A Time to Reflect

In Prompts ・ By Fire
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       Time continues to slip by Annalise. Despite ruminating on what Dove had told her, Annalise’s mind was so full of questions, and the more she thought, the larger those thoughts grew. What other virtues were there to strive for? Dove said there were seven, the same as vices. Well, they weren’t sure, the demons mentioned seven but only six different sorts of horns had appeared. Which virtues opposed which vices? Was there any sort of physical manifestation of them?

       “Babe. It’s time to go.”

       Annalise was snapped from their musings on the couch by their partner Mikayla yet again. She shook her head and tutted. “You gotta go talk to that prick again, you keep spacing out for longer and longer…” Mikayla reached out to hold her partner’s hand. “He’s gotta have some plan like Dove said, right? Just got ask him again, please. I can’t stand seeing you like this, just drifting away…” Mikayla squeezed their hand before smiling coyly. “You don’t even react when I tease you, it’s just no fun for anybody.”

       Annalise sighed, her thoughts once more too preoccupied to respond to the playful jab from Mikayla. “You’re right, I should head on up there. I think today would be a good day to do so.” Annalise gathered herself and collected her trusty lunell Faeby before heading into the bedroom closet to change into overalls and a sun hat. Mikayla watched from the doorway, appreciating her partner’s grace and finesse.

       “How do I look?” Annalise checked herself in the closet mirror before turning. Mikayla approached her and gave her a hug.

       “Like an absolute dream, my darling.” Mikayla leaned down and kissed Annalise, a soft, tender gesture full of warmth and understanding. They broke their kiss after a moment, staring into each other’s eyes before disbanding. “I’ll find someone to keep myself occupied…”

       “Don’t you mean ‘something’?”

       Mikayla winked as she headed for the living room. “Absolutely not!”


       ~ ~ ~ 


       The route to the cloud elevator wasn’t terribly long but it wasn’t short, either. Annalise enjoyed the colder weather as their fluffy fur kept them plenty warm in bun form, but the Heavenly Embassy’s greenhouse was definitely warm enough to necessitate the work attire. They tried not to get engrossed in their thoughts yet again, but one thing led to another and before they knew it they were approaching the gate to the Embassy. This time however, Primrose was there already, door opened.

       “Oh! Thank you, I didn’t know you were expecting me.” Annalise smiled.

       Primrose snorted. “Yes, I was certainly standing here all morning waiting for you in particular.” Annalise caught the literal tail end of two buns walking further down the hallway, which made her blush with embarrassment.

       “O-oh! I apologize, what a thoughtless comment.”

       “It’s alright.” Primrose’s lips curled upwards into a… smile? “I’m appreciative of your desire to assist with the Embassy. maybe there’s something you can learn from me in this case.” Primrose ushered Annalise in through the gate, narrowly dodging Faeby as she flew through the air. Annalise started heading in the direction of the greenhouse, but Primrose stopped her. “Follow me, I have something else for you to assist with before we begin gardening.” He eyed her up and down. “Though I am glad you’re taking your volunteering more seriously by wearing the proper attire.”

       “I truly do want to help however I can.” Annalise blushed, Faeby chirping happily.

       “For a price I suppose.” Primrose frowned. Annalise was caught off-guard and immediately taken aback. The stars and clouds around them swirled into a mass of colors. This was certainly an overreaction from Primrose’s point of view. “Ah, I apologize. I wasn’t meaning to upset you so much. I’m still… skeptical of your people’s motivations.”

       Annalise’s brow furrowed. “I never lied to you and I was honest about my intentions from the start, I’ve done everything you have asked of me. Yes, there is something I want to learn from you, but that is because I want to try and bridge the gap between our understandings.”

       Primrose paused for a moment to digest what they said. His eyes cast downward, the light shining from his halo faltering. “I’m sorry, you’re right. I should be thankful you’ve volunteered to help. And I am, trust me.” He looked back up and into Annalise’s eyes. “I suppose I also have something to learn from you.” He gave a soft smile, and Faeby cooed and flew closer to him. Annalise’s stars and clouds seemed to shift back to their normal dreamlike state. “Well then, let’s continue onward.”

       Primrose led Annalise down the main hallway for a few hundred feet but they turned right instead of left by the offices which seemed to house all manner of paperwork. The two buns waded past various official-looking rooms full of papers, cabinets, desks, and everything the Embassy would need to keep everything fully staffed. Primrose stopped suddenly at a room with a soft golden glow emanating from it. He directed Annalise inside, and they were impressed by the beautiful mahogany desk and golden adornments around the room, with a nameplate showing ownership of the desk. Certainly, Primrose had expensive taste.

       Primrose ducked around the back of the desk and opened a drawer, withdrawing an official-looking form and a small key. He handed the form to Annalise. “This is an official declaration of volunteership. I would have asked you to sign it previously, but I wasn’t sure how serious you would be about assisting. If you’ll simply sign the bottom there, I can give you this key which will open up any of the supply rooms in the Embassy, as well as the shed in the garden.” Annalise nodded and signed her name, smiling. Primrose took the document and filed it away. He held out the key for Annalise to take but Faeby flew and snatched it from his hand, Primrose recoiling slightly.

       “Thank you, truly. I’m honored that you trust me with such a responsibility.” Annalise said.

       “I think you’ve proven yourself now. Come, let’s return to the garden.”

       They snaked their way back through the various offices until they reached the main hallway again, Annalise actually leading the way to the beautiful glass hallway and the door in front of the greenhouse. The door was unlocked, and they opened it back to the glowing garden full of mystical aromas and lush greenery. They drifted through different plant beds and past numerous growths until they reached the Heavensbell that Annalise had planted a few weeks prior. Small, blue stems now poked through the ground about 2 centimeters high, a small bud forming on the very tip of the stems. They all looked healthy enough to Annalise.

       “They’re coming along nicely. Today, we need to use 10 milliliters to water them, this is usually the most simple step, but the measurement has to be precise. I’ll show you how to get the water.”

       Primrose beckoned Annalise, and the two went to the very edge of the greenhouse. A large pipe ran along the entire perimeter of the room, with small spigots placed every 15 or so meters. Cute winged watering cans surrounded each spigot, waiting to be filled. Primrose grabbed one and Annalise grabbed another. The cherubun turned the spigot and watched water pour forth into the can. When it reached the very top he stopped it, and Faeby swooped down from the air to catch the remaining few drops from the spigot. Primrose actually chuckled at the imp’s antics.

       “The cans are designed to hold a specific amount of water, so filling it completely will be fine.” He smiled. “We thought about the needs of the flowers when these were created, so anyone would be able to help.” Annalise filled her can all the way up to the top, and carefully followed Primrose back to the Heavensbell bed. He poured the water around the stem in a circle, and Annalise repeated his motion. “The clouds here actually gather and purify dew from the air, which is almost completely pure. The soil has enough nutrients to supply the plants with what they need aside from sunlight and water, and with this, there’s no real risk of contamination.” Primrose looked at Annalise. “What was it you wanted to ask me? I’m sure this task won’t require your full attention, so long as you continue to do it.”

       Annalise nodded, and the two began the long process of refilling their cans and watering the flowers growing.

       “I spoke with Dove when I delivered the tea leaves to them. They told me that there are seven heavenly virtues that cherubuns were espoused with fulfilling in your daily lives. I know one so far, humility, but… what were the others?”

       Primrose snorted. “Oh, I thought your query would be more complex than that.” He poured another can of water onto the next stem. “The seventy heavenly virtues are benevolence, patience, humility— which I suppose you’re already aware of— charity, temperance, purity, and diligence.” He watched Annalise pour out her own can of water, almost perfectly pouring in a ring around the stem. “You’re already hard at work with one of them.”

       The last comment caused Annalise to nearly drop her watering can, Faeby chirping gleefully and somersaulting in the air above. “Oh! What am I doing?”

       “Working carefully and continuously at something is diligence.” Annalise looked at Primrose, then to the Heavensbell planted below them, then back at Primrose. He could’ve said he saw a light bulb go off above their head, and their stars did indeed glimmer brighter.

       “So this entire time, you’ve already been trying to teach me and help me become better!”

       Primrose flustered and incorrectly poured his next ring of water over a stem. Annalise sidled next to him and carefully fixed the ring. They thought they saw a hint of a blush on Primrose’s cheeks.

       “I mean, I suppose you could say that… yes, certainly that was my intention. I definitely am not short handed at the moment with my usual helpers heading to Burrowgatory more frequently, no, not at all…”

       Annalise couldn’t help but laugh, her voice harmonizing with the flower growth and seemingly lifting up the entire greenhouse. In that moment Primrose could see the beauty of ignorance and innocence in succubuns, well, maybe just one particular succubun.

       “I’m always glad to help! And thank you for letting me know.” Before they knew it, all of the stems had been watered and their gardening duties fulfilled for the day. Annalise wiped the sweat from their brow, Faeby wet from splashing in the leftover water droplets of the spigot. Primrose stood and dusted himself off.

       “Thank you again for your hard work. I do appreciate it.”

       “You’re welcome! I’m going to think about what you’ve told me and I’ll be back with more questions next time.” Annalise beamed, and Primrose couldn’t help but smile back at her. Annalise gathered herself and Faeby before heading towards the door.

       “Would you care for a drink before you leave?”

       “Ah, thank you for offering! I should head back home though, I want to share your teachings with Mikayla.”

       Primrose wrinkled his nose. “Ah, that bun you arrived with before.”

       Annalise nodded. “She’s my partner and if anyone could use a lesson about virtue, it’s her!”

       “Well then,” Primrose followed behind Annalise, “I wish you luck with teaching her.” The pair walked back to the gate and Annalise turned to say goodbye. Before a word left her mouth, Faeby chirped and nuzzled up against Primrose’s head. He startled at first but didn’t immediately move away. After the imp was done, she flew ahead to the elevator and Primrose combed through his hair. “That was… not as unpleasant as I thought it would be.”

       Annalise grinned. “You’ll get to know her better I’m sure!”

       “Oh, I’m sure we’ll be plenty more acquainted. I hope you enjoy your time to reflect.”

       The cherubun and succubun waved goodbye to each other before Annalise headed back home.

       ~ ~ ~ 

       “How was your trip babe?” Mikayla answered the door glistening with sweat, hair completely frazzled, in the skimpiest pajamas she owned. Annalise laughed and went in for a hug, Faeby rushing past the two to her imp bed.

       “Enlightening! I learned what the seven heavenly virtues are, and about the flora at the greenhouse.” The two entered into their apartment and sat on the couch, snuggling. “Once I learn more about them I’m going to teach you, too.”

       “Oh, please!” Mikayla scoffed. “Babe I’m the least likely bun to take that shit seriously. Besides,” she leaned into Annalise, “I’d much rather give into my vices.” Mikayla trailed her hand along her partner’s face, making Annalise shiver. The two leaned in together for a kiss, and what continued on from there had absolutely nothing to do with virtuous behavior at all.


A Time to Reflect
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In Prompts ・ By Fire

Part three of Annalise coming to terms with her past and understanding her future together with cherubuns, featuring some water and maybe even some bonding!

Submitted By Fire for Pursuit of Diligence: Chapter 3
Submitted: 8 months and 2 days agoLast Updated: 8 months and 2 days ago

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