[Hana] Bonbon Bonanza

In Prompts ・ By Peony
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One did not need to be in an ongoing relationship to enjoy Matentines. Hana was perfectly happy to choose chocolates over a bunfriend, and even if they were rather pricy, there were some types that only really came out during this time of year. It felt more like a celebration and an excuse to eat a shitton of chocolate more than anything else. This season was no different, but today she was with one of her friends (Peony) to shop, and she made a notable comment as they were eyeing some beautifully crafted chocolate boxes in glass cases, “These look like the kind of chocolates you give to someone rather than eat yourself.”

“What makes you say that?” Hana asked, curious about her friend’s thoughts even if no such distinction existed for her.

Said friend was very familiar with the starry bun’s love for chocolate, but she continued on her train of thought nonetheless, “Well, what are you going to do with the box after?”

“Throw it?”

Peony put her hoof on her chest and gasped dramatically, “You know how much you’re paying for that box?”


“I know you’re kind of a no thoughts, head empty kind of bun–”

“Hey!” Hana cut in, “There is at least one brain cell knocking around here.” and she put her hoof up to prove it, because no fingers still counted as one.

Peony did not bother to argue, “–right. But maybe you can try to give one of your expensive chocolates to someone else this Matentines?”

“...to you?”

“I’d be flattered, but anyone else come to mind?”

Hana had a thoughtful look. She considered herself a bun with a number of acquaintances, but they were not exactly buns she would like to give chocolate to, unless she was trying to get some kind of one night stand. Oh wait, there was–"Actually,  I think there's one? Not sure what chocolates she would like though. Maybe chocolate liquor?”

“That sounds good! Can’t go wrong with liquor that melts in your mouth. You’re actually going to give it to her, right?”

Well, she had been very helpful to Hana all of these months and actually, now that she thought about it, it had already been more than a year since they had gotten to know each other. While it wasn’t their friend anniversary or anything, the starry bun wasn’t really the type to give gifts. She was more of…if the opportunity presented itself, she would offer to buy something for someone else. Not so much a pick a gift out and give it to somebun.

Anyway, she supposed she had to give some kind of verbal confirmation to appease her friend, “Yeah I will. Really! Have a little more faith in me, Peony. Look, I’ll buy it today, and I’ll give it tonight. And I can even buy you some since you suggested the idea and all.”

The cream-colored bun had a triumphant look on her face, “That’s what I like to hear.”

“Was this all so you can get some free chocolate?”

“‘Course not, I just trusted your generosity!”

Perhaps, Hana had thought, she was more gullible than she had expected, but the thought had already latched onto her head and she was pretty set on getting that gift. She knew of a store nearby that specialized in that sort of thing, and after spending more than she would have liked, left the mall with a few shopping bags and a mission. She split ways with her friend before heading home, ensuring to pop the chocolates in the fridge before chilling with her games.

Later that evening, she dressed up in her usual drinking attire (which wasn’t very different from her usual ones) before saying bye to her imps and heading to the Rabbit Hole. She had been here a number of times since the events of Dove and the Cherubuns (that sounded like a band name?), but her friend had notably been rather busy with the new year celebrations. Matentines also made the place buzz with buns, but a good chunk of them were singles looking to mingle or calmer buns enjoying the atmosphere. The rowdier ones were quickly blocked by bouncer buns, where they had to look for other places where they could drink and bash.

With the box of chocolate liquor packed safely in a blue cooler bag, she entered the bar as a regular, and drank in the familiar sight. The bag wasn’t fancy at all compared to the heart-shaped, velvet-covered box, but she’d rather the chocolates stay unmelted rather than look for something better, and it wasn’t like she was going to give said bag to her anyway. Walking towards her seat, she sat waiting to be served, and it didn’t take long before her friend had shown up.

“Hana! You picked a good time, feels like more buns are preferring to fuck rather than drink. What can I get you?” Hops was as chipper as ever, already holding a wine glass in one hand.

“Oh ho, actually, I have something for you!” and she pulled up the cooler bag and placed it on the counter. Before Hops could properly react, Hana unzipped the bag and pulled out the box of chocolates, eliciting an excited gasp from the bartender.

“Noooo way.”

“Yes way! Happy Matentines!”

Hops let out a laugh, “We don’t say it like a birthday greeting! But wow, are these..?”

“Top tier chocolate liquor, tried and tested against a couple of other brands I’ve personally purchased. I know that you like, drink all the time, but these ones are bite sized at least!”

The bartender shook her head in disbelief, but she had a big smile on her face. “Can’t believe you actually went out of your way to buy some for me.”

“Well of course, we’re friends, aren’t we?”

“You know, usually if you’re buying someone chocolates for Matentines, you’re not exactly hinting that you’re just friends, right?” but Hops was already opening the box anyway, looking rather giddy as she was already thinking of which piece to try first. The one shaped like a dick? Or how about the double hearts?

“Yeah but I know that you’re busy, and we’re not that kind of friends as far as I know.”

Hops ultimately decided on the double hearts chocolate and popped it in her mouth, with one bite already unleashing a nice, tiny serving of liquor to compliment the sweet treat. “Who’s to say that we can’t be later?”

Hana blinked, “Oh. Uhm,” her face was flushed, not expecting such an offer, “I mean, I wouldn’t be opposed? I thought it’d just be nice to, y’know…”

Hops giggled, “You’re so cute, and it is Matentines. I’m not just going to work myself to the bone all of this month, gotta have some fun too. Don’t worry, I’m feeling gentle tonight.”

Just thinking about what could go on later was already making Hana’s tail swish around like crazy. In her mind she thanked Peony wherever she was, because she certainly did not expect to score a date with a bunch of chocolates. “G-gentle sounds good. I really should’ve brought more chocolates if I knew this was going to happen.”

“It’s okay, we have one half of it right here.” Hops gestured to the drinks, and in the not so bright lighting, Hana couldn’t help but feel impatient about going somewhere private. The bartender looked so much more attractive now than she had ever thought before, and she had a clear grin on her face, “Don’t get too drunk on me.”

Hana returned the smile with flushed cheeks, “Easy for you to say.”

[Hana] Bonbon Bonanza
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In Prompts ・ By Peony

i swear that this was not originally the plan, but at least i have a set up for the lust in the air prompt now LOL

Submitted By Peony for Bonbon Bonanza
Submitted: 4 months and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 4 months and 3 weeks ago

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