Sleight of Hand | Wikihow to Pick a Lock

In Prompts ・ By golden-boy
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The two dolls were crouched next to the lock, one of them staring at the doorknob, and the other staring down at his phone. Jackal was surprised that Salem had tagged along for this one. He always seemed like the kind of guy to be really straight-laced and intent on following the law. But then again, Salem did hate the church more than anything else in the world, so she supposed it made some sort of sense. She snapped out of the thought as she heard Salem clear his throat, moving closed to her and lightly showing her a diagram on his phone with various metal tools.

"Alright, so the guide says that you need to have a tension wrench and a pick- but suitable replacements can come in the form of a paperclip." Salem started, reading off the information on his phone. Jackal grumbled slightly, pulling out a paperclip from her pocket and starting to straighten it out. "I know what I'm doing, Salem. I don't need to be read out some stupid little guide made by someone who probably doesn't even know anything about lock picking." She placed the paperclip down, now pulling out a bobby pin and bending it into a shape similar to a tension wrench.

Salem whistled slightly behind Jackal, causing her to turn and notice what he had in his hand. It was a can with the label of 'lubricant' on it. Though, quite obviously it was lubricant made for machines and locks as opposed to the other, more common type of lubricant in burrowgatory. "Even though you've more capable with this sort of stuff, seeing as I'm sure you're an expert in this sort of thing- I know a few things too, on a more... professional level." Jackal's eyebrow raised, a scowl crossing her features. "The fuck is that supposed to mean, witch boy?"

"Oh, nothing! Just use this." He shoved the can into Jackal's hand and watched as she looked it over, before spraying it towards the lock. "Alright, should be good. The lock's not damaged so this shouldn't be a pain in the ass. Can you do me a favor and put an ear to the door? If you hear a click, let me know." Salem nodded, putting his head up to the door and lifting his ear slightly so that he could actually listen closely. Jackal placed the bobby pin and paperclip into the lock, starting to turn the mechanism and poke around inside.

It took a while for anything to sound like a distinct click, mostly just little scratches of metal clicking together.  Thankfully, that only made the full click more obvious, it echoed through the wood of the door and made Salem perk up. "There. That one." Jackal hummed. "Third pin. Not a standard back-to-front. Must be something of significant high quality." Salem looked down, watching as Jackal moved towards him, grabbing his hand and placing it on the doorknob. "Hold it still. I can try to hold it with the pin, but it's good to have you holding it too, that way there's a second line of defense. If this lock freezes, I'm going to have to break it, and then we'll be in some shit." 

"To be entirely honest, I'm surprised that you didn't break it immediately." Salem noted, another one of those little smug grins appearing on his face. "Prick." Jackal grumbled, making a rough motion with her hand and causing another large noise. Salem's hand slipped across the metal of the doorknob, and with a small push, the door creaked open.

Salem looked on the other side of the door, noting how there wasn't a simple mechanism to lock it again from the other side. He looked towards Jackal. "So does this mean that we need to find a way to un-lockpick it when we're done in here?" Jackal stared at him like he was stupid- but in reality, it was just because she didn't want to think of having to do that. "Knowing what goes on around here, Mercy will just assume that Oleander forgot to lock it after getting off with his face stuffed in some sort of coat left in here. We'll be fine."

"Augh, Disgusting. Did you have to be so vivid?" Salem rolled his eyes, causing Jackal to chuckle. "Yes, yes I did. Now stop complaining and start searching."

Sleight of Hand | Wikihow to Pick a Lock
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In Prompts ・ By golden-boy
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Submitted By golden-boy for Sleight of Hand
Submitted: 6 months and 1 week agoLast Updated: 6 months and 1 week ago

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