Candlelit Spa Day

In Prompts ・ By Desphiria
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“Velveteen!” Fatima called as she ran up to them in the alleyway, a large cloak in her hands.
She was wearing something simple yet cutely sexy.
“Am I late?”
“No. You’re on time I think.” Velveteen replied, staring at the cloak in the young woman’s arms.
“What’s that?”
“Oh this? It’s a cloak.” She replied, holding it out for them as well as a mask.
“Put it on and this too. It’ll keep your fans from spotting you.”
Velveteen stared at the items before taking them and slipping them on.
“Is this truly necessary?”
“It is if you don’t wanna be bombarded by ravenous fans tonight. I know you’re proud of your body and all, but being swarmed by fans is bothersome, don’t you think? Especially when you just wanna have a relaxing night out.”
“I suppose you’re right. How do I look?” They asked, turning in the cloak after adjusting the mask.
Fatima stepped back and looked them over, nodding firmly.
“Perfect. I think that’s a pretty nice disguise. If I do say so myself.” She nods firmly.
“So, are you ready to go?”
“I am but, are you sure no one will recognize me?”
“I’m sure. Now come, follow me!” Fatima exclaimed, holding her hand out to them,
Velveteen stared at her hand for a moment, before taking it.


Making their way through the alleyways and down the streets of Burrowgatory, Fatima helped Velveteen navigate the candlelit streets until they came upon a large building with a sign outside that read ‘Healing Hands Spa.’
“A spa?”
“Of course! Even a famous model like yourself deserves a spa day every once in a while, don’t you think? We don’t even need a reservation.” Fatima replied, smiling softly at them as she gently tugged them inside and towards the front desk.
“Happy Sinner’s Day and welcome to Healing Hands Spa! How may I help you both tonight?”
“We’re looking to buy your most luxurious spa package for tonight, please.”
“Of course! That’ll be 200 Carats please.”
“Wait a minute. What does the luxury package entail exactly?” Velveteen chimed in.
“Let’s see, you’ll be getting a deep tissue massage, a mud bath, you get to use the sauna or hot tubs, the choice of either a mud or a facial,” The bun behind the counter listed off on their fingers as they tilted their head in thought, trying to remember.
“Manicures and pedicures, acupuncture if you’d like, foot washing and massage… I think that’s it.”
Velveteen stared at the succubun with their mouth agape, slowly turning their head towards a broadly grinning Fatima who had her hand in her purse.
“So, I’m guessing that this is for both of you, correct?”
“Yes! I’ll be the one to pay for it.” Fatima says, her tail swaying from side to side as she paid for the package.
“Very well then! I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to remove your cloak. You may keep the mask on if you like.”
“No, it’s fine. I don’t mind removing the mask as well.” Velveteen replied with a somewhat exasperated sigh, even though they had a small smile on their face.
“This way please.” The envy bun escorted the pair out of the lobby after putting the cloak and mask on the hangar by the door, leading them into an empty room at the very end of the hall.
“Someone will be with you both momentarily. Please enjoy your time at the Healing Hands Spa.” They said, half bowing before leaving the room.


Velveteen sighed as they made their way towards the couch and sat down, laying their head against the back of it and staring up at the ceiling, closing their eyes for a moment; opening them again once they heard Fatima sit down.
“You know, you didn’t have to do this.”
“Hm? Do what? Invite you out for a spa day?” Fatima asked, tilting her head curiously.
“Yes, let alone pay for a luxury package.”
“I told you it’s fine though. I was planning on coming here anyway before Evan eventually showed up. Besides, I figured that you needed a break from work every now and then, so why not invite you to a night out with me?” Fatima shrugged, leaning back against the couch as well.
“Was it too much all at once? I’m really sorry if it was.” She frowned, glancing at the sloth bun beside her.
Velveteen was silent for a moment, deep in thought about how to answer that question. Was it too much at once? How long has it been since they’ve been to a spa? Have they been to a spa before? If they did, was it with someone or by themselves?
“Velveteen? Should I get a refund?”
“No. You’re fine. It’s just… I don’t think I’ve ever been to a spa with someone who’s so normal… around me. Especially a fan of mine. I believe I usually schedule spa days on my own but, I’m always by myself during them.”
Fatima listened closely and stared down at her lap, tail flicking before wrapping itself around her waist.

As the two sat in silence, a different succubun with sloth horns entered the room, along with another succubun with gluttony horns.
“Good evening you two, we’ll be your masseur for the evening.” The envy bun greeted as the gluttony bun made their way over holding two towels.
“We’ll need you to remove your clothing and put these on while you’re here. The changing rooms are over there. Just put your clothing in the basket and we’ll return them to you before you leave.”
“Underwear too, by the way.” The envy bun added.
Fatima and Velveteen took the towels then headed towards the changing rooms, exchanging their clothing for very comfy and soft full body towels.
“Ahh, these are so comfortable!” Fatima exclaimed as she walked out of the changing room and spun around.
“They really are comfortable. Warm too.”
“Oh yes, we warm up all of our towels before handing them out. It helps our customers relax. My name is Derek by the way.” The envy bun greeted.
“My name’s Adam.” The gluttony bun added.
“Would you two like to take your mud baths first or do you prefer the sauna?” Derek asked, glancing at the pair.
“We also provide hot tubs if you’d rather not get muddy or sweat.” Adam added.
“We can also go straight to the massage if you’d like.”
“I would prefer a massage.” Velveteen replied, glancing at Fatima.
“I would also prefer a massage. Thank you though.”
“Very well, please follow us.”
Derek and Adam led the pair towards the massage tables then helped them up, instructing them to roll onto their stomachs and place their faces through the holes.
“Would you two like any massage oils to be used?” Derek asked, looking between the two.
“Yes please! I’m fine with whatever’s the most preferred.” Fatima answered, wiggling a bit to get comfortable.
“That would be the warming oil. Especially since it’s getting rather chilly out.”
“What about you?” Adam asked.
“I’ll take the warming oil as well.”
“Very well.”
“As you wish.”
Adam and Derek got to work on the massage after pouring the oil onto Fatima and Velveteen’s back.
“Please let us know if you feel uncomfortable and we’ll stop immediately.” Derek informed them.
Velveteen and Fatima sighed and relaxed as they got their deep tissue massages. Adam and Derek made sure to get all the knots out of their back and shoulders, massaging their sides and pressing down on their backs every now and then.
“There we go. Finished. You two were rather stiff. Hopefully the massage helped and you both enjoyed it.”
Fatima stretched as she was helped off the table.
“I feel so much more loose.” She said, laughing softly.
“Mmm, I believe I needed that massage more than I thought.” Velveteen chuckled.
“I’m glad you both enjoyed it. What would you like to try next?” Derek asked.
“Hmm, what about the face masks?”
“We have four types of face masks for you to choose from. Charcoal, mud, cucumber, and aloe.” Adam informed them.
“I usually choose the cucumber one. Which one do you usually choose?”
“Either charcoal or aloe.”
“Hmm…” Fatima gently placed her hand on her chin in thought.
“Let’s do the charcoal one together! Can we also get manies and pedies?”
“Of course! Right this way. We’ll go and grab the aestheticians for you while you relax. It shouldn’t take too long.”


As Adam and Derek left, Fatima and Velveteen took time to relax on the nearby couch, where they began some small talk.
Soon enough the aestheticians arrived and set them up to begin their manicures and pedicures while wearing their face masks.
Once the masks had hardened, the two began another round of small talk until it was time for it to be removed.
When it was time for the pair to leave, “Fatima? Thanks for inviting me out tonight. Honestly.” Velveteen said, glancing at the young woman, their tail flicking from side to side.
“I had fun.”
“So, it wasn’t too much too soon?”
“No, not at all. It wasn’t overwhelming at all. I just didn’t expect it. You kind of caught me off guard when you suddenly offered to take me out somewhere. It was nice. I enjoyed it.”
Fatima smiled widely, “I’m glad. I wanted you to have some fun too once in a while. I imagine modeling can be quite stressful, no? Especially when your adoring fans bombard you to ask for autographs or give you gifts. Trust me, I know. My clients do that to me as well. Even though it’s mostly at work.”
“Yes, extremely stressful but, I don’t mind the attention. It feels nice after being bedridden for so long. Perhaps, you could invite me out more often?” Velveteen asked, gently scratching their cheek.
Fatima stared at them for a bit, then gently took their hand, nodding firmly.
“Of course! I wouldn’t mind.”
“Wonderful. Now, let me walk you home. As a way to give you my thanks for a very relaxing night.”

Candlelit Spa Day
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In Prompts ・ By Desphiria

Fatima decided that even models need a day off sometimes.

Word Count: 1688

Submitted By Desphiria for Overindulgence 2023
Submitted: 1 year and 3 days agoLast Updated: 1 year and 3 days ago

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