Support in lieu of Silence

In Prompts ・ By AcedKuma
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"Speak up! Are you going to answer me? What are you doing here." Primrose spoke in a tone that gushed with his growing frustration. This was not the first time he had tried to question Icarus' on their intentions since they arrived at the Embassy. The first time Icarus arrived, they seemed to only be there to visit the Paradise Cafe. Which on its own was a negligible event, as Beanny allowed plenty of succubuns to begin visiting the cafe since its opening in the Embassy. The next day though, Icarus had come to view the ambrosia gardens through the glass of the greenhouse. Primrose attempted to ask what their business was, but he was outright ignored as the bun left quickly afterwards.


Today Icarus had entered the Garden of Virtues, this time staring at one of the statues. Primrose glanced up to the statue that the succubun was stood before. Despite his bitterness with the blatant disrespect the hooded bun had shown in ignoring him, he couldn't help but let his eyes wander on the Statue of Patience. His expression fell as a pang of guilt clenched at his chest. That apprehension was proof of his irritability and impatience, he had to be better. 


When he looked back down to the succubun, they were spun around. Now looking up at Primrose with a hard to read expression. They didn't seem upset, if anything they seemed jaded and lost. He dropped to one knee, getting closer to Icarus. "I apologize if my tone before was disheartening. I ask you again. What are you doing in our garden? You are welcome to explore and learn about the virtues endowed on cherubuns, I would simply like to know your intentions here."


Icarus stared long at Primrose. They aren't often this adventurous on their own, and this question of intent made them ponder just why they came here. Was it curiosity? No, not really. Just hearing about things from others was more than enough to satiate curiosity. Perhaps they sought knowledge. But what exactly could cherubuns show them that they couldn't figure out on their own? No. It was something else about them. Icarus opened their mouth for a moment, lingering on the thought for a long while. How long it had been since they'd spoken to anyone. As if anyone ever listened. "Understanding."


The soft whisper of a voice had caught Primrose off guard. It was like the wind had carried the word more than the bun's voice did. It took Primrose his own long contemplation on that cryptic answer to come up with an appropriate response. Conflicted by his disdain for succubuns as a whole, this one absolutely floored any attempts to act in his usual holier than thou persona. This creature was pitiful, but unlike the other succubuns that visited the embassy, this one didn't seem to exude any of the same obnoxious behaviour that more sinful buns boasted proudly. "You would like to understand Cherubuns?"


Icarus shook their head in disagreement, gently tugging at the strings of their hoodie. Primrose thought about their word again. This time gently tilting their head to one side. "You would like to understand yourself?" Primrose noticed the change immediately. Icarus' eyes seemed to shift, and the blank stare that normally glazed their vision now widened and contracted in response to his words. He sighed, placing one hand against his knee. He leaned down to slowly pull Icarus' taut hood back from over their head. "Well. Let's start with social etiquette. If one wants to understand themselves, they must also understand how to express themselves to others."


Icarus shifted slightly as their hood was removed, but made no immediate action to pull it back on. "Wearing a hat or hood while having a conversation is impolite to those you are talking to. These are things can cover the view of ones eyes. Eye contact is a sign of respect for the person you are talking to, and it shows them that you value what they say to you." Primrose turned and walked over to the Statue of Kindness. "I notice that speaking may be a bit much to ask of you, and so I will not task you to perform anything linguistically. I will however continue pushing proper behavioural etiquette to accommodate this. In the circumstance you do find my lessons sufficient," He looked back at the bun, who had since moved to his side. Icarus was now staring up to the statue as well. "Then I would also like to possibly introduce note cards to help in expressing your thoughts. " Their head shifted to meet Primrose's eyes, and they nodded in affirmation. 


"Alright. Then for your first lesson, let me display the proper tea time etiquette." Primrose turned and walked off from the garden, leading Icarus further into the holy lands of the embassy.

Support in lieu of Silence
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In Prompts ・ By AcedKuma

When a quiet stranger enters the Garden of Virtues unannounced, Primrose is begrudgingly tasked with questioning the succubun of their business in the embassy with no real success. Eventually finding it appropriate to teach them about proper social etiquette despite being mostly mute. 

Submitted By AcedKuma for Prissy and Pristine
Submitted: 1 year and 4 weeks agoLast Updated: 1 year and 4 weeks ago

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[Support in lieu of Silence by AcedKuma (Literature)](
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