Comments on Play Date

AbstractKryptid Avatar

Omg this is stunning!!! It looks so good ahhh Payton is so cute 🥺 and so is Quince and the stroodles

2023-08-26 02:13:47

LankyLunatic Avatar

Aahh gosh thanks so much man! I'm legit so happy with it ngl TwT ehehe I just love the Stroodles so much!

2023-08-26 06:20:49

AbstractKryptid Avatar

Stroodles are so cute I love them so much torn between one or a stelleram next

2023-08-26 08:14:01

LankyLunatic Avatar

I adore the Stelleram too! Definitely one I wanna get next! ;w;They're both great!

2023-08-26 11:08:04