The Hallowed Halls Nightclub

In Prompts ・ By Desphiria
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“So, how do I look?” Fatima asked, standing in front of Frank, who was sitting on the couch munching on some Dango like always.
The costume she wore was a black and silver trimmed tube top with a matching plaid skirt, with spider web leggings.
Upon her back were black bat wings and around her neck was a simple black choker.
Frank stared at her for a moment before nodding.
“Alright, I’ll be going now. Be good and don’t eat too much Dango while I’m gone.” She says, quickly picking the Bearly up and hugging him before heading out the door and down the candlelit streets of Burrowgatory.


As she was making her way down the street, “Hey, wait up!” An unfamiliar voice called out, making her stop in her tracks and look around.
Approaching from a nearby alleyway was a very unfamiliar succubun with envy horns, wearing a leather jacket and tossing something on the ground behind them.
“Where are you headed off to at this time of night? Name’s Jackal by the way.”
Fatima blinked a few times then stared up at the dimmed crystals.
“Fatima. It’s a pleasure to meet you Jackal. I’m heading to a costume party at a club I heard about.”
“A nightclub? It’s not The Hallowed Halls is it?”
“Yes, how did you know?”
“I go there pretty often. Mind if I join you? It’ll be better with someone you kind of know.” She chuckled softly.
“I’m pretty sure we just met but, I don’t mind. Thank you for accompanying me.”
“Pfft, don’t mention it. It was getting pretty boring out here anyway. Come on, let’s go.”


The two had a bit of small talk as they made their way towards the Nightclub, getting to know each other on the way.
Approaching the building, it looked like every other normal building in Burrowgatory with the name of the place over the door.
“Say, have you ever tried a Hookah before?”
“What’s a hookah?” Fatima asks, tilting her head curiously.
Jackal burst out laughing.
“A Hookah. It’s a water machine that’s used to smoke tobacco. Come on, I’ll show you. This place has the best flavors. They have the herbal ones here too. Let’s find a seat first.” She says, looking around the crowded building, gently taking Fatima’s hand and leading her towards one of the hookah tables.
The succubuns in the crowd were all wearing a costume, even the DJ. A few of them were also dressed in either punkish looking clothing or even skimpier outfits than usual.
Once the two found a seat, Jackal waved one of the servers over.
“Good evening, how may I help you this evening?”
“Yeah, I need another hookah machine and I’d like your signature flavor of tobacco. Hey Fatima, what kind of flavors do you like in general?”
Fatima tilted her head. “I’ve never had a hookah before, so I’m not really sure.” She laughs nervously.
“Yeah I know, I mean… hmm,” Jackal’s eyebrows furrowed for a moment, before she returned her attention to the server.
“I’d like the herbal variety for beginners.”
“Very well, would you like anything else with that?”
“Your strongest drink and something light for the newbie.”
“Coming right up. Your order will be done momentarily.” The server replied, before turning around and leaving.


“So Fatima, why don’t you tell me about yourself while we wait?” Jackal asks, grabbing the girl’s attention since she was busy observing the crowd.
“Oh well, what would you like to know?”
“For starters, how long have you been in Burrowgatory? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before until now.”
“I arrived a few months ago. I rarely leave the house unless I need to go to work or the church though. Sometimes I go out but not that often.” She laughs nervously, gently scratching her cheek as her tail swayed gently.
“What about you? I’ve never seen you before either.”
“Me? I’ve been here for a long time. So long that I don’t even remember when I first arrived. Came here with my crew before we went our separate ways. I hope they’re doing alright.”
“Your crew?”
“Yeah, it was made up of other envy succubun. Can’t remember if they were small or large though.”

“Here is your order. One more hookah and your requested flavors along with your drinks and food.” The server gently sets the tray down on the table after moving the other hookah machine off to the side.
“Please enjoy the rest of your night.”
Jackal removes the items off the tray and places them on the table.
“Right, since this is your first time using a hookah let me show you how.” She offers, beginning to explain how to set it up and what to do with the hose.
“You want to make sure the smoke’s thick enough before you huff it from this hose but don’t huff too much. It’s like smoking a cigarette. Gotta be careful with it or you’ll choke on the smoke.” She explained, taking a huff of her hookah then slowly blowing the smoke out of her nose.
Fatima watched closely, her tail swaying gently behind her, following Jackal’s instructions.
She took one puff of smoke then immediately started coughing.
Jackal moved close and gently patted her back then rubbed it.
“You alright there, newbie? Have you never even smoked before?”
“No, never. This is my first time.” Fatima says, coughing a bit still.
“Yeah it takes some getting used to. Here, have some of your Bourbun. It’ll help with the smoke. Just, take your time sipping it.”
Fatima took the drink and lightly sipped it, her coughing fit beginning to subside.
“Feeling better?”
“Yes. Thank you. I guess I inhaled too much at once.”
“Yeah, looks like it. Try huffing it a little bit then blowing it out of your mouth.”
Fatima nodded, taking Jackal’s advice as she coaxed her on, blowing a cloud of smoke out of her mouth and into Jackal’s face, making the envy bun laugh.
“There you go, you’ve got it. You’ll be an expert in now time.” She said, laughing.


The rest of the night went by uneventfully as the two women spent their time getting to know each other better, talking about their hobbies and interests.
Eventually the party began to die down and the crowd started to disperse.
“So, ready to go? Mind if I walk you home?”
Fatima shook her head, a smile crossing her face. “Yes. I don’t mind you walking me home.”
“Great! You can tell me how much you enjoyed the night on the way there.” Jackal says, wrapping her arm around the girl’s waist as they make their way out of the nightclub and through the streets of Burrowgatory.

The Hallowed Halls Nightclub
0 ・ 0
In Prompts ・ By Desphiria

Word Count: 1127

Submitted By Desphiria for Costume Party 2023
Submitted: 11 months and 4 weeks agoLast Updated: 11 months and 4 weeks ago

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[The Hallowed Halls Nightclub by Desphiria (Literature)](
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