A Time of Growth

In Prompts ・ By Fire
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      It was time once more to head to the Heavenly Embassy, however the circumstances of today’s journey were less than ideal. Mikayla had partied a little too hard last night for Annalise’s liking, and as such they tossed and turned all night. Waking up to the remnants of the previous night’s gathering, along with the reality of needing to replenish the groceries used left them more frustrated than anything. Mikayla had ended up taking another bun home in the morning, so she wasn’t even there to help clean. To top it all off, as soon as Annalise and Faeby stepped foot outside, pouring rain greeted them. They went back inside to find an umbrella, and returned back to distant rumbles of thunder. 

      Annalise sighed, and Faeby tried to nestle in their hair, but it didn’t seem to cheer them up.

      The long walk to the elevator was full of rumination. Purity, living as her true, authentic self… but her true self had been complacent. This whole journey was to be better than herself, to improve, to truly be the best bun she could.

      A particularly large gust of wind tossed rain at Annalise under their umbrella, and they struggled to cling to the flimsy metal shaft. Another gust, and the umbrella was torn from their hands and sent spiraling away down the street. Annalise cried out in frustration and started running to the elevator. It took several minutes, as they were thoroughly pelted with rain. Faeby made a soft crying sound, the rain making it difficult for her to fly next to her owner.

      At the final stretch before the elevator, Annalise slipped on the wet ground and splashed into a puddle. She sobbed quietly, and got up, rushing to make it safely inside. Once the pair made it into the serene cloud elevator, Annalise pushed the button and their ascent began.

      The elevator had no music and instead was soft white, a calming presence emanating from inside. Annalise cried, trying to wring the water from their hair and clothes. Faeby shook herself like a dog in the air, spraying water everywhere. They rose to the grounds of the Heavenly Embassy, a sense of calm washing over them. The rain was far below now, with only the pristine white clouds and soft crystal glow in the air. It was light blue, for a crisp late morning ambiance. Annalise sniffled and made their way to the white pearlescent gate before them.

      As the gate was already unlocked, the pair slipped inside easily. Drips of water fell off Faeby and onto the floor, as Annalise’s shoes squished and squelched against the marbled flooring. It wasn’t warm inside, and Annalise shivered, still thoroughly drenched. For once as well the wooden door to the greenhouse was already open, maybe someone was inside already?

      Faeby flew ahead into the room and twirled in the air, drops of rainwater landing on various plants who were certainly appreciative of the extra moisture. Annalise gave a slight smile, and began to walk to the shed in the corner. The door was also opened already, and she saw Primrose hunched over a row of tools, meticulously arranging them.

      “Hello.” Annalise said. Primrose was caught off guard and his head shot up, smacking into a shelf above him. He winced in pain and rubbed his head, turning to Annalise. “Oh, my goodness I’m so sorry.”

      “It’s alright.” Primrose grimaced and then tried composing himself. “You’re soaked through, what happened?”

      “It started pouring on my walk over here, and the wind blew my umbrella away.” She tried a little chuckle to lift their spirits. “I suppose today could be better for both of us.”

      “You’re right. I’m in the greenhouse to refresh myself, I’m still very behind on my new cherubun arrival paperwork.”

       Annalise smiled, genuinely. Though not as large as hers, Primrose returned her smile in kind. “Let’s get you dried off.”


       ~ ~ ~


       After fetching some new spare clothes for Annalise, a simple beige dress and loafers, Primrose had taken a little ambrosia for his own ailments. He still needed something to occupy his mind, something to alleviate his stressors. He looked around the greenhouse at all of the plants, and an idea washed over him.

       “Let us check the Heavensbell that we planted.”

       Annalise nodded, and the two went to their own patch of ground, Faeby floating behind them. The beautiful blue flowers had grown about 20 centimeters tall, green stems sprouting with leaves. The petals of the plant were beautiful, shaped like a lantern, even with glowing stamen giving off a soft blue glow as well. Annalise reached to touch one and a soft chiming noise filled the air, almost like the ringing of a small bell. Their lunell mimicked the chiming sound and twirled gracefully in the air, repeating it.

       “Now I understand the name!” They said. Primrose nodded.

       “This flower is quite popular. As you can tell, they cultivate rather quickly thanks to the purified water and special fertilizer we use. We harvest the stem and leaves immediately, they make for wonderfully soothing ambrosia that helps with sores and enhances the body’s natural regeneration. If we can, we use the nectar to add sweetness to various juices.” He smiled. “You’ll find their main use to be of particular interest. We take the full flower and use it to make little bell charms. They last for a few weeks, and you can tie them to strings or mount them on handles to create instruments. After that, we dry their leaves for tea. It tastes like a mix of lavender and blueberry, you must try it. I chose this plant for you to grow as it’s easy for novices to tend, but they resonate with a kindred spirit.” Primrose looked down to the plants, a slight blush crossing his face. “I’m glad to see that decision paid off.”

       Annalise looked to the flowers swaying faintly from the fan placed above them. They emanated the faintest of sounds, which lit up their heart like music. They harmonized along, humming a little tune. Annalise didn’t even realize that their hand had been place on top of Primrose’s. His hand shook a little.

       “A-ah! I’m sorry.” They withdrew their hand, face turning flushed. Primrose coughed, his face also flushed red. “Don’t be. Ahem, let me gather the supplies to harvest these beauties.”

       Primrose stood up and walked to the shed, with Faeby actually following behind him, continuing the melody. Annalise’s smiled seemed to reach towards the ceiling of the caverns, and her song intensified in complexity and volume. When Primrose returned with shears, trowels, and a few baskets, the chorus of notes washed over him and returned his mood. He continued standing, listening to Annalise’s song, until she was finished and beamed up at him.

       “That was… lovely, thank you.”

       “Thank you for the opportunity.”

       Primrose handed Annalise a pair of shears and a trowel, then bent down to the ground and began carefully excavating the bulb of the Heavensbell. “Now, in order to ensure no part of the plant is disturbed, we will first dig the roots of the plant out. Dig a small trench approximately four centimeters around the base of the flower. After that, grasp the base of the stem and slowly lift up, sift the soil away as you lift.” He dug around the flower as he pulled up, until the bulb had been completely unearthed. “Next, separate the bulb and stem. You should cut six centimeters from the top of the bulb. If any leaves are on that part of the stem, cut below them so they remain there.” Primrose measured and then cut the plant before him. “Now, this next step is the most important. Cut the flower from the stem exactly two centimeters underneath the bottom of the petals.” Even more carefully so, Primrose measured the distance with his shears before snipping the two parts askew. He deposited all three separate parts of the Heavensbell in different baskets. “That’s if for harvesting the plant. Afterwards, please fill in the hole left and we can begin to re-fertilize the ground when the next crop is ready.”

       “I think I can do all of that!” Annalise smiled. Instead of using their trowel to dig a trench around the bulb, they scooped both hands around the plant, aerating the soil and making it more pliable to work with. They grasped the stem and pulled up, trying to move the dirt away, but they pulled up too hard and their hand shot upwards.

       “Please be careful Annalise, we’re in no rush.” Primrose said.

       “S-sorry, I got a little too enthusiastic there.” Annalise replied. They easily measured out the areas to snip, and then place the bulb, stem, and flower in different baskets. “How was that?”

       “Acceptable. Let’s continue.”

       The two continued to carefully harvest the Heavensbell. Annalise was feeling better, but listening to the soft chiming had set about a sort of bittersweetness inside of her heart. The flowers were simply gorgeous, but their ringing wouldn’t last forever. It would be a death knell at some point, ringing out one final time before ceasing eternally. It wasn’t a lot of time. Would… she be able to make up for her own?

       Primrose could tell Annalise was lost in their thoughts, as they paid little mind to their imp’s chirping and fluttering next to them, each motion of harvesting seemed to draw on longer and longer. “Is something wrong?”
      “Ah, no. It’s just…” Annalise sighed. “Mikayla and I had a very fruitful conversation with Beanny last week, and I felt better. But now… how do I continue to live a pure life? How can I stay the course for the rest of my life?”

       Primrose thought for a moment. “That’s not possible.”

       “I’m sorry?”

       Primrose stopped harvesting a moment, clenching his fists and unclenching them before letting out a long, drawn-out breath. “Living an entirely pure life is a fantasy. It’s not possible.”

       “Isn’t that…”

       “What we were told growing up? Yes, it was.” Primrose looked at Annalise, his face shadowed by pain. “Melangel was impossible to please. No matter how pure we were, how diligent, how virtuous… it was never enough.” He looked back to the flower before him, and gently nudged the top, soft chiming ringing out. “They were standards that no bun could live up to. We were only as free as we felt, but in reality, our decisions were never our own to make. Every single mistake, every slip-up, was punished. Not with force, but with the slow realization of disappointment and failure. Thinking you could never be good enough, that you never would be good enough.”

       Primrose sniffled. “When I first left, I… thought I was making the ultimate sacrifice. To leave my home behind and care for those who felt they were called to a life of debauchery and sin.” He chuckled, and Faeby came to float next to him. He absentmindedly pet her head. “It’s difficult to admit, my motives were more selfish than that. I thought, if Melangel was gone, the cherubuns would need someone to watch over them, to remind them of their past.” Primrose clenched his fists again, tears welling up in his eyes. “I wanted to be their savior, to herald them from the hell hole of Burrowgatory. But… every time I think back to the Heavenly Meadow, I’m glad I left. And why?” He turned to Annalise again, the tears cascading from his eyes. “Because I don’t have to live up to an impossible standard of purity. I can make mistakes, I can let myself be free. Finally.”

       Annalise was overwhelmed by Primrose’s display of honesty. She couldn’t stop herself from leaning over to wrap her arms around the cherubun. The stars and clouds behind her swirled and seemed to envelop him as well. “Oh, Primrose.” She held him tight as he cried. They stayed like that for a long moment, each connected to the emotion passing between them. Annalise broke first and stared at Primrose, his red and puffy. She wiped his tears away.

       “Thank you for sharing with me. I know it must be difficult to be so vulnerable here.”

       Primrose sniffled a final time. “Actually, it’s far easier to be vulnerable in Burrowgatory. I just… haven’t found someone yet who understands that part of me.” He smiled, a genuine smile full of understanding. “Now I think I may have.”


       ~ ~ ~


       Annalise and Primrose finished harvesting the remaining Heavensbell. What stood before them now were rows and rows of perfectly leveled soil, and three baskets overflowing with plant parts. The air still had a magical glow, the scent of the Heavensbell both relaxing and uplifting, even Faeby seemed to fly higher and chirp more merrily. Primrose held two of the baskets while Annalise held the third, along with the gardening supplies. She traveled to the shed to deposit the shears and trowels in a bucket of warm, soapy water. Primrose called to her.

       “We’ll take these baskets back to the herbology study so we can prepare them for next time.”

       “Oh, is there more for me to do yet?”

       “Only if you’d want to.”

       “Of course! I’m happy to continue to help, it’s the least I can do.” Annalise said.

       Primrose led them out the wooden door and down the glass hallway, making a left instead of a right at the fork. A little distance away was the herbology study, more of a scientific laboratory and kitchen combined. He placed the baskets on a long table in the middle of the room, and Annalise followed suit.

       “That will be all for today, Annalise. And… thank you for your support, truly. It means more to me than you know.”

       Annalise reached out and held Primrose’s hand before giving it a small kiss. She looked into his face, fully red with blush once again. “Thank you Primrose, for opening up to me. I won’t soon forget what you’ve done.” She let go of his hand and turned to leave. “I’m excited to see where this road will lead us now.” Faeby flew back to Primrose and nuzzled his head excitedly before flying away, Primrose’s smile going from ear to ear. Primrose had experienced many new things in his time away from the Heavenly Meadow, but none had been a time of growth more than meeting a particular succubun that helped him open his mind to his prejudices and inspired him to yearn for more in life. Maybe their next meeting would allow him to show his true appreciation for them as well. He gazed over the baskets and the Heavensbell inside of each, and he could say he still heard Annalise’s gentle melody floating up and into his heart.

A Time of Growth
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In Prompts ・ By Fire

Part five of Annalise's quest to determine the meaning of a life of purity. With some advice about doing the opposite, what will happen next week in the exciting conclusion? Probably some sappy cheesy romantic stuff.

Submitted By Fire for Pursuit of Diligence: Chapter 5
Submitted: 7 months and 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 7 months and 2 weeks ago

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