to ask about a price but Beanny interrupted him. 


“No, ‘cuz if Primrose heard that I charged his errand boy who was doing a kind gesture, I’d never hear the end of it.” They smiled and gave him a playful salute. “Now get back out there!” 


“Okay Beanny, thank you.” Ephemer laughed and tucked his carat purse away, grabbing both drinks and taking his leave. 




“Hey Primrose, I’m back.” 


“Excellent, could you come here and -” Primrose looked up and trailed off as he saw what Ephemer was holding out to him. “What…?” 


“Beanny wanted us to taste the coffee beans you’d harvested today!” Ephemer wasn’t sure why he felt like he needed to hide that it was his idea, but… “I know it’s not your usual order but hopefully you still like it!” 


Primrose stared for a moment longer, then his face fully exploded into a deep red blush as he all but snatched the cup out of Ephemer’s hand. He tried to play it off, responding with a short “thanks” but the Cherubun was clearly flustered. 


“Will you come sit outside with me? It's a beautiful day.” 


“I… Yes, alright.” 


Ephemer smiled widely, and the two buns left the greenhouse, taking a seat together on the nearest bench. Ephemer’s tail wagged slowly, and once Primrose calmed down over his initial surprise, he seemed to be enjoying himself as well. 


It was an odd sight; the most proper of Cherubuns enjoying a cup of coffee with an Envy-viced Succubun. But to any bun walking by, it was clear the two were comfortable in their silence.

[Comm] Diligence part 4
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In Prompts ・ By Astrologytwink
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Submitted By Astrologytwink for Pursuit of Diligence: Chapter 4
Submitted: 6 months and 5 days agoLast Updated: 6 months and 5 days ago

FlytexofxFancy: Commissioned
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