A Lesson in Etiquette

In Prompts ・ By MiamiMami
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News of a new establishment opening in Burrowgatory was typical. It meant a new watering hole or brothel. Maybe a naughty toy shop with a litany of sex toys and porn. For Vesta it meant a new place to network.


Work took priority over enjoyment and if buns flocked to check out the newest hot spot then Vesta had to go and see it. The model and fashion designer simply had to make an appearance and show off the newest fashion pieces. However, she was hoping to find new talent. A fresh face to introduce to the fashion world of Burrowgatory. The opening of this Heavenly Embassy sounded like an ideal location to scout at.


Heavenly. Vesta swore the word sounded familiar. Something old and unfitting to be uttered in polite company. If a place would name itself after a word like that then it must be a rather raunchy sort of establishment. A den of debauchery that Vesta was curious to see. She had to dress for the sort of place she envisioned the Heavenly Embassy to be. It only made sense that she wear her most revealing piece.


Looking in her mirror, Vesta silently poised herself. Inspecting her appearance with a meticulous eye as she rearranged her bare breasts slightly. The gold leaves and red roses complimented her pale skin perfectly. Toying slightly with her bangs Vesta seemed happy with her appearance as she turned to finish the ensemble off with her signature ball gag. She thought she looked ready to go and check out this new place. However, she should have investigated and seen just what sort of place it was instead of simply assuming it would be the typical sort of bun business.


The place was beautiful. Serene and far from the crowded space of Burrowgatory. Vesta’s tail swayed in the gentle breeze as she walked up the stairs towards the Heavenly Embassy. While there were succubuns such as herself travelling around the place, there were others. Buns that lacked a long swishy tail and horns. Those people seemed to be quiet… Flustered by Vesta. Their faces burned bright red before they averted their gazes. A few seemed even disgusted by her appearance. This was new. The model never had that sort of reaction from a bun unless she had made the dire mistake of wearing off brand clothing. Vesta was quiet as she walked through the embassy, she side eyed a few of the strange buns who looked away from her. Their clothing was far different from the usual fashion sense of Burrowgatory. They wore clothes that covered so much of their bodies, clothes that didn’t highlight anything in particular about their physiques and if anything was prudish. It was bizarre, scandalous, and utterly refreshing.


“Dear lord!” Vesta stopped as she heard a rather loud shriek. “Just what do you think you’re doing?!” Pink eyes stared up at one of the strange men of the embassy. A man dressed in soft golds and creams. “Have you no decency?!” The man’s face was bright red as he moved to try and cover his eyes from the sight of Vesta’s body. The woman tilted her head in curiosity as she signed at the other.

“What do you mean? I’m perfectly covered.” Vesta was certain that she was suitable for public viewing. Her genitals were covered and so was her ass. There was nothing blatantly obscene with her outfit. Though her logic did little to appease the offended party. “You are most certainly NOT covered!” The cherubun’s face was so red that Vesta nearly questioned if they were a demon in disguise. “You can’t go around with your, your,” the gesture towards her chest had Vesta looking down at her breasts “your breasts exposed like that!” The poor man finally managed to spit out the words. His face was twisted up in disgust as Vesta simply blinked at him.


“Apologies. Bare breasts aren’t considered indecent in Burrowgatory.” The model offered a half hearted apology as she looked around the embassy a bit more. “I wasn’t sure what I would find here, I just recently heard about this place and wished to see it for myself. I didn’t know about your,” Vesta struggled for a moment as her hands still for a moment trying to think of the proper word “dress code requirements.” Her apology was scoffed at as the cherubun put his hands on his hips. “It’s not just a ‘dress code’ it’s simple etiquette not to expose yourself like this in public!” Vesta refrained from rolling her eyes as she took a deep breath through her nose. She calmly raised her hands and started to sign once more. “Apologies, perhaps you’d be kind enough to explain the etiquette of your establishment to me. My name is Vesta, what’s yours?”


The cherubun’s expression stayed the same as he slowly eyed Vesta up. His cheeks bright pink as he crossed his arms. “My name is Primrose. If you want a lesson in etiquette then I’m more than happy to provide one.”

A Lesson in Etiquette
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In Prompts ・ By MiamiMami

Vesta goes to the embassy for the first time not realizing that Primrose might have a different opinion on what's decent and what's not.

Submitted By MiamiMami for Prissy and Pristine
Submitted: 5 months and 10 hours agoLast Updated: 5 months and 10 hours ago

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