The Time Has Come

In Prompts ・ By Fire
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      “Any time now, aaaany time…”

      “Relax babe, there’s no rush. You’ve been workin’ this hard for this long, yeah? It’ll all be finished soon.”

      After Primrose opening up to them, Annalise was positively fired up to help make ambrosia with him whenever they next visited the Embassy. Primrose said that he would send them some sort of message whenever the time had come, and it wound up their excitement tenfold. To feel like their journey of enlightenment was this close and had come so far, along with Primrose’s help… that was such a gift to Annalise. They couldn’t help but gush to their partner Mikayla, who enjoyed seeing her partner happy. The couple was sitting on the couch in their living room, Annalise vibrating with anticipation and Mikayla lazily sprawled out, her corvat Orni nestled in her lap sleeping peacefully. Annalise’s lunell Faeby could sense her owner’s excitement and was zipping around the room at mach speeds, chirping and giggling happily. 

      “I wish I could taste the ambrosia so badly, but I think Primrose will make us some special tea with the nectar that isn’t used!” Annalise said.

     “Sounds great babe, really.” Mikayla closed her eyes and pet Orni’s head, the imp cooing contentedly.

      “You don’t sound very excited.” Annalise’s brow furrowed.

      “I’m not, this is all your thing, yeah? Time for you to harvest the fruits of your labor, orrr uh, nectar I guess? Flower juice.” Mikayla opened her eyes, a smirk crossing her face. “I mean, if you’d like me to taste your flower’s sweet juices before you go…” She stuck out her tongue between two fingers, flicking it up and down.

      Annalise snorted. “You’re so bad sometimes!”

      “Allllll the time. I wasn’t put in Hell to be good love.”

      Annalise laughed. “Maybe when I return, so you’ll have something to lick for — I mean, look forward to.”

      “I’m a bad influence on you.” Mikayla smiled and closed her eyes.

      The two waited for a few minutes more, bantering back and forth playfully. Faeby started brushing up on furniture due to her flying speed and Annalise had to get up to catch her so she wouldn’t destroy anything. As the two played an elaborate game of tag, there was a soft knocking at the door. Annalise froze in place, letting Faeby slip from their grasp and careen into a lamp.

      “That’s definitely for you, my guest won’t be arriving for quite a while.” Mikayla said. Annalise took a deep breath and walked as calmly as they could to the door. When they opened it to the crisp crystal light, a small creature was floating in the air and holding an envelope. It wasn’t an imp, but it looked sort of like one, maybe. It had a sort of halo for a head and four arms, but there was a soft sort of heavenly glow about it… maybe it was a virtue? Annalise had only recently stumbled upon a Temperentia, and they hadn’t become accustomed to caring for them yet. The virtue stuck out the envelope and made a soft cooing sound. Faeby came to the door behind Annalise to investigate, and returned the cooing sound. Annalise opened the envelope.

      ‘Annalise: Please return to the Heavenly Assembly at your earliest convenience. This Diligentia will accompany you. Please bring your lunell. Sincerely, Primrose.’

      Annalise’s smile spread from ear to ear. She shot back inside and gathered her things. “I’m headed out Kay, I’ll be back later!”

      “Have fun with the mixology babe. Hopefully you’re back before my guest leaves.”

      Annalise rolled her eyes and closed the door behind her.


~ ~ ~ 


     The walk to the elevator had been gorgeous. The weather cleared up to be very pleasant without much humidity, and the natural hum of the city seemed cheerful. The Diligentia had been pretty quiet, floating steadily in front of Annalise, almost like a guide. Sometimes it would coo softly, and Faeby would chirp along. Faeby seemed excited, flying around the virtue and trying to engage it in some sort of play. When they reached the elevator, it opened automatically and they stepped inside, the journey upwards taking only a moment.

      Upon arrival to the top of the cloud, Diligentia led Annalise and Faeby once more inside the pearly gates of the Heavenly Embassy. They followed them through the hallways, past the glass corridor to the greenhouse, and all the way to the brewery studio, where Primrose was waiting, various equipment laid out before him.

      “Annalise, thank you for your prompt arrival.” He said. He was bent over a bowl, squeezing a stem from the Heavensbell. A light opaque sap trickled down into the bowl. Annalise rounded the table to watch, as Faeby continued flying around the Diligentia. "Today we will brew medicinal ambrosia, and then afterwards, I would appreciate a cup of tea with you." Annalise sidled up next to Primrose, and he shifted a bit towards her presence. After squeezing the last of the sap, he laid the stem down in a basket and picked up a new one. "We first start by squeezing the sap from the stems of the plant, so we can boil them later." Annalise followed suit and picked up a new stem. "Be careful not to squeeze so hard that you break the stem, and work your way from the top down." The pair set to work on their respective stems, Primrose an expert at squeezing out every last drop, and Annalise a novice with some potential. Primrose inspected their first stem. "You're being too gentle, please increase the amount of pressure you apply." Annalise nodded, and they continued working for a few minutes.

      "I did not think you would summon me so quickly! And with such a unique messenger." Annalise motioned to the Diligentia, who was now floating serenely in front of them. They repeatedly chimed at the mention of their name.

      Primrose looked up. "Yes, this is diligentia. I suspect you've seen a few virtues floating around the Embassy."

      "I actually have a few myself now! A temperentia from around Paradise Café, and a fidelia from the Church of Sulfur. I knew they were a virtue but I do not think I have ever seen them before."

      "They arrived only a few days ago from the Meadow. They seem to be quite the hard worker, always looking for a task to help out with. Truthfully, they've been a pleasure to have around, though the tasks I need assistance with require..." Primrose chuckled. "...hands." The diligentia snuffed in reply, Faeby flying over to chirp, almost as if laughing. "They don't have an owner yet, but they've been a dutiful little helper. I thought that since you've also been such a joy to help with my work, that you'd appreciate them as a messenger."

      Annalise beamed. "They certainly weren't what I was expecting! But a welcome surprise anyhow."

      Annalise reached for the next stem in the basket but there were none left. Primrose also made the same mistake and reached in, grabbing Annalise's hand by accident. They looked at each other and blushed, neither pulling away from the gentle touch. Faeby noticed this interaction and flew over, sitting on top of their hands.Annalise laughed as Primrose blushed harder, turning his head away.

      "Faeby! That's not a spot for you, shoo!" Annalise waved the lunell away with her free hand and Faeby pouted, flying over to the diligentia who seemed to 'pet' her. Annalise brought Primrose's hand up to her mouth and gave it a gentle kiss, before squeezing it and letting go.

      "Well, there are no stems left to uh, get sap from so uh... let's move onto boiling the sap, yes." Primrose tried his best to gain his composure but his words were jumbling all over themselves, a staunch opposition to his normal overly formal dictation. He grabbed the bowl of sap and brought it over to a stove, pouring it into a waiting pot. He turned the heat on and waited for the sap to heat up, before covering the pot and simmering. "That needs to be cooked for a few minutes, let's get the tea started."

      Primrose then turned back to the table, where the basket of flowers was waiting. Annalise peered inside to see that Primrose must have done some preperation on them already, as nothing was inside save for the pale blue petals. They still had a sort of glow and shimmer of life inside them, which was unusual for the plants in Burrowgatory. Another reminder that Annalise had stepped into a world unlike her own, but one where she felt she could truly be herself. Primrose gathered some petals and began to crush them. Annalise mimicked his actions, until they each had a fistful of tea "leaves".

      "May I?" Primrose held out his hand for Annalise to deposit her petals in. After they did so, Primrose walked back to a cabinet in the back. "Please don't watch me, I need to keep some of my techniques secret." He said, his back to them. Annalise chuckled as Faeby flew over to Primrose, trying to get a glimpse. Primrose shooed her away. "No peeking!" He rustled in the cabinet for a few moments before returning with two tea bags that smelled absolutely marvelous, soft like lavender with a touch of citrus. He handed one to Annalise, then grabbed a kettle from the counter, filled it with purified water, and set it on the stove next to the pot to boil. "They should be finished at the same time, so we can enjoy our tea while the sap cools." Primrose said, Annalise nodding along.

      There was a warm ambiance in the room, something comforting for both of them. Maybe it was the sounds of liquids boiling, or the chirping and cooing from the imp and virtue playing, or maybe it was simply the connection the two buns shared. They each felt lighter in the others' presence.

      "Thank you for inviting me to help again. I've had such a wonderful time learning more about you, and the cherubuns, flowers, ambrosia... everything really, even myself." Annalise blushed. "I wanted someone to guide me, and I've found something much more than that."

      Primrose's heart beat faster, butterflies rushing in his stomach. This succubun had certainly had their effect on him, in more ways than one. "I should be thanking you for all of your help, both in the garden, with errands... and with being a friend." Primrose stepped closer to Annalise, the two mere inches apart now. He looked down and grasped both of their hands in his own, then looked into her eyes with total sincerity and openness. "You've helped me realize that... there's more to life here than being perfect."

      Annalise gazed back into Primrose and saw his heart bared to her. "You've taught me that as well." She leaned into the cherubun and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek. She smiled, and he wrapped her up into a hug. The two embraced and held onto the feeling of security they had found in each other. Their tender moment was only broken by the tea kettle whistling, and the diligentia chiming next to it. Primrose sighed dreamily as he let go of Annalise, taking the kettle off the stove and moving it to the table after turning the burner for the sap off.

      "Diligentia, would you be so kind as to open the cupboard and fetch us two teacups, please?" Primrose said. The virtue chimed in response and did as they were instructed, Faeby opening the cupboard, as the virtue withdrew two white teacups. Faeby took one and gave it to Primrose, as Diligentia gave theirs to Annalise. They each put their tea bags in, and Primrose poured the hot water into their cups before swirling the tea bags. "How do you like your tea, my friend?"

      "Two sugars and some cream, if you would." Annalise said. Faeby flew to the fridge and opened it for the diligentia, who got the cream and brought it to the table. Primrose opened a cupboard and got three sugar cubes, two for Annalise and one for himself. They each prepared the tea, and then drank. "Oh my goodness. This tea..."

      "Thank you. I'd like to think the recipe has reached its' zenith." Primrose responded. Annalise laughed as Faeby flew down to get a drink herself, before chirping and spinning in the air. The diligentia mimicked the lunell's spinning themself.

      "They seem to be having a good time, don't they?" Annalise said.

      "They're getting along smashingly."

      Annalise took another sip of the tea, its flavors creating a balanced harmony that gave her shivers. "So Primrose, what sort of plans do you have for the future?"

      Primrose thought for a moment. "I've never really considered it, honestly. I assumed I would stay as the head of the Heavenly Embassy for as long as I could and continue to integrate new cherubuns into Burrowgatory, as well as tend to the gardens here. I've never wanted for more before." He looked down sheepishly at his shoes, then up to the imp and virtue, who were now cuddling on the table, cooing together in a sort of musical pattern. "I think now I might try... broadening my own horizons, thanks to your help."

      "That is simply wonderful to hear! I think going down to the city more often would do you some good. In moderation, of course. Going to a club immediately would probably make you faint." Annalise laughed.

      Primrose blushed. "I was going to start smaller. I would love to... spend some time with you. Outside of working. I-if that's okay!"

      Annalise reached out for his hand again and he offered it to her easily. "I would love that. Maybe a date outside of my home, that is, unless you'd want to be around 67 pets, and my partner."

      "I think going to a park would be a good first step." Primrose thought for a second. "...what do you mean, 'date'."

      Annalise squeezed Primrose's hand. "A friend date! Or, it could be something else. It is entirely up to your comfort level."

      Primrose shivered with the thought. "Uh, the sap should be cooled by now. It's time for the next step, mixing." He left Annalise's side to rifle through various cabinets and jars until a wide assortment of ingredients lay before him, the pot of sap now cooled and shimmering slightly. "Again, I respectfully request you not observe my technique for brewing. I can't have my methods replicated quite yet."

      As Primrose set to work, Annalise nodded and turned to the imp and virtue, sleeping soundly now. Faeby's wings twitched occasionally, and the hands of the diligentia stroked the lunell's body softly. The succubun sighed, and thought... it sure is lucky that these two, from totally different worlds, can get along so well and find solace in each other. Just like her and Primrose.

      "You can turn around now. I'd like your help for the final step."

      Annalise turned and saw the ambrosia, now glittering and shining like precious stones, almost fully formed in the pot. Primrose held out his hand, where a sort of dewdrop rested. Ge gingerly gave it to Annalise and motioned for her to place it in the pot. When she did so, a small flash of light poured forth, and the ambrosia was now glowing a soft blue color. Primrose smiled and sniffed it. 
"That is wonderful, thank you. The ambrosia's healing properties work so much better when someone you care for helps you make it." He gazed at Annalise, smiling.

      "I hope it will help a lot of cherubuns feel better."

      "Oh, yes it certainly will." Primrose went to another cabinet and returned with several empty vials and two ladles. He gave one to Annalise and they each measured out ambrosia into the vials. The two pets were making soft musical chimes as they rested, and Primrose looked at them snuggling. "They really like each other. Tell you what, why don't you take the diligentia home with you? I'd hate to add another pet to your plate but with 67 of them already, I'm sure you have an excellent system for keeping them engaged and loved."

      Annalise was so surprised she nearly dropped her ladle. "Do you really mean it? I would love to care for them!"

      Primrose smiled and nodded. "I'm sure we'll see more around here and I'm not wanting for more virtues at the moment, believe me. Plus, I'm sure Faeby would appreciate someone to help." After the final vial was filled and stopped, Annalise wrapped Primrose in another hug, one full of excitement.

      "Thank you, thank you so much for everything Primrose. I am so glad I was able to be of help."

      Primrose returned her hug with vigor. "You are more than welcome. I'm excited to be able to spend more time with you again."

      The two set to cleaning up all of the ambrosia making supplies, washing them carefully and neatly reorganizing all of the ingredients, with the help of Diligentia and Faeby. After everything was said and done, the succubun and cherubun said goodbye once more, but knew that there time together was only just beginning.

The Time Has Come
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In Prompts ・ By Fire

Final part of Annalise's quest to come to terms with her past and determine what the future has in store for her. On the thrilling conclusion, there's even a KISS????! What sort of AO3 shenanigans are these... thank you to everyone who has read (if you have), this was really fun to write and explore characters with! Can't wait to do a spicier take with another bun I own...

Submitted By Fire for Pursuit of Diligence: Chapter 6
Submitted: 7 months and 6 days agoLast Updated: 7 months and 6 days ago

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