Coffee Time

In Prompts ・ By Fire
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      “I believe he will warm up to you!”

      “Doubt it babe. He sounds like a complete holier-than-thou prick, and it ain’t hard for someone else to be holier than I am.”

      Annalise had convinced Mikayla to journey with her to the Heavenly Embassy again, with the exception that she would actually venture into the building and at least have a look around. Mikayla had vehemently refused to go along, but after a few bribes of various indulgences, she reluctantly tagged along. The two approach the glistening gate, Annalise filled with excitement and Mikayla filled with apprehension. For once Annalise was paying attention, not letting her thoughts wander away from her, but Primrose wasn’t yet at the gate. They waited for a few minutes, but nothing happened.

      “That’s strange, Primrose is usually here immediately.” Annalise thought. Maybe he was out attending to other duties and didn’t have the time to be a doorman today?

      Mikayla snorted. “Yeah, he saw my ass walk up and decided to hightail it.” She shifted uncomfortably. Wearing such modest clothing, another term of their deal, didn’t suit her at all. Annalise was dressed in a flowing summer dress and flat shoes, while Mikayla was forced into jeans that barely fit along with a tank top and cropped jacket. “C’mon babe, I’ll just leave so you can have fun doing this asshole’s chores.”

      Annalise frowned and furrowed her brow at her partner. “You can’t back out now! Please, I’m sure he will be here any minute.”

      As if on cue, the gate made a melodious series of clicking sounds, and seemed to open itself up. Annalise peeked behind the gate and no one was there. Maybe there was some sort of detection system for it? She carefully opened the gate fully, allowing her partner to… stand there. 

      “We can go inside now.”

      Mikayla looked nervous, which was a stark contrast to her usual confident nature. “I know this is important to you and I’m just really worried about fucking it up.”

      Annalise smiled. “Don’t worry my love. It doesn’t matter what he thinks of you, and if he takes issue we can simply leave.” They extended their hand to Mikayla, who took it without hesitation. Annalise pulled her inside of the gate and to them, wrapping them up in a hug, before venturing through the hallways.

      The intricate golden columns, soft ethereal glow, and overall atmosphere of heavenly beauty was foreign to Mikayla. Her stride was cautious, as if she was afraid something would rebuke her from these halls. Annalise squeezed her hand and began singing softly, a calming tune that usually lulled Mikayla to sleep. They wandered to the long glass hallway before the greenhouse, where a note was tacked to the wooden door.

      ‘Annalise, please see me in my office before proceeding. -Primrose’

      “Hmm, I wonder if something is wrong.”

      “Maybe he wants you to give him ‘a hand’.” Mikayla smirked.

      “Hey!” Annalise blushed profusely.

      “What, you have a soft spot for self-righteous assholes. I should know.” Mikayla gave her a wink, her tail swirling and encircling Annalise’s own. Annalise shook their head and led them back to the main hallway, weaving once more past various stately-looking rooms until they arrived at the office block. They quietly made their way to Primrose’s door, closed with a light shining from behind the glass.

      “I’m sure he won’t be bothered by you here my dear, just… be polite, please?”

      “Yeah yeah, I know.”

      With a last squeeze of their hand, Annalise knocked three times on the door. “Primrose, are you in? It’s Annalise, and I’ve brought Mikayla with me today.”

      “Co— *cough*— come in.”

      Annalise opened the door to find Primrose hunched over his desk, head resting on his propped-up arm. A huge stack of paperwork resided on either side of him, and he looked disheveled. He gazed up at the pair and coughed again.

      “Hello, Mikayla, I presume? I am Primrose, head of the Heavenly Embassy.”

      “Nice to meetcha. I’m only here ‘cause of them.”

      Primrose scoffed. “Yes, I assumed that would be the case. However, you’re free to come whenever would suit you, the Embassy is never closed to anyone, save for violent criminals.”

      Mikayla smiled coyly. “Oh, I’m a criminal alright, just not a violent one.”

      Primrose couldn’t tell if she was joking or not, so he gave a nervous chuckle before turning to Annalise.

      “I’m glad you’re here today, Annalise. I have another favor to ask of you.” Primrose normally instructed Annalise with tasks, but to be asked for a favor in confidence made them smile. “We’ve actually had several new cherubuns descend from the Heavenly Meadow this week, and I’m exceedingly busy.” He motioned to the stacks of paperwork. “To top it off, I’m feeling under the weather. I simply cannot leave.” He coughed again, almost to add emphasis, and turned to open a filing cabinet behind him. He retrieved a vacuum-sealed bag that smelled of coca and put it on the desk. “Would you be so kind as to deliver these beans to Beanny at Paradise Café? And, time allowing, I would be ever so grateful if you could bring me some of her coffee, too.” Primrose managed a weak smile.

      “Absolutely! I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well, I have some medicine you can take if you need.”

      “I’ve already had a cup of ambrosia, but it takes a little time to work fully. I’m sure once you’ve returned I’ll be feeling right as rain.”

       “I could give you a hand, y’know. Help you feel better.” Mikayla said, licking her lips. Primrose looked up at her and blushed, turning back to his paperwork and muttering something about ‘the audacity’.

       “Okay, we will be back soon then, see you in a little while!” Annalise took the bag of coffee beans, smiled again at Primrose, and shoved Mikayla out the door, Primrose’s coughing disrupting the otherwise quiet air.


       ~ ~ ~


       “I told you it would be just fine! You shouldn’t have tried to proposition him though.”

       “I mean, he wasn’t a huge prick, just a normal prick. I’m sure I could get him to warm up to me at some point.”

       The two had made their way to Paradise Café, on the same grounds as the Heavenly Embassy but not in the same building. Warm crystal light radiated around them, as the quaint café stood like an inviting friend, blue shingles on the roof and a magical aroma wafting from the doorway. Mikayla approached and held the door open for Annalise to enter, windchimes on the door marking their arrival.

       The inside of the establishment largely resembled any popular coffee shop in the city proper, save for the touches of the Heavenly Meadow that adorned the walls and decor. Flowers and flora ran along the walls and in windowsills, with large comfy chairs and small tables lined at set intervals. Huge windows brought in natural light, and soft bossa nova music floated down from speakers placed in the ceiling corners. It was mid-afternoon by this point, giving the staff of the store a much-needed break from the morning buns grabbing their cuppa joe, but before the rush of graveyard-shift workers came around. A few patrons milled about on laptops or reading books, some working hard and others hardly working. Annalise and Mikayla approached the counter, where pastries sat behind a glass display tantalizing the senses. No one was manning it at the moment, but a small golden bell held a sign with ‘press for assistance’ on it, and Annalise lightly tapped it, the note ringing out clearly.

       “I’ll be with ya in one sec!” A voice called from the door behind the counter. They waited and momentarily, a cherubun with a white dress and pink apron absolutely covered in brown dust appeared. “Hey, welcome to Paradise Café, where every moment is an opportunity to brighten your day, what can I get started for ya?”

       “Hello! You’re Beanny, is that right?” Annalise asked,

       “Yeah, that’s me. Why, do I owe ya money?” Beanie laughed.

       “No, not at all! We’re here with a delivery from the Embassy.” Annalise placed the bag of coffee beans on the counter, which Beanny happily inspected.

       “Hey, great! Damn, I expected these sooner and Prim’s not normally late, is he too busy to talk a walk over here?”

       “Actually, yes.” Mikayla chimed in, placing her hands on the counter. “That asshole’s sick with work, we had to do his bidding for him.”

       “Mikayla!” Annalise scolded, and Beanny laughed so loud it caused some patrons to look over at the commotion.

       “You’re a straight shooter, arentcha?” Beanny smiled at Mikayla. “Yeah, Prim’s had his head so far up Melangel’s ass it’s a wonder he even left. Loves helping others, but man, at the cost of bein’ a huge bureaucrat. Not worth it to me.” Beanny shook their head. “Are y’all just here to deliver these, or can I get ya somethin’ to sip on?”

       “I’d love somethin’ sweet, if ya know what I mean.” Mikayla winked at the cherubun.

       “Oh, I got the sweetest stuff up here, I can hook you up, after business hours of course.” Beanny returned the jest. “So it looks like, you’re a… double shot espresso kinda gal, yeah?”

       Mikayla shrugged. “I usually just chug the cheapest shit that’ll get me buzzed, so you tell me.”

       Beanny nodded. “And for you?”

       “I’d love an Angora Au Lait. Primrose would also like a drink if you can.”

       “Yeah, I know his order. Funny, that’s what these beans are for. He’s sendin’ me a message. Y’all go ahead and take a seat, I’ll bring these out for ya.”

       Annalise and Mikayla found a comfy two-seater couch across an armchair in a corner to settle down into. The atmosphere of the café made Annalise sleepy, and they started leaning on Mikayla’s shoulder. Mikayla reached out to hold their hand, her tail twisting around her partner’s once more in an embrace. Beanny approached them with three cups of coffee, and placed their orders in front of each of them, with Beanny herself taking one and sitting opposite.

       “Here ya go. Somethin’ tells me y’all aren’t here just for this, yeah? You wanna chat.”

       Annalise retrieved her coffee and gave it a slow sip, the warm fluffy foam tickling her lips. “How did you know?”

       “It’s my job to know what my patrons want, that’s why this place is so popular. Not just ‘cause I’m a pretty face, I know my shit too.” Beanny smiled, and began drinking her own cup. “What’s on your mind, honey?”

       Annalise shifted forward. “So, I’d like to know more about the heavenly virtues, how they relate to the vices. I’ve talked to Dove and Primrose, but Dove said to talk to Primrose, and he’s been rather cryptic.”

       “Ah, so. You wanna know more about our past, huh?”

       “Yes please.” Annalise looked into her cup. “If it’s not too much trouble.”

       “Not at all. So, you know what the virtues are, yeah?”

       Annalise nodded. “Humility, diligence, temperance, patience, charity, purity, and benevolence.”

       “Right! You’ve done some research, great. So there’s no sort of correlation to the virtues and any physical representation on our bodies.” Beanny made a curling motion in the air. “Like y’all both have pride horns, there’s no sort of ‘humble halo’ or anything.”

       “I know that humility and pride go together, what about the others? Are there any connections?”

       “It’s not one-to-one, but we can brainstorm!” Beanny took a large swig of coffee. “So. We got one pair down. I think, greed and charity go together. Greed like, ya want everything for yourself, but charity is, ya give away what ya got. Like, hoarding or helping.”

       “Gluttony and temperance would go together too! Wanting to give into your desire to overindulge versus moderating yourself.”

       Beanny smiled. “Exactly! You’re gettin’ the hang of this. Sloth and diligence, maybe envy and benevolence?” They tapped their fingers to their chin. “Hmm… there’s no sorta wrath horns, at least, I haven’t seen any.”

       “No, not that we know of. That leaves… lust. And, purity maybe?”

       Beanny nodded. “Yup, that’s my guess.”

       “But, what does it mean to be ‘pure’? Just… not thinking bad thoughts?” Annalise stared into her cup again, but moreso at the reflection of her own forlorn face inside the liquid.

       “It means being true to yourself.” Mikayla piped in, having been quietly listening while downing her espresso. She put a hand to Annalise’s chin to raise her head, staring into her lover’s eyes. “You’re already the most pure bun I know. You never compromise your beliefs for others, and you’re introspective and reflect on how your behavior impacts the world around you.” Mikayla smiled the sort of warm smile only someone with true love can have when they gaze at their partner. “You’re an absolute beacon of light in the world, my love. You’re already pure.” She leaned in for a soft, long kiss, catching Annalise by surprise, but giving into the gesture nonetheless. When they broke apart, Beanny whistled.

       “Whoa, wow! Yeah, what she said.” Beanny started gathering all of their empty mugs up. “I think ya got what ya came here for, I’ll go get started on Prim’s cup now. Take your time getting up.”

       Annalise blushed and turned to Mikayla, clasping both of her hands in their own. “I… I think I know that, deep in my heart, I’m a good person now. But, it’s been so, so difficult to get here…” They looked into Mikayla’s eyes. “Hearing it from you makes me feel like it’s true.”

       “It is true. C’mon, you know I’d lie, cheat and steal to anyone else, but you? You’re the only one keepin’ me honest.” Mikayla stood up and pulled Annalise up into her for another hug. “Now, that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna go out there and do my own thing, but between us? Yeah, the air’s always clear.”

       The pair headed back to the counter, where Beanny just finished topping a to-go cup with “for Prim” in cheesy script on the side. “Here’s his order, thank him for the delivery for me, will ya? And thank y’all for it as well, your drinks are on the house.” Beanny turned to head into the back room. “Come by again soon though, don’t be strangers.” They winked.


       ~ ~ ~


       The Embassy’s golden gate was just a short walk away once again, Annalise and Mikayla in high spirits. The gate was still open, so they made their way back to the offices. Prim’s door was closed, light still on, but a soft sound coming from behind it. Annalise knocked and opened the door to see Primrose completely passed out on his desk, paperwork slightly shifted, snoring slightly… and drooling. Annalise giggled.

       “I hope he won’t have to redo many forms that’ve been stained like that!”

       “Heh, I guess he wasn’t kidding when he said he’s sick with this work.”

       Annalise left the coffee on Primrose’s desk and gently patted his head, the stars and clouds around them pulsing in rhythm with his breathing. They quietly left the office with Mikayla, shutting the door gingerly behind them.

       “Well, how did you enjoy your first outing to the Embassy?” Annalise said.

       “It wasn’t too bad. There’s plenty of things up here to do, but I think this is more your world than mine.” Mikayla swung her arms up and down, along with Annalise’s hand. “Leave me to my back alleys and shady bars, and I’ll leave you to the magical greenhouses and fluffy cloud lands.”

       As the two left the Heavenly Embassy once more, their spirits blossomed with the renewal of their commitment to each other, and to the new adventures they could have in the future.

Coffee Time
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In Prompts ・ By Fire

Part four of Annalise's journey to reconcile with her past! This time, we go have a nice conversation over coffee, there's some cute couple stuff, and Primrose falls asleep at his desk. That's the way of life.

Submitted By Fire for Pursuit of Diligence: Chapter 4
Submitted: 7 months and 4 weeks agoLast Updated: 7 months and 4 weeks ago

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