Petrachoir Avatar

These are great, I love the big ol orb eye, and how creative you got with each variety!

2023-08-13 22:01:17

Humaniss Avatar

Thank you very much! There are a lot of cool artists gathered in this competition and all the designs are so interesting. But I'm glad that you noticed my design among them (I've seen your design too, and I think it's very cute)πŸ₯ΊπŸ’•

2023-08-14 04:27:15

Petrachoir Avatar

Yeah I can't believe how clever everyone is! it's things like your entry, and the creativity of others that's kept me hooked on this species hehe.
Also thank you;w; I'm not even concerned about my entry getting anywhere, cuz there's way too many I'm rooting for to be disappointed lol
(Yours is certainly one of those lol, so best of luck!)

2023-08-14 17:34:12