All in Due Time

In Prompts ・ By Fire
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       The arrival of cherubuns into Burrowgatory had given Annalise many things to ponder. The meaning of life, love, abuse, and community all seemed to have weighed heavily on their mind. Gremory’s care had never been questioned by them until after they had parted ways, but after now meeting and interacting with all of the envy buns whose lives were irrevocably altered, Annalise’s very core had been shaken. Every day they tried to be better than the day prior, and though this had continued on for months before the cherubuns arrived, succubuns in Burrowgatory didn’t understand. Annalise’s quest for atonement of their complacency alienated many of the more sinful buns, as they couldn’t understand why their desire to be “good” was so powerful.

       Now that cherubuns had fallen down from the Heavenly Meadow, Annalise was hesitant but curious to understand their culture. Maybe this was the missing piece that could help her understand her struggle with survivor’s guilt. Though the cherubuns seemed pained by their departure, surely they could also enlighten Annalise to their values, but wait, would that mean she was taking advantage of their knowledge for her own selfish gains…?

       Through their partner Mikayla’s encouragement, Annalise had sought out the Heavenly Assembly to plead for a modicum of knowledge. If the cherubuns turned them away, they could always try to ask Dove, who seemed eager to discuss the facets of life. Jackal was rather abrasive in Annalise’s opinion, but Mikayla and Jackal always got along well enough.

       The elevator ride up to the solid cloud was strangely ethereal, seeing the forests and city below get smaller and smaller. Annalise felt a presence of calmness wash over her anxiety, her lunell Faeby chirping comfortingly above her. Surely, if the cherubuns made their home here, she would be able to connect with them on even a basic level. Did they like fruit? Annalise loved fruit, she could talk to them about… fruit. A soft “ding” echoed and the doorway parted to reveal steps to the grand gate of the Heavenly Assembly. Annalise shuddered, taking her first steps out onto the clouds.

       It was very quiet atop the clouds. Humming a tune to calm themself, the succubun made their way up the steps, Faeby chirping along. Gold filigree swirled around the marble gate, a marvel of architecture and design that nothing in Burrowgatory could compare to. Annalise couldn’t find a doorbell or knocker to use, so they sat for a moment. Is this really… could this really be a way to help them come to terms with their past? Would they find comfort and solace with the cherubuns, or would they be ridiculed and scorned?


       Annalise looked with a startle to see the golden and white cherubun before her. He was dressed in a frilly blouse, with slacks and shoes to match. A golden halo rested just behind his expertly brushed blonde hair, and a look of utter disdain crossed his face.

       Annalise was severely underdressed.

       “What do you want? You’ve been sitting here staring off into space for the better part of five minutes. I have other duties to attend to, much… grander duties.”

       “Hello— yes, I mean, uh… I’m here to seek… g-guidance?” Annalise’s nerves went into overdrive. Faeby landed on her shoulder and nuzzled into her hair, the cherubun before them scoffing at the imp.

       “Guidance? What could a succubun have to seek help for here? This place is beyond you.” 

       Annalise gulped and tried to compose themself. They stood their tallest, with the cherubun still several inches taller, staring down at them. “I’m humbly here to ask for help. I’ve done things in the past… things that hurt others. And I’m trying to be better. I understand the cherubuns are trying to escape from that notion, but, I thought… maybe we could learn from each other?” They mustered their most sincere puppy-dog eyes to plead their case. The cherubun’s face contorted into a scowl.

       “Learning from succubuns? There’s nothing we’d like to learn from you, thank you and good day.” The cherubun moved to close the gate, but paused at the last moment and smirked. “It is very humiliating— I mean, humble of you to ask for our knowledge though. Clearly you must have some redeeming qualities to recognize your betters.” The cherubun pushed the gate open a bit more. “If you’re truly willing to learn, I have a task you may help with.” Annalise moved to enter the gate, but the cherubun stuck out a hand. “Please leave that thing outside, I don’t want it tainting the gardens.”

       Faeby's normally upbeat chirping was replaced by low tones. Annalise held onto the imp before she flew away. “Faeby is very well-trained, and she can certainly assist me with whatever task you have. I’m not meaning to be rude, but, I’m sure if you give her a chance you’ll see that imps can be good.” Faeby fluttered up into the air and danced around a bit, Annalise smiling up at her. She turned to the cherubun and caught a faint trace of a smile before his face reset itself back to the scowl.

       “I suppose I can allow it. Make sure it doesn’t touch any of the flowers themselves. Not enough research has been done to know it’s safe.” The cherubun held the gate for Annalise, and she slipped inside, Faeby hovering behind her. “It’s my duty to ensure the safety of all cherubuns, and I take that role very seriously.”

       Once inside the gate, the cherubun stopped. “You have a lot to learn if you aren’t even going to introduce yourself.”

       “O-oh! I’m sorry, my name is Annalise, and this is Faeby.” Annalise stuck out her hand.

       “I am Primrose, head of the Heavenly Assembly. Please refer to me as such.” Primrose took a moment before extending his hand to hers.

       “It’s very nice to meet you.” Annalise smiled.

       “We’ll see.” Primrose withdrew his hand. “Please follow me.”

       Primrose led Annalise through a wondrous building like she had never seen. Doorways led off to destinations she could only dream of with cloudy decor, starry aesthetics, marble statues, paved golden floors, and so much more. She would have to thoroughly investigate this magnificent establishment at a later time. After a few minutes, the two walked down a modest glass hallway with crystal light shining brightly in. At the end of the corridor, Primrose opened up a wooden door to a beautiful greenhouse.

       It was simply a paradise underground. Lush tropical plants surrounded the glassy walls, and fans misted down water from above. Plant beds were neatly arranged in rows housing all manner of flora, and beds with crops and larger plants lay towards the back, where Primrose led the two. A small shed stood to the side, which Primrose darted into and exited with a trowel, small winged watering can, and bag of seeds. He pointed at a particular freshly milled patch of dirt, and Annalise went to investigate.

       “Here you are. This task should be simple enough for you, and with my supervision surely you’ll learn something.” Primrose knelt on the ground, and Annalise followed suit. “First, dig out a hole exactly four centimeters squared. Then, pour 8 milliliters of this purified spring water into the hole. After that, take exactly one Heavensbell seed and place it diagonally in the center of the hole. Refill the hole with 10 grams of fertilizer, and leave an indentation 2 millimeters in depth. Then, repeat this process with each hole exactly 3/4ths of a meter apart.” Primrose executed his own instructions flawlessly, then stared at Annalise. “Do you think you can manage all of that?”

       Annalise tried her best to remember all of the steps before she replied. “I— I think so.” Primrose sighed and handed her the gardening tools. Faeby flittered over to the watering can and tried to pick it up. Annalise laughed. “It’s okay Fae, can you try measuring the next hole for me?”

       Faeby flew over and sat on the ground, using her wings to gauge the distance. She measured out a spot and chirped when she found it. Primrose raised an eyebrow. Annalise began to dig out the hole. “Like this?”

       “That’s 2 millimeters too small, expand it a bit.”

       Annalise nodded. She dug out the hole and then poured water inside. Primrose grabbed her hand. “You’re pouring too fast! Please be slower.”

       Annalise nodded, then reached into the seed bag. They pulled out a shiny blue seed that seemed to catch the light like a mirror. They gingerly laid the seed into the soil, covered it with dirt, and then used the back of the trowel to make an indentation.

       “How’d I do?”

       Primrose inspected her handiwork. “It’s very close, but be more precise next time.”

       Annalise continued on planting the Heavensbell seeds in a row, with Primrose’s discerning gaze on her hands the entire time. Faeby flew and danced in the air, and Annalise hummed a melody they had overheard Dove singing. Primrose seemed to soften when he heard the song, and even began humming along.

      After a few hours of work, Annalise had planted three rows of seeds. Primrose stopped her when she had finished the final hole.

       “Thank you Annalise, your work has been… adequate. You have finished your task for today.”

       “Oh, well… would you mind if we talked a bit?”

       Primrose shook his head. “All in due time. You’ll need to prove yourself worth of the virtues you seek.”


       Primrose stood up, and Annalise followed. Faeby darted uncomfortably close to Primrose’s head, and he jerked away from the lunell. “Yes, virtues. The opposite of vices. But we can discuss that at a later time. Wait here a moment.”

       Primrose exited the greenhouse, leaving Annalise alone with their thoughts. The cool mist from above rained down and the refreshing smell of plants made them feel as if even after all that work they hadn’t exerted any energy. Primrose returned with a tea pot and two small cups. He handed Annalise one cup and then poured them both a shimmering off-white liquid that smelled simply divine.

      “What is this?”

      “Ambrosia. This is what all of these plants are for. It’s our medicine, our sustenance, our…” Primrose looked into the cup wistfully. “…our little piece of home.”

       Annalise smiled warmly. “I understand. It’s important to remember the good things of a place that can have bad memories.”

       “I suppose so.” Primrose looked up, a slight smile playing across his lips. Before Annalise could drink from her cup, he gasped and snatched it from her hand. “Ah, I’m sorry! I don’t think succubuns can consume ambrosia…”

       “Oh, that’s alright. It smells lovely though.”

      “That it does.”

       The two sat in a comfortable silence while Primrose mused over his drink. Annalise continued to appreciate the beauty of the garden, her gaze shifting from flower to plant. Faeby fluttered around Primrose, and cooed softly. The time passed for a while.

       After Primrose had drained his cup, he sat up. “Thank you for your work today Annalise. I’ll have more for you to do when you return later.”

       Annalise sighed. “Okay. I’ll be back then. Hopefully we can talk more.”

       “All in due time.”

       Primrose once more led Annalise through the Heavenly Embassy. Once they arrived at the gate, he turned to face them. “We will see you again soon. And… thank you.”

       Their smile beamed. “You’re very welcome, I look forward to it.”

       Annalise and Faeby exited the gate, greeted with the white cloudy ground and light crystallized light. If all it took to come to grips with her mistakes was a little gardening, she thought, it would be worth it, especially if she could make a new friend along the way.


All in Due Time
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In Prompts ・ By Fire

Part one of Annalise coming to terms with her past, and hopefully making new friends along the way.

Submitted By Fire for Pursuit of Diligence: Chapter 1
Submitted: 8 months and 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 8 months and 2 weeks ago

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