The Heavenly Meadow

In Prompts ・ By Limi
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Both Ballini and Lilynette had met up shortly after their respective trips to the Church Library to do their research and the delicate dancer and the opera singer had decided to pair up to assist in helping Jackal and Misty figure out what was going on. Lilynette had stuck to their frilly dress which was not suitable for the rather cool weather but Ballini was not about to lecture her as she had pulled on a sweater dress that didn't cover her entire legs, instead only ending just above her jointed knees. Both grabbed fuzzy cloaks to wrap around themselves as they followed Jackal and Misty out of the apartment toward the field with the circle where the feather had been found a week prior.

"Woah! Misty?" Ballini's jaw dropped as she gasped when Misty suddenly felt faint and leaned onto Jackal for support; Jackal looked unusually concerned at Misty's actions. Lilynette and Ballini shared a concerned yet curiouslook as Misty remarked on possibly recovering their memories especially regarding wings. That was rather strange.

Lilynette stared as Ballini pulled out the feather and it began to soft glow which got stronger the closer the group got to the clearing.
"What is going on...?" the gluttony doll questioned as Misty moved forward.
Ballini looked rather hesitant as Misty approached her, reaching for the feather. However Ballini saw how determined Misty looked and handed the feather over to them with a soft sigh and worried look on her face. Jackal looked rather displeased and Lilynette was looking between Jackal and Ballini nervously.

"My Dove." The three horned dolls gasped as spoke and they realized what had happened. Their memories had returned.
Then Dove tossed their cloak revealing lovely white dress with ribbon around their collar that had white wings and golden bell nested in middle of it. Then a brilliant halo appeared and Ballini had to look away from the bright light as Lilynette attempted to block the halo light with a hand held up.

As Dove called out while holding the glowing iridescent feather high in the air, their bright light lighting up the night sky, Ballini and Lilynette had to shield their eyes from the sudden change in light as Jackal's jaw dropped. Then the brilliant blinding light enveloped the group and both Ballini and Lilynette yelped in surprise at the way the blinding light abruptly enveloped them.
"What the-?!" Jackal sputtered as the three shielded their eyes when the light got to be too much and they were swept away in blinding white.

White. So much white, everything they saw was blinding white. Ballini and Lilynette both squeezed their eyes shut. They could very vaguely hear Jackal swearing amidst the chaos of having been swept up into that blinding light. Neither could hear Misty...No their name is Dove and that concerned them. Then. Pain. Pain shot up their very core and Lilynette could hear Ballini yelping in pain before she too could not bear it and shrieked. The delicate dancer had very low tolerance for pain outside their hobbies and was curled up into herself to try to mitigate the pain while the opera singer was shrieking at high pitch. The grumpy envy was shrieking in rather colourful language that was her signature that everyone know her by.
Thud. They had landed. Somewhere. Did they know where? No. Not yet. They first need to get them oriented. Will they do it promptly? Nope. What's the fun in immediately orienting yourselves after a quite dizzying trip through blinding white flash of light and pain starting to shooting up your bodies? That wouldn't be realistic would it now? Jackal snapped open her teal eyes only to squeeze them shut with a loud curse at the bright light that had blinded her precious eyesight. Temporarily.

It had been easy for Dove to reorient themselves in the few surroundings. It was just like returning home. So intimately familiar. Yet. Dove felt far more at home in Burrowgatory than in this current location. Slowly. They sat up and took in the stunning surroundings as they lifted their arms above them in a long much needed stretch. Feeling their arms and shoulders crack, Dove then pulled their legs around and one leg went under them as the other propped up in a knee. Pushing off that knee, they got to their feet and stretched out their legs with a soft sigh. Were everything in order? Dove reached up for their halo. Check. Scalloped ears? Check and functional. Puffy short tail? Present and wiggling adorably. Dove then smoothed their hands down their lovely white dress and removed any imaginary dust that may have been present. Dove then turned toward their companions who were scattered nearby and in crumpled form. They furrowed their eyebrows in concern at that. That was rather unusual as Jackal was known to be quick to bounce back and from their few interactions with the other two; so were Ballini and Lilynette, although with lot less fanfare in comparison. That was concerning and unusual.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck....." Jackal dragged her swear out under breath as she slowly cracked open her teal eyes, narrowing them when the bright light got to be overbearing for the envy doll who was far used to the dark atmosphere of Burrowgatory as well as the lights that were often provided by hellfire, bioluminescent fungi and plants as well as luminous crystals. They were pleasant enough for the buns that lives near the hell and were acquainted with demons. However, this new place felt like something was so wrong, so deeply rooted within Jackal's bones, every single ounce of her body was screaming that she SHOULD NOT be here. Jackal's eyes finally opened to the stunning sight and she gasped. This cemented her gut feeling that she was absolutely not where she should be. Slowly. Jackal pushed herself upwards into a sitting position and slowly looked around before her teal eyes landed on the standing figure of Misty-...Fuck. No. They said their name is Dove.

"Mis-Dove?" Jackal called out as she quickly corrected herself then looked around to find Lilynette and Ballini nearby; both rather crumpled down. That had been a harsh landing and the envy doll hoped for Murmur's sake that they were both okay.
"Ballini? Lilynette?" Jackal called out before her voice croaked and she winced as she rubbed at her throat.

Blue eyes the shade of a brewing storm slowly cracked open and Lilynette shielded her eyes with one hand while rubbing her head with the other hand
"Nnngh....What happened?" The gluttony doll groaned softly as she slowly sat up before gasping softly at her current location. Spotting Dove standing up and Jackal looking strained but otherwise unharmed, Lilynette called out; her voice rising in octaves
"Mis-Ah no. Dove, that's your name. Jackal...Ow my head....Where are we? What happened...?"
"Fuck if I know where in Murmur's name we are!" Jackal snapped before wincing at her throbbing head. Dove looked in their direction; their lilac eyes filling up with concern yet determination.
"Are you two all right?" Lilynette's questions went unanswered in favor of Dove's concern for their wellbeings.
"Mm I But....Something feels....SO wrong...." Lilynette whimpered softly as she attempted to get to her feet but her knees bucked and she collapsed. Jackal managed to scramble over to check over the gluttony doll as Dove approached them with great care.

Then. A loud yelp rang out throughout the field followed by cry of pain. Three heads swerved in direction of Ballini who was trying to cover herself up with her cloak but it had somehow torn apart during the transportation. It seems that her glassy limbs were causing her pain and her tail was trying to retreat through her dress.
"Oh dear! The sunlight must be causing her glassy limbs to heat up!" Dove gasped as Ballini managed to cover her head with her hood as Jackal pulled off her leather jacket to toss over the exposed glassy legs while carefully tucking the tail underneath.

"Fuck...Shit...Hey Ballini...Careful..." Dove, Jackal and Lilynette carefully wrapped their arms around the delicate dancer and helped her to sit up.
"Oww my head...Why is everything so bright?" Ballini murmured softly as her icy blue eyes squinted from under the sunlight. Jackal struggled as the three succubuns took in their surroundings.

Beautiful, beautiful soft grass that looked perfectly pristine and stunning shade of green stretched across the field even past the horizon's line. The sky was so blue it complimented both Lilynette's and Ballini's eyes but most of all; Dove's beautiful lilac eyes. The clouds looked so temptingly fluffy and so white, as white as Lilynette's poofy hair. Jackal could not see any hint of cavern ceiling above them. The sky could easily stretch for miles. Flowers? Were those unusual plants flowers? There were SO many types littered across the stunning inviting clearing. Pinks. Purples. Blues. Reds. Lilacs. Yellows! They could make for stunning bouquets if one so desired to.

"I think....I think we are on clouds" Ballini gasped softly as she pointed to clouds sitting on ground around them, with the grass and hills sprouting out of them.
"Oh fuck..." Jackal swore, wonder in her voice as Lilynette carefully got to her feet
"This is really beautiful.....But so bright...." Lilynette remarked as Ballini nodded.

Ballini carefully reached for a flower nearby them and plucked it by the stem.
It was lovely crimson red flower that looked like a long stretch of ruffled ribbon that had been wound around itself into a round bundle. When Ballini brought it to her nose, she noted that she was reminded of a spice back home; cloves.

Lilynette knelt down next to a bright yellow flower. It was lovely and round, petals overlapping one another; the size of petals increasing from the tiny bud in the middle to large one on outer edges. The stems were rather thorny and Lilynette recognized it as roses.

" three okay?" Dove's voice had hints of worry as they gazed at the trio. Ballini's ears twitched slightly as she took Dove's appearance in. Scalloped white ears. Short puffy tail. Golden halo. They were not from Burrowgatory but that did not bother her. What bothered her more is that she had missed those parts from last several visits to Jackal's apartment.
"I have this throbbing headache" Lilynette answered honestly
"The sunlight feels too hot on my body and my glass limbs are burning up" Ballini did not sound so pleased. That had never happened before and the pain had reduced to slight throbs now instead of lightning shocks. Her ears had come undone from their tied up position and were now hanging down and her hair had also come loose which irritated Ballini so she shoved it off her shoulders then adjusted the hood so her glassy greed horns were kept covered from the brutal hot sunlight. They were clearly not in Burrowgatory, that much she knew. Lilynette's tail twitched anxiously as she glanced to Jackal who was scowling slightly

"It feels so fucking wrong to be here, like I should be back in Burrowgatory. I bet Lilynette and Ballini feel as shitty as I do" Jackal told Dove who sighed. Lilynette glanced down at Ballini who looked rather nauseous. Jackal was right. Neither of them felt like this was a place for either of them to be. Ballini did look rather sick and Lilynette was not dealing with the bright sunlight too well.

Then. A strange yet melodic voice rang out; calling for Dove and expressing concern for them.

Dove stiffened as a beautiful yet intimidating glowing figure swooped in. Their skin was so pale and grayish yet it looked like it could fit in with the surroundings. Their halo was different from Dove's, with prongs and spikes around it. Golden wings adorned the halo while silver wings acted as headdress around their long flowing hair. Golden eyes gazed down at Dove with adoration and serenity. Their dress was long and had layers. Most of all, the three succubuns took note of the three pair of wings adorning this mysterious figure's back.

Then Dove fought them off and the mysterious angel spoke; Lilynette got the answer to her question from earlier:

They were no longer in Burrowgatory near hell but instead; they were exactly where they should not be: In heaven. Lilynette's knees bucked and she crumbled to the soft grass as Ballini clutched to her friend's sleeves while trying to conceal her fear. Jackal's hands landed on their shoulders in support as she glared up at Melangel; the angel Dove had called by name.

The Heavenly Meadow
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In Prompts ・ By Limi

That was actually fun to write and I enjoyed the prompt!

Submitted By Limi for The Heavenly MeadowView Favorites
Submitted: 6 months and 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 6 months and 2 weeks ago

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