family guy bird is the word dubstep remix

In Prompts ・ By zinnia
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“Can’t we do something… more fun?” Sele said with a huff, kicking her legs as she slouched over on the library table.


No.” Jackal replied.

You said you wanted to be helpful, and helping isn’t always ‘fun’.”


I mean, I don’t think I’d consider sitting on my ass to be any ‘help’…” Sele groaned.


Well, stop sitting on your ass, then. Look around, there’s books for days in here! You’re not going to get anywhere if you don’t start.”


Sele let out a defeated groan, again.

This had been going on for the better part of an hour, at this point. The duo had to kill time somehow, and seeing as their recent anomalous encounter left a lot of questions in the air, looking through archives to try and find answers seemed like a decent option.

Sele thought it’d be a date. This was far from her vision of an ideal date.


So, while Jackal was dutifully studying all she could, Sele sat idly by. She was hoping that maybe by sitting pretty with pleading eyes, she’d catch Jackal’s fancy and they could do something, anything more interesting.

But time kept ticking by, and it was slowly setting in to Sele that this was absolutely not the case.


It seemed… things called for more desperate measures.


Jackal’s eyes finally drifted away from the book she was reading, as the briefly glanced over to Sele as she got up from her chair. While hoping this would finally mean Sele would start searching the archives for something, what Sele had in mind was quite the opposite.


With a sly expression, Sele moved behind Jackal’s seat, and leaned over her head – resting her chest on it, and leaning her face against her horns slightly.

Jackal flinched a bit, not expecting the move – but didn’t protest. If anything, she kept researching onwards, and seemed to pay Sele no mind.


This was, of course, exhaustingly disappointing for Sele. It seemed she really didn’t have any way out of this.


Though Sele was primarily focused on vying for Jackal’s attention, it was hard not to do some backseat reading, given it was the only real thing she could look at from that angle.

The book Jackal had picked out, Tales from outside, spoke of legends from beyond Sele and Jackal’s world itself. Which, given the almost unreal properties of the anomalous feather the two found… didn’t seem like a bad point of reference.


What are we even looking for in this, again? Something about ‘birds’, right?”


Yeah, birds – at least, allegedly.” Jackal mumbled.

I mean, I don’t imagine there’s much else that has feathers out there.”


Mm, fair.” Sele sighed, as Jackal turned the page.

Suddenly, her attention was drawn a bit more actively upon seeing the page.


It was an illustration double-pager, featuring what appeared to be a barn, alongside various unidentifiable… creatures. But one in particular caught Sele’s eye.


Jackal, hold on!” Sele said, interrupting Jackal as she was about to turn over to the next page after a cursory glance at the illustration.


Hm? What, are you gonna complain again?”


No, no! Stay on that page for a sec.”


Sele removed herself from her rather comfortable position over Jackal’s head, and scooted her chair more closely besides Jackal before sitting back down to get a better look.


Those things! Those… are birds! I think!” Sele exclaimed, pointing to one of the unidentifiable creatures in the illustration.


Jackal squinted a bit.

You… sure? I thought birds flew in the air. Besides, how would you know what a bird even looks like?”


The creature that Sele pointed out had a roundish body, with scaly clawed legs and a beak.


It’s got wings, see! The little squiggles on its side!”


I thought those had to be scales, though… I mean, with the legs and beak it has, and all.”


No, it’s like a huge puffball!” Sele nodded enthusiastically.


Jackal sighed.

Alright. And what’s your source on this?”


And then Sele’s mind drew a blank.

She knew, of course. But to openly tell Jackal of all people…

But it was probably her only hope of turning this date around.


So, OK, this is going to sound silly, but… you remember that one chick I complain about a lot? The one I used to be friends with before I left everything behind and moved here?” Sele started.


Vaguely. I don’t think you ever attached a name to your descriptions, though.”


Well, um… her name was Velvet! And I guess if you remembered my description, she lives waaaaaaay out in the outskirts with the demon who raised her, yeah?”


Jackal simply nodded along.


When Velvet was a kid, that demon gave her this… weird pillow plushie that she was obsessed with, even after she grew up. Never knew what the hell it was supposed to be, but the plushie did have fabric wings! And, it looked roughly like this creature!” Sele said confidently.

So, I guess put two and two together… the plushie that resembles the creature that came from a demon has wings, so that means that those squiggles are feathers!”


Alright, alright… I think I’m picking up what you’re putting down!” Jackal said with a big smile, seeming excited that Sele finally had some energy that was directed in the right place.


Suddenly, a noise from behind the two of them…



It was a passing librarian… it seemed that Sele and Jackal had made enough of a ruckus to call them out to hush them.


The two gave a quiet chuckle about it, before proceeding to continue ‘talking’ in text on their phones.


> t think its best we leave so we don’t piss staff off too much lol

> so, would you wanna get lunch after this? my treat

family guy bird is the word dubstep remix
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In Prompts ・ By zinnia

gonna b real i have no idea where i was going with this

its a chicken btw. i like to imagine velvet's demon mom or whatever gave babby velvet a big ol round chicken plush because its cute and then velvet still carries the thing around

Submitted By zinnia for Ornithology Expert
Submitted: 6 months and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 6 months and 3 weeks ago

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