Shiny New Toy

In Prompts ・ By heartbang
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It was by chance that Velveteen found themselves at the toy fair that day. Work had been busy between several long photoshoots consisting of half a dozen costume changes. The season was ripe for pickings as fall was fast approaching and a few designers were trying to stay ahead of the game. They could hardly be blamed, after all, the world was living in a time of fast fashion. What was considered in right now could very likely be old news within a week's time.

Seeing as the sun was setting and the wind was light but pleasant, the model decided to take some time and look around. Truthfully, they hadn’t been expecting to find anything that caught their eye. (At least not anything they couldn't live without). A few little figurines and wood carvings were charming enough to have been picked up, but they lasted no more than five seconds before being placed back down. Sellers lingered nearby,  either hoping to secure a deal or aiming to put pressure on anyone that came to look. Unfortunately for those of the latter, Velveteen wasn't one to be easily swayed.

Many stalls were passed through this way. Many more trinkets and knickknacks were examined and discarded. A few people tried to make conversation- more hopes that it would spur the desire to make a purchase. It was when the bun was assessing the details of some needle-felted creature that they saw it.

A clumsy little plush rabbit that had to have been made from whatever scraps were lying around. It reminded Velveteen of a time better forgotten. Memories of frailness and bedridden days. Hours spent going through a magazine that they'd already read five times over because the most recent date hadn't come in yet. And the sad little plush toy that kept them company through it all. Skilless hands had crafted it and looking back one could say it was a shabby job. But it was their friend nonetheless.

There was care put into this plush toy– scrappy as it was. Just like there had been some care put into the one from long ago. It was likely made by a kid as well. Dare say, it was for these imperfections that the model found themselves calling for the seller. Whatever story was behind this thing didn't matter, Velveteen knew they wouldn't be able to leave and clear their mind of it later. And they would wonder if someone else would come along and connect with it the same way.

Once home, they immediately tucked it on a shelf in their room. The poor thing couldn’t even sit upright on its own and needed to be propped against a few things. It was only now that they realized it lacked a proper amount of stuffing. That was an easy enough fix. The job was done in no time and it looked a little healthier after, with the stiching a smile more visible as if to thank them. Perhaps it was a good thing they went to the fair after all.

Shiny New Toy
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In Prompts ・ By heartbang
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Submitted By heartbang for Shiny New Toy 2023
Submitted: 1 year and 1 week agoLast Updated: 1 year and 1 week ago

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